Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto.

Summery: The Kyuubi was defeated during it's assault against Konoha and it's true fate was hidden behind laws and fear. Children are taught that it was killed and those who know the truth are slowly dieing out. Eventually the legend of the beast will be lost in the mists of time.

This will not stand.

After seeing the weakness of it's host, the Kyuubi gives birth to a new Kekkei Genkai and bestows it upon his unwilling vessel with one command:

Remind the world of the horror of the Kyuubi and return their fear to them.


'The Kyuubi!'

"Hold the line!"

"The Yondaime is here!"

"Minato, don't!"

"Shiki Fuujin!"

Sarutobi was snapped out of his thoughts by a knocking at his office door. The old man heaved a heavy sigh as he pushed himself out of his chair. He glanced out of what was left of the office wall towards the remains of Konohagakure; The Village Hidden in the Leaves. Huge pillars of black smoke rose up into the night sky, blocking out the twinkling stars. Fire and screams raged through the streets as ninja ran to and fro, trying to save as many lives as they could. The stench of death hung in the air like a shroud, gagging the throats of even the most hardened veterans.

"Come in." He called as he turned towards the door. The door opened and in poked the head of Uzuki Yuugao, a newly promoted Chuunin. She looked exhausted and tired and her arm was in a bloody sling.

"The council has convened as you ordered, Hokage-sama." She bowed before closing the door again, returning to her post.

He sighed as he picked up the red and white tri-point hat of the Hokage and placed it on his head. He should be retired, damn it, not taking up a job he gave up over five years ago when he got too old to carry out his duties. As he walked to the door, his eyes were drawn to the shadowed portrait of the man who should be wearing the hat and taking charge: Namikaze Minato.

The spiky-haired blonde had been Sarutobi's chosen successor to the mantle of Hokage. The famed Konoha's Yellow Flash, and the Hero of the Third War, Minato was loved by all in the village. The man was often coined a 'once in a generation genius', a title well earned. His works in jutsu, seals, tactics, and politics were nothing short of masterpieces. He was fair, caring, noble, compassionate, and more. He was truly a ninja beyond compare.

At least, when he was alive.

That all changed eleven hours ago.

Because eleven hours ago, disaster struck Konoha. Kyuubi no Kitsune, the Nine-tailed Fox. The very name instils fear and dread in the hearts of those that hear it. And it was eleven hours ago when the Demon Fox attacked Konoha. The was no warning or provocation in the attack. One moment all was peaceful then the next the main gate was destroyed in a cloud of fire, the Kyuubi following behind. Attacks were ineffective against the creature and there was no way to draw it's attention away from the village. All hope was lost.

Or so they thought.

It was Minato who came up with the plan to save the village, once again living up to his title of genius. The plan was to seal the beast within a child who's umbilical cord was freshly cut. This idea didn't appeal to Sarutobi. Hosts for demons, Jinchuuriki, lived terrible, isolated lives, and the idea of doing that to a newborn, or anyone else for that matter, sat ill with the old Kage. Sarutobi pleaded and begged Minato to reconsider, but the Yondaime couldn't be swayed, convinced that it was the only option to save the village. Sarutobi reluctantly agreed and watched as his student's student left to battle the Kyuubi, a small bundle in his arms.

After the battle, it was Sarutobi who retrieved the child and saw first hand as the Kyuubi marked the babe as his. On each cheek, three small, thin, black marks appeared on the young boy's face, bleeding slightly, and his stomach an intricate seal pulsed red in time with the boy's heartbeat. As Sarutobi picked the small bundle off the ground, he gazed in immense sadness at the small child as he realised the momentous change that just befell the boy, only for his eyes to widen in shock as the blanket fell away to reveal a small shock of neon yellow hair.

'He wouldn't have…' Sarutobi could remember thinking, only for his assumptions to be proven correct as the child's eyes opened to reveal the largest and brightest pair of cerulean blue orbs he had ever seen except on one other person. Comprehension hit him like a kick to the nuts.

Minato had used his own son for the sealing.

Sarutobi had sworn up a storm in his mind, thrice cursing his successor turned predecessor to the deepest pit of Hell for the trouble he heaped onto the worn old man's shoulders. This small child, barely a few hours old, was now the Jinchuuriki for the strongest of the Bijuu, the heir of the Yondaime, son of Iwa's Bane, most likely the godson of his old pupil, Jiraiya, and, if what Minato had said earlier was true, an orphan with no family whatsoever.

