"Let me introduce you to Sir Arthur Conan Doyle!"

The girl typing stopped and looked doubtfully at the crowd of females behind her chair. "Do you seriously think it's a good idea?"

"Of course it is."VHunter07 responded, as the whirls of alternate reality swirled around them, creating a large whirlpool. At the very centre, in the computer screen they could see Baker Street.

"I dunno. I don't know if I'll be able to control him." Runa93 peered doubtfully at the screen. "Its not like he's a fictional character, unlike them."

"It'll be fine."KCS pulled out her notepad and prepared to begin her part of the conversation. "We just have to appear conveniently surprised."

"We are surprised." Said Runa93, looking down at their avatars at Baker Street. "Its a pity that we can't actually go down there, you know."

"I don't think I'd actually survive having Holmes's 'piercing gaze' trained on me." Said Protector of Grey Fortress frankly. She glanced at KCS. "And KCS might not survive at seeing Dr. Watson's devastatingly handsome face in front of her." She said cheekily.

KCS blushed. "Well I can't help it, can I, if he looks so much like David Burke?" she said peevishly, and everybody grinned.

"Ok, moving on, we've got to get this story started."Runa93 looked around. "Everyone got their notepads? Remember I'm not dictating you conversations. All set? Right ho."

And the scene dissolved.

There was an ominous silence in the room. Every occupant in the room was looking at us, and I felt a little awed too, standing next to my creator, who was looking around. Finally his gaze came to rest on Holmes, and his eyes narrowed (exactly like Holmes, I couldn't help thinking).

"Ah." He said, and his voice was deep and amused, "There you are."

His words seemed to stun Holmes out of the reverie he had fallen into. I don't think that either of us remembered that the room was full of women at the moment, each of them goggling at us.

I don't think our creator even noticed them. Instead he strode forward and peered critically into Holmes's face. For the first time in my life, I saw Holmes back away a little.

No doubt faced with one's creator must be an unsettling experience.

"Hmmm…" Doyle sounded speculative "You look like what I thought you would, Sherlock Holmes…" and he tilted his head to one side. "Speak."

Holmes looked a little flabbergasted at that. "I-I beg your pardon?" he said, the first time I had heard him say so.

Doyle looked satisfied. "Nice strong voice. Not bad." He straightened and walked slowly around Holmes as if inspecting a particularly interesting specimen. At the end of the round he stopped and peered one final time at Holmes's face, who now was looking as unsettled as I had ever seen him.

"Too thin." Doyle murmured. "A little angular. Hmm…"

To my astonishment, the bewilderment disappeared off Holmes's face to be replaced by an expression as near insult as I had ever seen. "I beg your pardon?" he repeated, coldly.

"Don't repeat yourself. It's not healthy." I could not believe that Doyle had not noticed the irritation cross Holmes's expression and privately thought Holmes and his creator were much alike.

Holmes and ourcreator.

Ah right. Holmes and ou-

I froze in place. Who had said that?

(A couple of dimensions away…

"I told you this would happen!" Moaned Runa93 as the other writers crowded around the computer. "I told you I would lose control!"

"Its alright."Westron Wynde said, looking at the figures on the screen. "Not too much damage. Watson probably thought he was having a hallucination or something."

"But I don't want Watson to think that he's losing his mind!"Runa93 cried looking panicked.

Before it could get any further, PGF interrupted. "I think we better get back to the story, guys. " She eyed the screen. "I don't think it's a good idea to leave them like this."

Runa93 hastily got back to the screen. "I really hope nothing else happens again. I don't think I'll be able to handle it."

"Just don't try to correct his grammatical mistakes or something."

"How can Watson make grammatical mistakes?"

"I'm just saying…"


"Right. Sorry."

And the scene dissolves yet again.)

I shook my head trying to clear my thoughts. This was ridiculous. First 'fangirls' from the future, now this. Was I really losing my mind?

A sudden noise made me jump. Looking around I saw Holmes and Doyle, Holmes looking incensed and Doyle unruffled.

I blinked. I had forgotten all about them. Or the girls for the matter. They were still staring at the pair, looking awestruck.

( "I think you ought to give us some speaking parts soon, Runa."


