This is my entry for the Story Convention at TMB. I've always wanted to try the story revolving around letters, but we'll see how far it goes. I've had hell getting this through despite my homework, but it came easier than my homework, which plagues me.

Disclaimer: Digimon is not mine.

Dear Hikari,

Count yourself lucky to even be receiving this letter. It's not that I don't want to write to you—I do. Honest. It's just that it's not easy to think of things to say to you. It's hard to start a letter, you know? Hard to continue the letter to a length you won't yell at me for, too. As it is, I promised to send you letters before I left Odaiba so that we could keep in touch. So I will. The reason that you've had to wait an approximate length of two years has absolutely nothing to do with you. Sorry?

After all, we of the Chosen Children should stick together. Especially since Nii-san and everyone else is so old compared to us. Three years, you know? He's ancient.

Signed, Takaishi Takeru

Hikari smiled at Takeru's feeble attempts at letter writing.

"Hey," Taichi called. "Is he okay? Yamato would like to know, thank you very much. He hasn't heard anything of his beloved brother."

"He's fine," Hikari retorted. "He doesn't have much to say."

"Oh?" Taichi attempted to look at the letter. Hikari paled.


"Let me see, Hikari."

"Not letting you," she said, hiding the letter behind her back.

Taichi's eyes narrowed ominously.

Dear Takeru,

Firstly, that was not much of a letter. It told me nothing of what's been going on with you settling in you new school, and your new neighborhood. Are you being bullied, Takeru? Mean children picking on your height? You aren't very tall you know. I know you wear your hat in an attempt to compensate, but it doesn't work all that well.

Writing letters is something you're obviously not used to. Why did you and your mom have to leave again? Talking was so much easier than my trying to write you lengthy letters and expecting the same.

… And that's just cruel, Takeru. You forget that Taichi-nii is as old as your brother. You know how paranoid he is about his hair, don't you? I had to hide your letter a while ago. If he saw that letter… well…

I heard an angry scream. I think Taichi did see your letter. Takeru, you might want to stay wherever you are for a while. Don't think about returning to Odaiba for a few years or so.

Signed, Yagami Hikari

P.S.- Taichi-nii delivers his warmest greetings and an invitation to stop by our house when Mom's not around. I think you should decline and lock your doors. Just in case.

P.P.S.- Your brother is asking about you. You haven't contacted him AT ALL in two years? That's just mean. You know Yamato cares.

Takeru shuddered briefly at the prospect of Yakami Taichi hunting him down and killing him for an offhand comment about his hair. He reached for two sheets of paper and decided to start on the most dangerous one first.

Dear Taichi-san,

I meant absolutely no insult about your hair whatsoever. I remember that I mentioned absolutely nothing about your hair. You and your sister merely jumped to the same conclusion and I would appreciate you not killing me over it.

Please tell my brother that I am perfectly fine and that if he should like to exchange regular correspondence with me, it's no problem. I would only be too glad to send him loving messages about doing the laundry and washing the dishes and make sure to clean his underwear well and the like.

Signed, Takaishi Takeru

Dear Hikari,

I've given my dearest apologies to your beloved brother. I've also thrown in a message to my brother that your brother would only be too glad to deliver free. Does he forgive me?

Jokes aside, I'm doing well as can be expected. We're ten now, Hikari, at least believe that I'll have grown in the past two years. I bet I've outgrown you. School's fine. Doing well in writing compositions but doing horribly in Math. Well, not horribly, but it could be much, much better. I'll try to improve, but I'm honestly not being bullied. Are you?

… Wait, Taichi'd kick their butts.

Signed, Takeru

P.S.- I'm too lazy to write my last name. You know my last name, I know yours, so why do we have to keep writing it?

"Two letters from Takeru in the same week?" Taichi looked at his sister.

"One is for you," she said, handing him an envelope and keeping the other one. "I'll be reading mine in my room."

Taichi shrugged and opened the letter. It was a bit shorter than the first one Takeru had sent to Hikari, and the kid's handwriting was a bit neater. Maybe he was rushed the first time?