And now he was going to have to explain all of this to the council.

'Damn you, Minato…'

"I call this council to order."

Sarutobi banged his gavel on the desk, immediately silencing the chatter as the Konoha Council took their seats. The seven ninja, seven civilians, three Elders and one Hokage lowered themselves into their seats tiredly. It had been a long day.

"So…" Sarutobi began, finding absolutely no idea of how to begin this discussion. "Any questions?" He immediately regretted it as he was bombarded from all sides with queries before he banged his gavel again. "One at a time."

Nara Shikaku stood, his face bearing new scars that would remain with him for the rest of his life. "Well, we all know that the Kyuubi attacked, but not why. We know that the Yondaime was seen going to and from the village during the battle and that he fought the Kyuubi atop Gamabunta before there was a flash of light and both the Kyuubi and Minato…died." He hesitated a bit at the end as it was still hard to accept. He and Minato had been in the academy together and he considered the blonde one of his closest friends. Still, he pushed on. "So the best question I can think of is: what happened?"

There were murmurs of ascent from the other council members as Shikaku took his seat again. Sarutobi nodded absentmindedly. It was a good question and would make things go quicker with any hope. He cleared his throat and got the other's attention. "Well, I think that it is time to bring in someone who will make things become a lot clearer." He made a 'come hither' motion with his arms and from the shadows stepped the form of a fourteen year old Hatake Kakashi. The young Anbu captain stepped forward, holding a bundle in his arms which he deposited in front of Sarutobi before spinning in his heel and walking from the council chambers without so much as a backward glance. Sarutobi frowned. It seemed he would need to have a talk with the boy. He didn't want him to start thinking of the child of his teacher as a demon.

He was brought out of his thoughts by a happy gurgling sound and his gaze was drawn to the young boy in front of him who had his chubby little arms outstretched in an attempt to reach Sarutobi's hat. He smiled as he let the boy grab one of his fingers. The kid had a strong grip.

"Hokage-sama, what has the child got to do with any of this?" Uchiha Fugaku asked, his face twisted in confusion as he looked at the boy.

Sarutobi discretely placed a genjutsu over the child to put him to sleep. He had a feeling that things were going to get loud and a crying newborn wouldn't help anyone's mood.

"This child, Fugaku, is the reason that the Kyuubi isn't attacking anymore."

The Inuzuka matriarch, Tsume, correctly summed up everyone's thoughts with a very intelligent, "Say what?"

Sarutobi smiled at the young clan head. "I mean what I say, Tsume-chan. This little boy stopped the attack."

His old team mate, Koharu, spoke up after a few moments of stunned silence. "I think it would be best if you started from the beginning, Hiruzen."

Sarutobi sighed as he began. "It was during the tenth hour when Minato came to me with a plan. He proposed that he could seal the Kyuubi, permanently, and stop the attack. The drawback of this was that the jutsu required to seal the beast was a suicide jutsu. I asked him what talisman or pendant would be strong enough to hold the greatest of the Bijuu and he told me that no inanimate object could contain the monster's power and that to use an animal would have run too great a risk of demonic possession. He told me that the demon would have to be sealed within a person for it to work. I offered myself as the sacrifice, but he shook his head. He told me that the demon's chakra would meld with that of the host over the course of the person's life and that when they died, they would take the Kyuubi with them. In order for this to work, the person would have to be young enough for their body to accept and adapt to a secondary chakra. I asked who would be young enough and he told me that it would have to be a child, no more than a few hours old."

Many eyes widened as the ramifications hit them, but it was Yamanaka Inoichi who spoke up. "You mean…"

Sarutobi threw back the child's blanket to expose the seal on the child's belly, now only glowing with a dull red, almost black, light, and the whiskers. Many jumped back in fright, while others gave the babe uneasy looks, and a few examined to seal with fascination, having never seen one of it's complexity before.

"This young boy is the Jinchuuriki of the Kyuubi." Sarutobi watched their eyes as his words sunk in. Some appeared too shocked to absorb this, while others just stared at the child with disbelieving eyes. It was the others that Sarutobi kept his eye on. The ones that appeared disgusted by the boy, their faces twisted into angry grimaces as they glared at the baby with hate filled eyes. He memorised the names of each and every one of them, adding them to his mental shit list of possible trouble makers.

