'Uh, are we ready?' asked Blossom, sitting on a chair at a table in a brightly lit room. Beside her were Bubbles, who waved every few seconds to someone in the crowd, and Buttercup, who looked cool, and at the top of her game.
Blossom casually ran a hand past her horn-shaped bow, through her long red hair behind her oval-shaped head, not bothered by her lack of fingers. Her eyes rolled once, passing her pink-and-black striped dress, as well as her white pantyhose and black Mary Janes. Bubbles giggled at her red-haired sister, as she shook her blond pigtails back and forth, while pretending to draw a circle on her own blue-and-black dress. Buttercup shook her head at the two, and playfully, in a tomboyish way, threw light punches at the air, making her short black hair flip slightly, as her green-and-black dress also shook slightly.
They were having an indoor interview for the press, who had finally managed to get the huge interview they had wanted ever since the "Unleashing of the Brainy Chimps," which had been the girls' first adventure. It seemed like it was just yesterday, yet it had been less than a year ago, as the girls were still the same: they still dressed the same, they still went to Pokey Oaks Kindergarten – and they still saved the day on a regular basis.
'We're ready,' said the interviewer, holding out a microphone for capturing their audio. Behind him were the camera crew, pointing about five cameras at them in total. On each other side of them, people had cameras, so white light would appear once every few seconds as someone took a picture.
'So, Blossom,' said the interviewer, holding out his microphone closer to the table, 'what's it like being a Powerpuff Girl?'
'Well,' said the pink-eyed puff, resting her hands on the white table in front of her, 'it's not the best thing ever. Sometimes –' and here her mood tinged with slight emotion '– we think people are depending on us too much. I mean,' she chuckled, 'who wants to be super all the time?'
At this, Buttercup let out a brief laugh of disbelief, which drew not only the attention of Blossom and Bubbles, but also the camera, which turned to face her.
'You don't what you're talking about, sis,' said Buttercup, her slightly deeper voice quite noticeable. 'Crime fighting's all I live for! What's a life for a Powerpuff Girl? A baddy-punching one!' she exclaimed, hovering above her seat, and punching the air again. Under a brief glare from Blossom, she hovered back down into seat, and crossed her arms while putting on a grumpy expression.
'There's more to life than that, Buttercup,' said Bubbles in her squeaky voice, as the camera swiveled to face her now. 'I mean, sure, we save the day, but we also go to school, and we have fun at home, and we...'
Here Bubbles' voice trailed off, and everyone waited for anticipated breath.
'Save the day?' she finished half-heartily. Several people in the crowd laughed at this.
'But what annoys you about being a Powerpuff Girl?' said the male interviewer to Blossom.
'Easy question,' said Blossom, becoming slightly cross-eyes at those words. 'No matter how many times we save the day, the villains always try the same thing again!' As she was talking, Bubbles nodded in agreement, while Buttercup, unfolded her arms to pay attention to her leader.
'I mean,' continued Blossom, 'do you have any idea how many times Mojo Jojo has tried to attack the city and kill us?'
'Um...' hesitated someone in the crowd. 'Too many to count?'
'Exactly,' said Blossom. 'And he's just one villain...' Here Blossom lost her train of thought, and looked down. Bubbles leaned over and patted her sympathetically on the back.
'Anything else?'
'Sometimes,' continued Blossom, looking up at the camera again, 'I think I'd prefer the quiet life a bit. You know, just be a normal, average, beautiful five year-old girl.'
It was at this that Buttercup let out another scowl of disbelief.
'Quit crime-fighting?' she spat, hovering above her seat again. 'Are you crazy, Red? We're at the top of our game here!
'What, you want to leave saving the day to the cops?' said Buttercup, hovering down in front of Blossom, and raising a shaking fist (so to speak) in front of her face. Blossom trembled slightly, while Bubbles watched from her other side, and the camera zoomed in slightly. Blossom didn't move for a few seconds.
'No...' she said slowly. Buttercup grinned at this, and lowered her fist.
'I didn't think so,' she chuckled, floating up into the air again, and folding her arms. As if on cue, Bubbles and Blossom also floated up, and stayed on either side of their punchy sister.
'I didn't think so...'
