Chapter 1
When Everything Started
Two clicks.
The noise I never thought I would hear again. I guess I always wondered when MI6 would force me onto a mission again. But for once, that is not the case because minutes ago I was sitting in math class oblivious to what was about to happen. For once MI6, the CIA, or any other secretive government spy organization did not expect this. In this world I have learned that you are never too young to die and you never know when you will die. Though, I admit I thought I was safe from this dangerous life in school and I let my guard down.
The two clicks were followed by two consecutive blasts.
"Everyone on the floor! Anyone move and they will be shot!"
All of a sudden I felt cold hard steel rammed against my head. I knew it was a gun. I was told to quickly get up. They tied my hands behind my back. Then they told everyone else to get up and face me.
I could tell the students and teacher were scared witless. But mostly I could tell the teacher and students were worried; maybe a few about what would happen to me, but most worried about what would happen to them.
"Everyone will quietly make their way to the gymnasium or he (it is an all boys school) will be shot. No one will try anything or he and the person who tried something will be shot. Understood?"
Everyone slowly nodded. They were escorted out of the classroom and nobody tried anything or said anything. The wall to the gymnasium seemed like one of the longest of my life. The whole time I hoped nobody would try anything. Thankfully no one tried anything and we (well, I) got to the gym in one piece and alive.
We were all forced to sit down and listen to who I guessed was the designated "leader" give a "speech". He told us to think of ourselves as his honored "guests". I didn't think hosts used the "guest's" facilities and took the "guests" hostage. He also laid down the rules and said we could "enjoy" ourselves but when the whistle was blown we had to sit down. Finally (and most shockingly) he told us more guest were coming and that we probably knew who some of them were.
At that moment, as if on queue, the doors opened and in walked some very finely dressed people. Then I realized that these people were from COBRA (obviously on all the people). There was the Prime minister, secretary of defense, several other people I didn't know, and Mrs. Jones.
The speaker left and eventually many boys decided to enjoy themselves in case it was their last minutes of life. Some sat where they were, to torn up inside to cry (at this point). I decided to go sit behind the bleachers and think thorough my life.
I don't know how long I had been sitting there, when I smelled a faint smell of peppermint and heard, "Hello Alex".
I didn't bother to look up and I heard someone say, "Why is she talking to that kid? He's a mere boy who knows nothing? How does she know his name?"
The voices stopped when I said, "Hello Mrs. Jones. How is Mr. Blunt?"
They all stared at me in shock. I knew they were thinking: How could this boy know the heads of MI6?
"He is doing well," se answered back. I finally looked and say that the rest of the "group" she came in with were standing there in confusion. I had a silent chuckle to my self. "Alex, I am sorry I got you into this."
"Mrs. Jones you might want to explain what is going on to your friends." At that point I noticed some boys had gathered to see what was going on.
I walked over to them and said, "Bog off."
They replied snottily, "Make us, drug head."
Of course at that moment we heard a whistle ring and we walked to our seats (okay more like ran).
"I would like to inform you that we made contact with MI6 and have made our demands. This means it is now up to MI6 to decide whether or not you will live or die. You may all proceed with what you were doing."
I could see that Mrs. Jones was trying not to look livid. Finally everyone got up and went back to what they were doing so I went back behind the bleachers to meet with the rest of the "group". When the "group" finally came, I had gotten board and was about to sit down. When they came I remained stand and I noticed more boys had followed.
Mrs. Jones turned around and simply said, "Would you mind giving us peace?"
They replied, "Why does Alex get to stay?"
Mrs. Jones didn't know how to answer this so I stepped in and told them she was someone my uncle met on a banking trip. The accepted the answer and angrily sulked of.
"Smooth lying skills. I guess the student surpassed the teacher."
"Thanks, learned from the best."
"Will someone please explain to us what is going on?" said a very impatient voice behind us.
Mrs. Jones cleared her throat and started telling them about me (which I assume you all know). Mrs. Jones did not, however, go into any detail about my missions. As she talked I could see their eyes grow in amazement. By the end of the "story" they had nearly fallen over in shock.
Eventually one of them said, "First of all I can't believe you employed a fourteen year old. Second I can't believe that it was a success. And third and finally I guess we should thank you for all you have done. Now the question is; how do we get out?"
"Oh, you did not see?" I asked appalled.
"No. What were we supposed to see?" Mrs. Jones asked.