After almost five minutes, the silence was broken by Kuchi Seito, the Master of the Treasury. "So what are we going to do with it?" He asked, crossing his arms and leaning back in his chair as he glared at the babe.

Sarutobi levelled a slight glare at the civilian. "We are not going to do anything to him, Seito-san. He will either be placed with a adoptive family or in an orphanage until he reaches the age of eight when he will choose to either join a civilian school or attend the academy."

Seito looked at the Hokage incredulously. "You can't seriously be considering to let this…thing go near the general population? It's not safe!"

Sarutobi's retort was swift. "Minato's seal means that the Kyuubi is permanently sealed away, never to escape. The beast's conscious is locked away and the child is in no danger of possession, so there is no reason to fear the boy."

"I believe there are aspects of this that many in this room are missing." It was Danzou who spoke as he rose from his chair. Sarutobi leaned back in his chair as he watched his oldest political opponent talk. Danzou was as slippery as they come. The bandaged Elder continued, "From our spy's reports, we know that just a few months ago, the Yondaime Kazekage sealed the desert spirit Shukaku into the body of his youngest son to create a weapon for Suna. He is not the only to do so. The other great villages, and even some of the smaller ones, have created their own Jinchuuriki for use against their enemies. Konoha is the only one of the Five Great Villages to not have their own demon weapon."

Sarutobi cut him off. "If you are suggesting that we turn the boy into a living weapon then the answer is no. Not only will I never agree to it, Minato's last order was that the child would not be turned into some killing machine, and as you already know, the council must follow the Final Order of the Hokage regardless of their feelings on the matter."

Danzou frowned. There was no fighting the Final Order of a Hokage. Fine, if he couldn't have the boy then he should get rid of a potential problem. "If we cannot reap the benefits of the child's condition then I say we kill it before it can turn on us and harm the village."

There it was. Danzou said what some where thinking. Many of the council leapt to their feat, calling for the small baby's blood. A good few shouted them down, proclaiming the newborn's innocence, and there where some who said nothing, opting to weigh the decision before commenting.

All were silenced though when Sarutobi slammed his fist on the table, the loud noise startling those attending into silence. The old ninja slowly rose to his feet and leaned over the table, his hat shadowing his eyes as he spoke to the council, deadly threat lacing every word. "You will all listen to me very carefully for I shall say this only once. This child will not be killed. Any who so much as lays one ill meaning finger on the boy will be executed without hesitation. The Yondaime asked that you see this babe for the thing that he is: a hero. I know that it is a fool's hope that everyone in the village sees him like this, so if your thoughts are of the negative then keep them to yourself for they are neither needed nor warranted Now in a few days time we will tell the village of the boy's existence and I will pass along this same warning: if anyone tries to harm the boy; they die. If anyone gets someone else to harm him; they die. If anyone speaks of the boy's condition; they die. This boy saves our village from a terrible evil merely by living, a duty he did not ask for but now has no choice in. His life won't be easy, but I'll be damned if I let ignorant, narrow-minded fools take out their grief and pain on a helpless child."

The silence that ran throughout the council room was deafening. This was not Sarutobi, the kind leader. This was the Sandaime Hokage, the feared God of Shinobi. They watched as their leader lifted the small bundle into his arms and walked towards the doors. The guards opened them to allow their leader through when Koharu finally found her voice. "Hiruzen, wait!"

Sarutobi stopped just inside the doors, but didn't turn around. "Yes Koharu?"

"What's the boy's name?"

Sarutobi looked down at the tiny infant in his arms, a gentle smile playing about his mouth as he gazed upon the newborn's peaceful face. His back still to the gathered council, he gave them his answer before striding out the door towards his office.

"His name…is Uzumaki Naruto."

Sarutobi gently placed baby Naruto in a cot in the medical wing of the Sarutobi compound. The worn fighter folded his arms inside the sleeves of his robes as he watched the small blonde sleep, the burdens of command temporarily forgotten. For a while only the soft 'ah-phew' of the baby permeated the air before it was broken by the sound of the door opening.


Sarutobi turned to the voice and smiled as his eyes rested upon Kinome, his pride and joy.

She was beautiful. Her dark brown hair was the same shade of brown as the rest of her family and was spiked the same as her brother Asuma's, the only difference being the shorter, neater spikes and the two strands that fell from behind her ears to just about the same height as her chin.