"Powerpuff! Powerpuff!"
In the Powerpuff Home, specifically in the girls' room, the hotline (a cute-looking white-and-red phone) went off, beeping every half-second while flashing its red siren.
"Blossom, commander and the leader –"
Blossom instantly rushed to the phone and picked it up. She said something inaudible into it and then listened to the response on the other line.
"– Bubbles, she is the joy and the laughter –"
Blossom slammed the phone down, and then turned around, speaking up to catch the attention of Bubbles, who had been playing with her stuffed animals, including Octi.
"– Buttercup, she's the toughest fighter –"
Buttercup, who had been working out (more specifically, doing one-handed press-ups with a dozen books on her back) instantly stood up, dropping her working out materials. She zoomed over to Bubbles, and then they hovered over to Blossom.
"– Powerpuff, save the day!"
As one, all three of the girls zoomed out of the circular windows of their room, flying towards the City of Townsville, for they lived on the outskirts.
"Fighting crime, trying to save the world –"
The girls zoomed over the city skyscrapers, heading towards the location where lawlessness was afoot. As they zoomed past the streets, the nearby pedestrians cheered for the girls, punching the air as they watched the pink, blue and yellow streaks of light that were now in the sky.
"– Here they come just in time –"
The Powerpuffs burst through the ceiling of the bank, where a hold-up was in place.
"– The Powerpuff Girls!"
The masked and hooded robbers looked around at the girls, lowering their guns from the bank clerks' heads. This was a big mistake!
"Fighting crime, trying to save the world –"
Buttercup kicked the robbers in their groins, Bubbles laser-eyed their heads, and then Blossom swooped by and picked up the two robbers.
"– Here they come just in time –"
Blossom tossed the two beat-up robbers in the back of a nearby police car, and then slammed the door. She slapped her hands together, as her sisters landed beside her.
"– The Powerpuff Girls!"
A police officer then appeared on the scene, in a real panic. He said something, while pointing down the street. Grinning to themselves, the Powerpuffs zoomed down the direction he had pointed them in.
"Oh no, it's the mad Fuzzy Lumpkins –"
Fuzzy repeatedly slammed his musket up and down on an old lady, his antennas bobbing up and down in front of his nose as he did so, and his bib blue overalls trembling.
"– Watch out, it's the repulsive Roach Coach –"
Buttercup suddenly appeared out of nowhere, ramming herself into Fuzzy Lumpkins. He rolled off the old lady, who cheered as the squabble of the two went downtown.
"– Get him, its evil Mojo Jojo –"
Mojo Jojo, his purple cape blowing behind him, suddenly appeared on the scene. Grinning as he clutched a huge ray blaster, he ran past the fighting Buttercup and Fuzzy, clutching his hand on the trigger.
"– Chasing evil outta this town!"
All of a sudden, Mojo was running for it, with Bubbles hovering just behind him. Every half-second, she lazed eyed his bottom, making him jump in panic as he kept running.
"Fighting crime, trying to save the world –"
Running from Bubbles, Mojo collided straight with the unconscious Fuzzy, and fell on top of him. Buttercup then punched Fuzzy from underneath, sending the two villains rocketing up into the sky.
"– Here they come just in time –"
Fuzzy and Mojo bounced off Blossom, and she punched them downwards. They crashed through the Townsville Jail, leaving a hole where they had landed in a cell.
– The Powerpuff Girls!
Blossom floated down next to the two other girls again. Bubbles then concentrated, sensing something with her super hearing. Without pausing for an instant, all three girls zoomed off, but in different directions this time.
"Fighting crime, trying to save the world –"
Princess Morbucks, dressed in her yellow-and-black suit, with her bushy red pigtails and her princess tiara, was blasting several buildings with her hand-held blasters, floating in the air with her yellow jetpack.
"– Here they come just in time –"
Bubbles appeared out of nowhere, and sent out a ball blue energy from her mouth. The ball exploded Princess' jetpack to pieces, but Bubbles grabbed her before she fell.
"– The Powerpuff Girls!"
Bubbles flew downwards, holding the defeated Princess by her dress collar.
