Last time on "HiKari Mokuba's Guardian Storybook of Kaiba Adventures"! We left our heroes after a promise had been made to keep the dark secret of Steven's mother hidden from the boy. 7 years has past, and we find a new addition to the Kaiba family! But has this new addition and all these years torn the two brothers apart? From the person who brought you "For Your Protection" and "No Matter What" is a story about one father, one brother, and one boy. This is their story of adventure, ambition, and love.

HiKari Mokuba's Guardian presents the sequel to "A Gift From God."


Seto was an overprotective father, as he was a brother. From the moment Steven was born, Seto never let anyone near him. Seto was always paranoid that Steven was in danger or was in need of help. I swear, every time that kid sneezed, Seto would rush him right to the hospital and demand to know if his son was alright, Steven was always alright, it was Seto's mental stability that most people were worried about. I couldn't blame them, sometimes I found myself pondering the same thing.

But Seto loves him a lot, I'm not sure Steven even realizes how much he means to Seto. Although Seto had issues with control, Steven did well even under his father's watchful eye. Steven might be the happiest kid I know, he was always peppy and always happy. He was generally a good kid too. Steven was a good student and well behaved. He's even one of the smartest kids in the class. Seto was wondering for a while whether he was a child prodigy or not, I just think being smart runs in our family.

We never told him about our family. We never told him about our history. Steven doesn't know that our parents are dead, that we lived in an orphanage, that an abusive monster adopted us, or how Seto became president of Kaiba Corp. I hated feeling like we were hiding all these things from him, but at the same time he never asked about it. It was like he knew there was something different about us, but also knew that it was too painful to talk about.

Then there was the fact that he didn't have a mother. Steven never asked where his mother was or why she was gone. I wasn't sure why, but I'm sure this made Seto relieved. Seto had made me swear to never tell Steven the truth about Serenity or what had happened. That it was somehow damage him forever. We had even prepared an elaborate fake story to tell him for the day he would finally ask about her.

I know I made a promise to Seto, but if that day ever comes, I'm not sure I'll be able to lie to Steven about his mother. I mean I would've wanted to know the story, the real story, behind my mother's absence in my life. Even if it may prove to be the most painful thing to accept.

Mother: 1) A woman who has given birth to a child 2) A mother is the natural or social female parent of an offspring 3) A condition that is the inspiration for an activity or situation

Chapter 1

"The moment a child is born, the mother is also born. She never existed before. The woman existed, but the mother, never. A mother is something absolutely new."-Rajneesh

Steven stood patiently outside of Domino Elementary. The bell had just rung and Seto was nowhere in site. This didn't bother Steven it simply surprised him. His father wasn't one to be late, or to leave him on his own. Steven didn't mind this in the end. He turned and watched as the other children met with their parents, sharing happy greetings and other signs of affection. Steven watched with content, happy to see the children reunite with their parents again after being at school for so long. The only thing that saddened was watching the mothers.

The way they embraced their children. The way they kissed them on the head. The way their eyes light up at the site of their child, even if the child didn't look the same way. Steven had a father whom loved him very much, but the way these mothers acted, the way that they were, his father simply couldn't compare. He loved his dad, but he just didn't compare to what how mothers were.

Without much more thought on the topic, a limo sped up to the curb and the door flung open. Seto sprung out in front of Steven, looking as though he was expecting to fight someone. Steven just smiled and stretched himself out in an attempt to wrap his arms around Seto's waist to hug him. Steven wasn't quite tall enough, though. "Hi Otousan!" Steven chirped happily.

After scanned the area around him, Seto relaxed and returned the hug to Steven. "Hello Steven, sorry I was late. It's good to see that you didn't run into any trouble while we were gone." A groan could be heard from inside the car. Mokuba popped his head out of the limo's window with an annoyed look.

"Must you always think he's in trouble? The kid was waiting in front of the school for goodness sake, there are teachers out here who watch all the kids to make sure they're all safe."

"You never know Mokuba, you can't always be sure," Seto placed his hand on Steven's head. "There's always a chance of trouble." Mokuba rolled his eyes and returned to his seat. Seto helped Steven into the car and they began to drive home. "So how was your day, Steven?"