It was her eyes that where different though. They had no pupil and the iris was fallow in colour in the centre, but became a more khaki shade as the neared the edge. Her mother's eyes. She had her mother's eyes.

Her body was small and compact, the kind you would see on a gymnast or acrobat, but she wore it wonderfully. A slight hourglass figure was hidden under a small, dark brown leather bodice-like waistcoat that zipped up the front, worn over a sleeveless fishnet shirt that bared all of her shoulders. Her not so inconsiderable cleavage was fortunately (or unfortunately depending on your point of view) by the large collar of the long red scarf she wore around her throat, the two tails falling to the back of her knees and her hitai-ate attached to the centre of the collar, under her chin.

The backs of her hands and her forearms were protected by a short pair of off white metal vambraces, a gift from the Monkey King Enma himself, with a pair of fishnet elbow pads. Across her back were two halves of a folded red metal bo-staff, connected by a short string of metal wire, which Sarutobi himself taught her to use. A pair of very baggy black capri pants tied just below the knee and a pair of black sandals completed the ensemble.

Sarutobi strode to his youngest offspring and took her delicate hands in his wrinkled ones. "Daughter, are you alright?"

Kinome gave her father a soft smile. "I'm fine, just a little tired. So, what happened?"

Sarutobi sighed tiredly. "The Kyuubi was stopped, but at too great a cost."

"And that has something to do with the child you brought home with you I presume?" She guessed as she glanced over his shoulder at the cot where Naruto lay.

Sarutobi raised an eyebrow in slight surprise. "And what makes you thinks that?"

"Well, if it where just a normal child then you would have had a ninja deliver it to the hospital instead of going to all the trouble of sneaking it into your own home and put the child in your own private infirmary, making sure that no one saw you."

Sarutobi chuckled. Kinome had always been the more observant of his two children. "Alas, you have found me out."

Kinome smirked at her father. "You'll never be able to hide anything from me, old man." Her smirk vanished as she cocked her head to the side, shooting her father a questioning look. "So, are you going to tell me why your mystery baby deserves so much secrecy?"

Sarutobi gave his daughter an appraising look as he thought about how to tell her. Finally, after a few moments, he gave the best answer he could. "Jinchuuriki."

Kinome's eyes widened as she looked back at the cot. Stepping around her father, she made her way over to the sleeping babe as she rested her hands on the cot's railings. Sarutobi watched her as she looked at the child. After a few moments, without looking away from the small blonde, she asked, "Shiki Fuujin?"

Sarutobi nodded. "Yes."

"Then Minato…?"


She sighed. "And how did the council take it?"

Sarutobi sighed heavily as he went to stand beside her. "Some wanted to kill him, others didn't, Danzou wanted to make him a weapon, and the rest tried, unsuccessfully, to wrap their heads around the idea that the demon that nearly destroyed the village is being held prisoner inside the stomach of a baby a only a few hours old."

Kinome snorted. Like her father, she was a sucker for knowledge and she had read about Jinchuuriki, and about the general image that those around them seem to hold for them. Basically, most people thought of Jinchuuriki as the lowest level of life there is, holding a hatred for the simple reason that they exist. Jinchuuriki were often used as weapons, but no matter how many battles they win, they were always hated and feared. Their average life expectancy was twenty five if they were lucky, the biggest causes of death being suicide, their seals breaking and the release of their demons, or being executed by their own village. The life of a Jinchuuriki was a truly tragic tale.

Looking down at the small face peeking out from a swath of blankets, Kinome could feel her heart breaking at the prospect of what the poor boy's life was going to be like from now on. His face showed so much innocence and Kinome was forced to wonder how long he would be able to hold onto that innocence before it was torn away.

"So what's going to happen to him now?" She asked quietly.

Sarutobi was quiet a moment before he answered. "I told the council that he would be placed in an orphanage or foster home."

Kinome rounded on her father. "What!?" She hissed quietly for fear of waking the baby. "How could you!? You know what will happen! Giving him to the mercy of the village right after the attack is basically you putting the noose around his neck!"

Sarutobi nodded. "I know."

"Then why--!?"

Sarutobi cut her off. "If the council think he is in an orphanage or foster home, then any who wish him harm will have to make quiet inquiries to find him. Then can't just march into an orphanage and start searching the children for seals, can they? How long do you think it'll take for them to search all the orphanages and foster homes in Konoha before they realise that he's not in any of them?"

A grin slowly made it's way onto her face as she realised where her father was going with this. "Quite a bit of time I'd imagine."