The Gangreen Gang, on a street corner, were pick-pocketing several small boys, including Mitch Mitchelson. Big Billy held the boys in the air, while Grubber and Snake pulled their belongings out of their pockets.
All of a sudden, Buttercup appeared on the scene. Catching the attention of the gang by punching Ace to the ground, the other four looked shocked. Big Billy unknowingly dropped Mitch and the other kids, who scurried aside.
In one swift move, Buttercup kicked Billy, who fell onto of Grubber. She then spun around Snake, causing him to fall down unconscious. Lil' Arturo turned to run, but Buttercup sent one quick laser beam at him and he fell down.
Buttercup then flew up into the sky, carrying Ace, Snake, Lil' Arturo, Big Billy and Grubber. She flew forward, all of her hostages out cold.
"And they'll be – Fighting crime, trying to save the world –"
Meanwhile, Blossom happened upon Sedusa, whose snake-like black hair was sneaking off with several museum artifacts. She raised her hair as Blossom approached, but –
"– Here they come just in time –"
Blossom punched Sedusa, simultaneously picking up the museum artifacts and putting them back. She then grabbed Sedusa by a leg and flew up into the sky with her.
"– The Powerpuff Girls!"
All three girls met in front of the police, Bubbles with Princess, Buttercup with the Gangreen Gang and Blossom with Sedusa.
"Fighting crime, trying to save the world –"
All of them handcuffed, the seven new prisoners were marched by the police down the street towards the jail.
"– Here they come just in time –"
Called again, the Powerpuff Girls sped up into the sky, this time heading for Townsville Hall.
"– The Powerpuff Girls!"
The girls landed down in the Mayor's office, but were very surprised at what they saw.
"Fighting crime, trying to save the world –"
The Amoeba Boys were there, with Bossman struggling to open the Mayor's pickle jar. Next to him stood (wobbled?) Junior and Slim. At his own desk, the Mayor was trembling, scared out of his wits about his pickles.
"– Here they come just in time –"
Buttercup, Bubbles and Blossom all shook their heads in disappointment, frustrated that the Boys still haven't learned.
"– The Powerpuff Girls!"
Sometime later, or maybe no time at all, the back door of a police slammed shut on the Amoeba Boys. It then zoomed down the streets.
The girls waved at the van as it went down the road, while the Mayor cuddled his pickle jar.
'So, you see,' said Blossom, back in the interviewing room, 'we always win. Crime CAN'T succeed. Evil NEVER wins.'
The scene was being shown on a TV screen suspended from the ceiling, in an underground room, very similar to secret government headquarters. The catch was that it was in Mojo Jojo's observatory, which was located on the top of a volcano in the middle of Townsville Central Park.
There was a big table below the TV screen, where numerous people were sitting. At the top of the table was Mojo Jojo himself, watching the TV with a disgusted look and folded arms. On Mojo's immediate right was Fuzzy Lumpkins, and on Mojo's left was Princess Morbucks. Next to Princess sat Sedusa, and after Fuzzy was, in order, Grubber, Lil' Arturo, Ace, Big Billy and Snake. Across from them were the Amoeba Boys, going Junior, Bossman and Slim. The only other people at the table were three small figures at the end, sitting in shadow, but their hair was visible – spiky black hair, blond wings haircut hair, and a long spiky red mullet under a red cap.
'Curse those annoying Powerpuff brats!' whined Mojo, turning off the TV with the remote. 'That is to say, I am not happy with their existence, even though I caused it accidentally, which is to say, not with me wanting them to come into existence!'
'Those Yanks won't get der hands offa my property!' yelled Fuzzy Lumpkins. He whipped out his gun, and shot the TV, blowing its fragments across the room in a small explosion. There was a brief pause.
'You do know you're paying for that, Fuzzy,' said Mojo quietly. Dejected, Fuzzy sank back into his seat, letting his gun fall down by his side. He pulled out his favorite banjo, which he called Joe, and played a small quite tune on it, as the conversation continued.
'I can't believe it!' whined Princess, curling her hands into fists. 'I tried to join them, but they wouldn't let me in, and then I tried to beat them, but it never works! Aarghh!' Next to her, Sedusa nodded in agreement.
