Reviews for Letters
saphren chapter 13 . 9/5/2011
this was genius! i love it and Haruka and Ryuu were awesome. Takeru was the fairy godmother! XD letters are awesome and they give you a warm feeling went received~!
Me chapter 13 . 1/7/2011
I just have to say, this is brilliant and awesome and soooooooo funny!
the alpha phoenix chapter 13 . 12/30/2010
This is such a great read. The way you use the letters to tell the story is a brilliant idea
Purple Lavenders chapter 13 . 6/26/2010

I loved it, really! It was soooo sweet! I wish I could have seen Takeru as the fairy good mother though lol D

It was amaaaaazing. Hope you're planning to write more Takari soon - we just NEED more good stories like yours D

Twilight Phantom Dragon chapter 13 . 2/26/2010
What a pleasant surprise! What made you decide to update again?

Hilarious chapter. Takeru as the Fairy Godmother takes the slice for best casting.
talkstoangels77 chapter 13 . 2/24/2010
Ah, now this is a surprise! But it's a good surprise. Really it is. Just... unexpected.
Kaydreams chapter 13 . 2/22/2010
Aw! Very cute! lol! I can't wait to see what happens with this play!
secret354 chapter 13 . 2/22/2010
aww you added another chapter yay. haha tk as a fairy godmother cute.
Uchiha-Kirara chapter 13 . 2/22/2010
Oh. My. God xD


Fairy godmother? That's just brilliant xD



Oh how I wish I could have seen that! That's so rich, oh my gawd. This made my day.
Kaydreams chapter 12 . 1/10/2010
Aw! Very cute! I loved this story! It was very original and refreshing!
Ris Fallon chapter 12 . 12/13/2009
Cute (:

And yay Japanese dub version ! xD

I tend to blend the English and Japanese in my stories. Such a bad habit, but they tend to blur all over the place in my brain.

I don't remember, I did comment on this before about how it made me giggle, yes?

I better have, because if not this is going to be very random.

ANYWAYS, it's cute. Very cute. I love Haruka and Ryuu, they make me smile a lot. :]
Betsu Ne chapter 12 . 12/13/2009
You out a question mark at the end of 'The Ending?'?

Anyways, you've wrapped up all the loose ends and made the ending tie into Digimon Adventure 02! I've enjoyed this story till the end and I congratulate you for being able to weave wonderful stories like this.
Twilight Phantom Dragon chapter 12 . 12/13/2009
Wonderful ending and nice tie to the beginning of Digimon Adventure 2. I loved the story.
Crimsonphoenixmon chapter 12 . 12/13/2009
Great story. I love the letter style and the ending was great :D
secret354 chapter 12 . 12/13/2009
aww that was such a sweet story. loved it.
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