"Precisely. It would take years. That would give us enough time to keep him safe for the first few years of his life and make sure he's properly looked after before we can set him up with his own apartment with a guard to watch over him."

Kinome bit her lip as a thought came to her. "Why can't we just adopt him? I'm not comfortable with the idea of making a child live on his own at such a young age."

Sarutobi took his hat off and scratched his balding head as he answered. "Me neither, but the civilian members on the council would case enough trouble block any attempts to adopt him. At least this way we can make sure he gets the proper nutrition and care now when he needs it most."

They stood in silence as the watched Naruto sleep, the moonlight filtering through the curtains. It seemed like an eternity before Sarutobi broke the silence. "I should get back to the council. Can you stay with little Naruto until I come back?"

Kinome nodded and pulled a chair over to sit beside the crib as Sarutobi walked out the door. With a final glance back at his daughter, Sarutobi shut the door with a click.

It was late the next morning when Sarutobi next passed by his infirmary to see Kinome and Naruto. He pushed the door open, but stopped when he heard humming. Peering into the room, he saw a sight that warmed his heart.

Kinome was standing in front of the window, the sun's light shining at her back as she held Naruto in her arms. The boy giggled wildly as he reached for Kinome's hair as she rocked him, humming the same tune that Kinome's mother used to sing to her when she was a little girl.

Sarutobi smiled as his heart lightened at the tender scene in front of him. locking the image away in his memory as he quietly closed the door. He headed to his room for a few hours of sleep, humming the same tune as Kinome. Suddenly the days ahead seemed a whole lot brighter.

Naruto remained a guest of the Sarutobi family for three years.

He grew up quickly and healthy, soaking up the attention that Kinome and Sarutobi showered upon him, as well as the attention of the Sarutobi's trusted staff. Kinome hardly took any missions during that entire time, opting to spend her days playing with Naruto. She was there when Naruto spoke his first words. She watched him take his first steps. She was there to hold him when he got hurt. She sang to him every night.

To her, Naruto was her son. Even if she could never claim him as her own legally, she would always make sure that everyone knew he was hers, and that to hurt him would invoke the wrath of Sarutobi Kinome.

Naruto also thought of Kinome as his mother. As far as he was concerned, his entire life revolved around him and Kinome, and he couldn't have been any happier. He was always trying to impress her with all the cool things he could do. He wouldn't go to sleep unless she was there to sing to him and she always gave the best piggyback rides. She also did this weird thing where she bit her thumb and slammed her hand into the ground and made monkeys for him to play with! That was the best…

Yes, life at the Sarutobi household was most exciting for those precious years

But it was not to last.

Kinome knew that Naruto couldn't stay with them forever. She had always said that she would always look after him, even after he was forced to move out. But the idea of making him live on his own, in a strange place all alone, without her there to protect him tore at her heart.

To lessen the blow to both mother and child, they had told Naruto of their plans months before they were put into action and began to gradually ease them into the process. The showed him pictures of the places that they were thinking of moving him into, let him choose the designs of the house, and showing him how to do things by himself. He seemed both scared and excited by the idea, but was assured when they told him they'd visit all the time.

Kinome, however, was having a harder time with the transaction. She tried to spend even more time with Naruto, trying to convey all of the love she felt for him before he had to go and face those who hated him because of what he was. The thought of him not being around terrified her so much that she spent many nights in Naruto's room, watching him sleep as she silently cried.

With mounting dread she counted down the days until her son would be taken from her. The closer the day came the greater the depression, and Sarutobi began to fear for his daughter's health until one day when Kinome came to him with a proposition…

*****Flashback Begins*****

Kinome walked into her father's study, her face a mask of professional stoicism. She stopped in front of his desk and stood at ease, her legs spread slightly and her arms clasped behind her back, telling the old man that this was a professional matter, not a domestic one.

He looked up at his daughter with a raised eyebrow as he lit his pipe. Letting the smoke fill his lungs, he leaned back in his chair, thankful for the break from his demanding job.

"Can I help you with anything, Kinome-chan?"

Kinome nodded. "Yes. I thought about it and I've made the decision to take up the standing offer presented to me to join the Anbu Black Ops."

Sarutobi frowned at this. "Kinome-chan, you know I don't want you going to the Anbu. The work required is too gruesome."

"I know, but I was hoping to get an inter-village posting."