'Isss-can't take it anymore!' hissed Snake. 'They're The Powerpuff Girls! They're good, we're bad! The mall, pick-pocketing, jail, headaches!' Grubber blew a raspberry when Snake finished.
'Daauuhh...' droned Big Billy. 'I don't like de Powerpuff Girls...' This statement made Ace knock him in the head, although it didn't hurt him at all.
'The Powerpuff Girls won't take us seriously,' said Bossman, his single-cell body oozing as he talked.
'Yeah,' chimed in Slim and Junior.
'We hate the Powerpuff Girls!' said the three small figures in the darkness, floating forwards. They were the Rowdyruff Boys: Brick, Boomer and Butch. 'They gave us cooties!' This statement made everyone else stare at the boys.
'We all know why we are present at this location at this time at the same moment, which is now,' said Mojo. 'Together, we must be able to devise a plan to crush the Powerpuff Girls! Any ideas?' No one answered instantly to Mojo after that.
'Uh...' began Bossman, hesitating, 'we could steal an orange...' Everyone glared at the Amoeba Boys after they said that.
'Billy...' said Ace slowly. Big Billy got up, stomped over to where the Amoeba Boys were sitting, and he punched them all once, giving them black eyes. He then stomped back over to Ace and Snake, and sat down again.
'Let's just go beat 'em up!' yelled Brick.
'You dummy!' yelled Mojo back at Brick. 'You already tried that, and what happened? You got shrunk smaller than their shoes!'
Grubber blew a long, loud, wet raspberry.
'No, Grubber, we already tried that,' said Ace, shaking his head, as well as his shades.
Lil' Arturo chuckled briefly before speaking up himself, in his Mexican accent. 'Dere's got to be way tu get those Powerpuff Girls!'
Everyone paused, trying to think at these words. After a few moments, everyone simultaneously sighed.
Then – there was a sudden, eerie ghostly sound, as the room took on a slight red shade.
'Oh, Mojooo,' said a falsetto female voice, seemingly from nowhere, 'having trouble, are weee?'
Mojo merely grunted, and folded his arms, not answering.
'What about the rest of you,' said the high-pitched, drawn-out voice. 'Want any suggestions?'
'What idea could you possibly have that would work?' said Princess to the voice. 'You failed to beat them as well!'
'Foolish mortal!' said the voice, only now it was deep, booming and menacing. 'Just read and see!'
On cue, a bug red cloud opened up above the table. It swirled around the 15 people present, before 15 government-style booklets dropped out of it, landing on the table, one in front of each person. The catch was that they were red instead of brown. On the front were the words "Top-Secret." Everyone picked up a booklet and opened it.
'Duuh...' said Big Billy, struggling to read the plan, 'what're dese markings?'
Ace knocked Big Billy silly again, before taking the booklet out of his hands, turning it around, and putting it back into Billy's hands.
'Words,' he whispered, turning to read his own. Realizing his mistake, Big Billy also read his booklet, the right way up now.
Several seconds passed, before everyone's eyes suddenly stretched wide. Many of them got evil grins over their faces.
'Sooo,' said the voice, again in its high-pitched tone, 'you like it?'
'Yes, yes, yes!' said Mojo, jumping up and down in delight. 'This is some fine plan, and what is planned is planned well!'
'Radical!' said the Rowdyruff Boys at the same time.
'Yeah!' yelled Fuzzy Lumpkins. 'Dis'all teach dose Powerpuffs to get offa my property!'
'This plan can't possibly fail!' whooped Princess, hovering above the table, cheering. Everyone proceeded to cheer and whoop, delighted they had a good plan.
'Excellent,' said the voice again, in its booming tone. 'Stage one is complete...'
Approximate Chapter Running Time: 00:30-06:51 (NTSC); 00:29-06:35 (PAL)
In case you didn't realize, the song in the middle of this chapter (played over the opening credits, so to speak) is The Powerpuff Girls Theme Song, by Bis. It''s the song that plays over the closing credits of each episode, as well as the Powerpuff Girls Movie itself.
This is the final release. I fixed typos and errors about the place, as well as re-paragraphing some parts. I also changed the Running Times to better reflect the pacing that Powerpuff runs at. Finally, I cut out some needless description, along with some questionable parts. I hope you enjoy this version more.