Once he got to the second paragraph, Taichi cackled and reached for the phone to dial Yamato's number.

Hikari blinked, before frowning irritably and comparing the latest letter with the first one Takeru sent. Obviously displeased, she grabbed a sheet of paper and started scribbling.

Dear Takeru,

Honestly, your last letter was even SHORTER than the first. You really have to get used to letter writing. I can't believe you're getting high scores in composition writing if you write such short letters. I feel disappointed in you, tsk tsk. Did you grow up taller to write shorter letters? Ah, I miss the short Takeru if that is the case. I prefer longer letters to tall friends.

Taichi seems to have forgiven you. He was cackling on the phone, so it's good for you. I guess. I don't know if your brother will be pleased, though. It doesn't seem to be a very flattering message, though I have yet to read it.

I can't believe I've waited so long for such a short letter. I expect a much longer one in return, just so you know. I also expect descriptions of your friends. I also expect to confirm with Natsuko-san—your mother, so you better not lie.

Oh, I have many friends. My age. Our age, really. One of them bears a slightly frightening resemblance to someone we both know. But he's still nice. I guess. He professes his undying devotion to me, which is a bit freaky, but Taichi doesn't kill him because Daisuke happens to be a huge fan of his. *Sigh*.

Signed, Hikari

Takeru smiled before turning to Taichi's letter. It was slightly intimidating to see the older boy writing him, but staring at the letter wasn't going to get him anywhere.

Dear Takeru,

Have you ever heard of email? It's a method of exchanging electronic messages. Very simple. Very fast. Especially compared to your letters.

Signed, Taichi

P.S.- Yamato was ever so pleased to see your little message for him.

Dear Taichi,

I'd love to say something about me being a supporter of the good old days, or even that I fear hackers reading private messages, but my situation is a bit more out of my control than that. As you know, my mother perpetually uses the sole computer at home. As such, I am generally unable to spend a long time exchanging messages with Hikari and with you. And my ever so beloved brother. And all the others of the Chosen Children. Then again, Mimi left for America already, right?

On a side note, if we did pass emails Hikari would probably use the word count to check how long my letters are, and they're not up to par to her standards on proper letter-length etiquette.

Signed, Takeru

Dear Hikari,

Your brother has asked why on earth I'm writing you letters instead of emails and I've realized I've never told you the reason. Mom uses the home computer too much and I never get the opportunity to send you a message.

This is not an extremely transparent reason to attempt to lengthen this letter, just so you know. Have more faith in me than that.

Well, whatever the case, since you've threatened me so kindly, I won't lie: I have no friends.

Shocked, Hikari? Just kidding. Well, mostly. I made some companions in the basketball team—yeah, I play. It is such a big surprise, isn't it? Told you I grew taller. But as to my social life, or lack thereof, most of the people in my class are scary overachievers who study study study.

So, I look stupid compared to them in Math, which sort of sucks, but it's not too bad. I'm getting better. I think. Well, I better be. I've got this test soon…

Long enough? I think this is approximately fifty percent longer. Yay. See? I'm improving at Math!

Signed, Takeru

"He's still sending you letters?" Hikari blinked at her brother

"We're having too much fun to stop," Taichi answered dryly. "Yamato is ignoring me for it, actually."

"Well, I'll tell him that. Need to tell him anything else?"

"No, that's it. We're spending a fortune on stationary and stamps as is without me adding to the bill. Plus, I LIKE email."

Dear Takeru,

Your actions are driving a wedge between our brothers. Shame on you. Yamato has stopped talking to Taichi and now I wonder what you told him. Taichi's not ignoring you by not sending you letters, just so you know. He likes email more than writing and so chooses to relay his very short message through me and save stamp and paper.

Hm, your letter is a little over fifty percent longer. Good luck studying, Takeru~! You can do it—You've got a long way to go, but I know you can do it.

Well, as to your friends and lack thereof, you should befriend them. My image of you doesn't seem to be the scholarly type. It just seems weird. If you don't have friends by the end of this year, I'll visit and kick your bullies. You've been there two years. You should have friends by now.

Signed, Hikari.