"It was good, I played tag today at recess."

"That sounds like fun. Did you win?"

"Well, I sure wasn't it!" Steven giggled at his own joke. Seto smiled and patted Steven on the head once more.

"What else happened in school?"

"Oh… well…" Steven started, "I got in trouble today?"

"What? Trouble? How?" Seto questioned, Steven wasn't the kind of child that got into trouble in any way.

"Well, Daizo threw a paper ball at the teacher today and then blamed it on me." Seto was enraged by this fact. He wasn't going to let anyone get away with something like that.

"Did you tell the teacher it wasn't you?"

"I tried to, but she didn't believe me. The rest of the class said it was me too." Seto gasped and flipped out his cell phone.

"Seto, what are you doing?" Mokuba asked.

"I'm calling the principal to tell him about what that teacher did." Mokuba slapped his forehead with his hand. He hated it when Seto did this. Seto went crazy over the smallest of things and wouldn't stop until all of Japan knew how the world had mistreated his son.

"Seto, can't you stay out of it this time? I swear, every time anything happens in Steven's class, you have to go all berserk on the school. I hope you know that's the reason why his teachers end up hating him."

"Well, I can't help it if they're blind." Mokuba grabbed the cell phone from Seto's hand and snapped it closed. "Hey!"

"You need to chill out."

"And you need to leave business to me!" Seto tried to snatch the phone away, but Mokuba kept it out of his reach.

"Otousan, it's really okay. I didn't mind being put in time out for a while." Seto sighed and stopped trying to take the cell phone from Mokuba. Mokuba crossed his arms and looked out the window. The rest of the ride was in silence until they reached home.

Relations between Seto and Mokuba had loosened since the birth of Steven. Mokuba was going through his teenager stage and Seto was just entering parenthood. It seemed as though they lived on two different planets, not to mention two different languages. Mokuba disagreed with a lot of Seto's opinions and Seto felt the same about Mokuba's.

When they stepped out of the car and entered the Kaiba mansion, Mokuba left immediately and disappeared into his room. Seto shook his head, feeling a bit guilty, but tried to ignore it by focusing on Steven. "Do you need help with your homework?"

"No Otousan, I think I'll be good."

"You sure?" Steven nodded. "How about you grab your backpack and bring it up to my office."

"I'm going to do it in my room tonight."

"All by yourself?" Steven frowned.

"I can do it Otousan, I promise." Steven loved his dad, but hated being monitored all the time. Steven didn't realize that this only happened because Seto had control issues and worried about Steven almost all the time. Steven grabbed his backpack and went to his room. Seto watched until he was completely out of sight. Seto hated leaving Steven alone, he felt like something bad could happen. But he convinced himself that everything would be fine and went to his office.

Steven carried his backpack up the stairs and was about to enter his room when he thought about what had been puzzling him at school. He dropped his backpack to the ground. Did he have a mother? Surely he must have one; everyone has a mother. No one exists without a mother. Steven thought for a moment. How could he found out more about her? A bad thought came to mind. Steven could go into Seto's room and try to find something. He wanted to dismiss the idea, since he was aware that he wasn't allowed into his father's room, and yet, this only made him want to find out more.

Steven looked down both ways of the hallway to make sure no one was coming before sneaking into Seto's room. He quickly opened and entered the room. It was a pretty plain room; Seto wasn't one to decorate much. It just had all the things a normal person would need in a room; a desk, a laptop, a bed, a lamp. Steven noticed a file cabinet in the corner that caught his eye. That was his best bet at finding something worthwhile.

Steven quickly walked over to the cabinet and began opening and closing the drawers. There were all sorts of folders, labels, and records of all kinds. Steven looked very closely through each folder but could find nothing about a mother of any kind. It was if she hadn't existed at all. But she must exist… Steven knew she had to. His body became alert when he heard Isono's voice calling everyone for dinner. Steven quickly sprinted out of the room and down the stairs to the dining room. Seto and Mokuba were already seated.

"There you are Steven, what took you?" Seto asked. Steven sat down in his seat and picked up his fork.