Sarutobi cocked an eyebrow. "What do you mean?"

"I know that in a few months there will be a property inside the village requiring near round-the-clock Anbu protection. I figure that I qualify for the position as I have an in depth knowledge of the client and can easily handle any…trouble that comes along."

Sarutobi crossed his arms and leaned across the desk. "You're talking about being Naruto's Anbu guard."

Kinome nodded.

Sarutobi mulled it over in his head. There were a lot of pros for the idea and very few cons. Naruto wouldn't be totally alone, he wouldn't be separated from his mother for too long, he could have his meals made for him so that he doesn't have an accident with the stove, and so many other things that allowed Sarutobi to make his decision in seconds.

"I'll have the orders in the morning."

Kinome squealed in delight, breaking her professional mask, and ran around the desk to give her father a tight hug. "Thank you father!"

"You're welcome Kinome-chan."

*****Flashback Ends*****

Naruto was of course delighted with this turn of events. Now he'd be near Kinome and he could talk to her all the time.

So, with everything set for Naruto's departure from the Sarutobi household, they packed all his belongings, said goodbye to the servants that Naruto had become friends with over the years, and left for Naruto's new home. To avoid trouble, Kinome placed a genjutsu over Naruto, masking his presence from anyone under high-Jounin level in skill.

The area was one of the most deserted parts of Konoha, the nearest inhabited homes being blocks away. After the many deaths of the Kyuubi attack, the survivors relocated nearer the centre of the village for a greater sense of security, and since immigration into any Hidden Village is strictly controlled to root out any threats or spies, there hadn't been any significant increase in population aside from the usual births. So the place was very private, to say the least. Perfect for their plan.

Kinome set Naruto down and he looked at his new home in wonder. This wasn't what he was expecting when he'd imagined where he was going to live.

The place was massive. It was the same size as most clan houses, with many wings full of sleeping quarters, training areas for ninja, an infirmary, a library full of books that Sarutobi and Kinome picked out, a few gardens, and a large courtyard in the direct centre. The place was the definition of traditional Japanese design when it came to homes. Everything was on the ground level, with sliding doors and partitions dividing the house into sections, with tatami mats covering the floors. Electrical lanterns hung from the ceiling, lighting the hallways. The redwood, the paper screens and the yellow light gave the place a cosy, warm feel, and Naruto could tell that even though he was living on his own, he would be comfortable.

"This place is cool!" Naruto exclaimed as they stood in his bedroom. It was large with a low bed and stuffed with toys, books and other assorted items of interest to those with attention spans of three seconds. The walls were artfully painted to represent a forest, and the dark green carpet and colbat blue ceiling only improved the look.

But what Naruto really liked was the bed,

It looked like a cross between the flattest bed, and the most bad-assed futon that he had ever seen. It was a large circular mattress set into the ground so that it was perfectly level with the floor, the size perfect so that there wasn't even the smallest gap between the mattress and the floor. The duvet had bright golden flames designed on it that seemed to shine in the light. Naruto realised with a grin that the bed represented a fire in the centre of a forest clearing.

With a yell of glee, Naruto dived onto the bed, relishing the comfort that the soft bed provided. Sarutobi and Kinome chuckled at the goofy grin spread across his face.

"So do you like your new home, Naruto?" Sarutobi asked with a smile.

Naruto nodded vigorously. "Yeah! This is so cool!"

"Alright, well you'd better go get changed for bed. It's almost 9pm."

"Okay." He bounced off of his bed and into his en-suite bathroom, only to emerge a few minutes later in his pyjamas, including his favourite panda cap. He dived under the covers of his bed, and snuggled into the mountain of pillows with a sigh of content. After a few seconds he cracked one eye open to stare at Kinome expectantly. Chuckling, she grabbed his favourite book and crawled in beside him, wrapping an arm around him and drawing him to her side. They waved goodbye to Sarutobi, and Naruto soon drifted off to the sound of Kinome's melodious voice.

With a sigh of content he fell into a blissful sleep.

A/N: Yo! This is a Naru!Bloodline story that I really have high hopes for as I love the idea for a bloodline I have come up with and hopefully you will too. This first chapter was just the standard council meeting (obviously). You will see what the bloodline is in the next few chapters.

A lifetime supply of cyber-cookies and Sasuke beat-up dolls for anyone who guesses what Naruto's bloodline will do.

As always please review and enjoy.

Ja ne!