A/N: Kel, Nealan, Yuki, and Quinden are created and owned by Tamora Pierce. At this writing, Nealan's daughter has not yet been named in canon. I've chosen to call her Akemi.

A/N: The first two chapters of this fic were written for the SMACKDOWN competion at Goldenlake. I'm planning to add to them.

What Comes Around

How was it possible, Kel wondered, for a person to have changed so little, and yet, so much, over the years? He still had the same vivid green eyes, partly covered by the same brown hair that fell from the same widow's peak, the same slightly mocking smile. But the hair was thinner, the eyes sadder, and the smile had a seriousness that she had once only seen in rare flashes. He'd aged, but then, so had she. Still, seeing him again brought back old feelings she'd thought she'd long outgrown. Her heart quickened as he spoke. His appearance might have changed, but his voice was the same.

"You'll keep an eye on Akemi?" he asked. "I… she's rarely left Queenscove, since Yuki…" he made the sign of the gods-circle on his chest.

Kel followed suit. Five years ago, Yukimi had been part of a Tortallan trade delegation bound for the Yamani Islands. She had never reached it. Instead, the ship, and all aboard it, had been lost in an out-of-season storm. Kel remembered the funeral. Akemi, who had been all of nine years old, had been weeping silently, her tears incongruent with her Yamani features. It had been Neal who had seemed to be stoic and stone. At least, until Kel had seen his eyes.

They were still sad today, she reflected, although time had softened the grief, mellowed it. Looking at them made her heart ache, and she glanced toward the door of her office. Akemi was sitting outside, now, in the anteroom across the hall. "You know I will," she said firmly. "Although she'll have to succeed on her own, just as we did."

"True," and for a moment his green eyes smiled, "but at least she'll never need to deal with the Stump."

Now Kel grinned. "No. You're sending her here to deal with the Lump." She shook her head. "I actually wanted to throttle Quinden when he called me that in front of his eldest," she admitted. "Of course the name stuck. Not that I'm supposed to know about it." She rolled her eyes. "At least, Akemi won't be the only girl among the pages."

"No, but she's probably going to be the oldest." He sighed. "I know I should have sent her years ago, but after Yuki, I couldn't. And she didn't ask until last spring." He smiled. "I'd hoped to spare her my happy experience, though I am glad she'll be under your guidance. His Majesty made the right decision when Padraig Ha-Minch retired as training master."

"I didn't believe that, at first," Kel admitted, "but I have to admit I'm enjoying it." Her eyes narrowed. "How are you, Neal? Really?"

"Me?" Neal smiled. "Oh, I'm… well enough."

"Eating your vegetables?" She smiled back. "You know they're good for you."

"You're good for me," Neal said softly. "You have been since we were children."

Kel took a deep breath. "I'm," her hands were trembling, but she knew that if she didn't say something now, it might be another fifteen years before another opportunity would present itself. "Nealan?" she said softly. "I'm not a child anymore..."