"Oh… nothing," Steven replied, trying to sound as innocent as possible. He couldn't believe that he had just lied to his own father. Steven had never done such a thing in his life, and yet he found it easy to do. His heart wasn't racing, and the guilt was quickly fading. The dinner began as it always did and the trio ate in silence.

Halfway through the meal, Steven found himself restless. Why couldn't he find anything on his mother? How come there weren't any pictures? Steven had to know the answers. He needed to know who he mother was, and why she wasn't her. Steven felt the question beginning to rise and he knew he wouldn't be able to contain it. He had to know the truth.

"Otousan?" Seto looked up from his food, swallowing what was in his mouth.

"Yes Steven?"

"Do I have a mother?" Seto nearly choked as Mokuba spat the water he had just drank in his mouth. Steven was a little taken back by bother their reactions.

"Mother?! Who told you this??"

"No one told me anything, Otousan, I thought it up myself." Seto looked from Steven to Mokuba. Mokuba did the same thing. They had been planning this moment since day one, and they both found themselves speechless. Steven cocked his head, staring at both of them. "Otousan?" Seto stood up.

"Family meeting in the living room. Now." Seto and Mokuba rose from the table and walked towards the living room. Steven did the same, but Seto stopped him. "Uh… family that isn't Steven." Steven shrugged and sat back down at the table.

"Oh God…" Seto said, running his hand through his hair with anxiety, "What do we say?"

"Why don't we tell him the truth?" Mokuba asked.

"No! That'll be the last thing we do."

"Seto, you're being unreasonable. He deserves to know."

"It's not about what he deserves…"

"It's his right to know!" Mokuba glared at his older brother. How could he lie to his own son about his mother? It wasn't right. Steven had to know, need to know. How could he go on through life not knowing it? "Well, I don't care what you say. I'm going in there and telling him the truth." Mokuba turned to go back to the table. Seto quickly pranced and grabbed him by the arm.

"No way! That's not going to happen," Seto said in a low voice. Mokuba shoved him off his arm.

"Yes it is, I don't see how you can keep hiding this from him."

"You made a promise to me, Mokuba."

"I would've liked to know where my mom was if she was gone!"

"Well, the fact is she's dead so it's a different situation."

"You still told me what had happened to her when I was a kid. You told even told me how she died."

"Actually that was dad, remember? I didn't want to tell you." Mokuba shook his head and started walking again. "Mokuba! Wait!" Seto ran after him. When Mokuba saw his brother coming for him, he broke into a sprinted and sprinted right into the dining room once again where Steven sat patiently. "Don't you dare!"

"Steven, your mom-" Mokuba began, but he was soon shoved by Seto to the ground. Steven's eyes widened. "Ow Seto! That hurt!" Mokuba yelled, kicking Seto in the knee.

"Hey! Quit it!" Mokuba got up from the ground and lunged himself at his brother. Seto held up his arms in defense, but still found himself almost falling flat on his back. They started to throw punches at each other and fighting as if they were children.

"Otousan! Mokuba! Stop it!" Steven yelled, getting up from the table and running to them. The two brothers did not stop, at this point they had resorted to shoving each other. Steven grabbed Mokuba from behind and tried to pull him away. Seto took up both his arms and shoved Mokuba right into the counter with Steven right behind him. Steven's head smacked against the edge of the counter. The room filled with fear.

A/N: AWESOME! YES! SEQUEL! I'm loving it. Are you loving it? This story is going to be a lot of fun. I'm going to try and make this story a little less serious and little more humorous. I've already started on the second chapter and it seems to be heading that way, so you can look forward to that. Just the clarify some things if you didn't get anything; The writing at the top was from Mokuba's POV, and they're ages are like so: Seto is 25, Mokuba is 18, and Steven is 7. Now you might be wondering why there are going to be mother quotes at the beginning of every chapter. Even if you're not, I'll still explain anyway:p Basically, the quotes are suppose to represent, or paint a picture, of what Steven believes his mother is or is like. This is not to say Serenity(gasp) isn't like this, is just to say we don't know yet. But you'll find out in time, don't worry. Anyways, I hope to see some of my reviewers from the last story ready to enjoy this new one!

P.S: "Otousan" means father in Japanese. Just to run that by you guys.