"I would please ask you to repeat what you just said, sir." Holmes said, through clenched teeth.

"Certainly." said Doyle calmly. "Of all my stories, yours are the one I wish I had got rid of earlier. People rarely pay attention to my more serious, and better deserved, writings because of you."

"Its Watson's writing, not yours!"

"Dr. Watson is merely one of my ingenious inventions, so doubtless his writing will be praiseworthy, as it is mine."

"Why you-!"


We all looked around to see Runa93 detach herself from the group. She cleared her throat uncomfortably.

("How come you get to speak first?"

"Look, I'm going to tell something not so nice, which is going to hit Holmes's ego hard. But if you want to say it, no problem."

"Say-.Oh. Oh that."

"Do you want to?"

"Ah. No thanks."

"Thought so.")

"Mr. Holmes, Dr. Watson," there was more hesitation in the girl's voice than I had heard of before. "I don't know if you are aware of this but-"

I was afraid of this. I had completely forgotten to inform Holmes that it was Doyle who had written the stories as well as created us.

"Holmes-"I started throwing a warning look towards the girl, who had the sense to fall silent.

He was looking at me, questioningly and a little bewildered. "Watson. Please tell me what is happening here?"

"I…" I started, then stopped.



Don't tell him. Seriously bad idea.

Why not? This is ridiculous. I am talking to a voice inside my head.

Listen. Do you really think Doyle wrote those stories? With a personality like that?

Yes, it did seem odd…

Highly doubtful, that's what.


Good.Now just tell Mr. Holmes…oh no.


I came back to myself in time to hear Doyle say with a flourish "I am your creator."

Oh dear dear dear.

I completely agree with you…

Holmes stared at him. Then burst into a roar of laughter. We all stared at him.

Wiping tears of mirth from his eyes, Holmes looked around at me. "Which Bedlamite have you brought here, Watson? How in earth did you get hold of him?" he teased. I stared at him.


"Exactly!"The shout made us all start. VHunter07 had elbowed her way past Runa93 and now stood looking down at us.


"The question is," She said fiercely, "is how a non-fiction character even got in here! How did you do it, Dr. Watson?" To my horror I saw that she was looking at me.

"Well, I-"

I stopped. How did I do it? I remembered talking to someone but that memory was fading…

"Watson?" Holmes was looking at me. He was looking concerned.


Right. Time to wrap up. Gone on long enough.

What on earth-

A ripple seemed to pass through us. I felt sleepy everything was hazy…

("Good idea, V." said Runa93 approvingly, as VHunter07 tucked away her notepad and looked proudly at everyone. "Good question you asked there. Never Neveragain will I ever do this."

"Yeah, but it was fun while it lasted, right?" sighed Pompey, as she looked wistfully at the darkening screen.

"Wish we could have included Mycroft and the irregulars too. That would have been fun."

"No way. That would have been total chaos."

"Yeah, your right…"

"But its not like its totally over." Runa93 said. "We're still writing and I think we'll do Dr. Watson proud. And Sir ACD."



"I agree."

"Well, back to it, girls! Lets show Mr.Holmes that he isn't done with us yet!"

There was a round of cheering and the scene faded…)

In Baker Street….

Holmes and I stood in our sitting room, now completely empty and devoid of any female presence.

"Well, "I said, when the silence stretched further "That's over. "

Holmes stood quietly in front of the fire, and did not acknowledge my question.

"It could have been worse you know. But at least they're gone and I doubt if they will bother you again."

Holmes finally stirred. "Do you really think so, Watson?" He gestured at our sofa with his pipe. "Look there."

To my amazement, more papers were arriving in our sitting room, landing neatly on top of each other. The Mystery Of the Tankerville Leopard, A Deadly Challenge, A Victim Of Circumastances, With Friends like These….

"Oh dear…"

"Precisely, Watson." Holmes said, glaring at the stories."Precisely."

I think it was far from over.

Its done. Atlast. Sorry for dragging it forever, but I…ahem…completely forgot about it.

Not to drag the Author note, I hope you all enjoyed this as much as I did and many many many thanks to those who reviewed! I appreciate you more then you think, and thank you for encouraging me!
