This is the fanfiction that I've had in my head for awhile as a sort of Backstory for my EnricoxIntegra craziness. I don't know how many chapters this will have yet, but hopefully it will be long. I've mixed up a few facts from the manga, but I am going to try and keep some continuity.

Disclaimer: Hellsing is not mine. Slight OOC and Integra priest action look out. Don't forget to read and review. Whoop.

July 5th, 1993

The compartment was only half full as Enrico Maxwell entered it, the door sliding soundlessly. He looked down at the other occupant, someone dressed in a fine business suit behind a newspaper. Upon further inspection he found it was a woman. She did not look up as he entered the compartment and took a seat near the window. She didn't even look up as he watched her carefully or as he pressed his head up against the window of the train to cool his forehead.

The protestant church had demanded an audience with him in order to determine which parts of Europe were under the control of Vatican Section XIII, Iscariot and which were under the jurisdiction of The Order of the British Protestant Knights: Hellsing Organization. Enrico found the events tiring and wished to have nothing to do with the Hellsing Family. He wished to have nothing to do with The Royal Queen of England and he definitely didn't want anything to do with this meeting. Then, for lack of wanting to be a part of much of anything Enrico fell asleep on the window of the train, it's gentle thumping to lull him to sleep. Time passed dreamless for Enrico. All was silent, until he suddenly heard the voice of an Englishwoman calling to him.

"Sir," she said and Enrico awoke looking into a beautiful face. An angel, he thought with drool running down his cheek and an imprint on his forehead from the window.

"Sir, they need to see your ticket," she said, clearly a sign from God. Enrico sat up and blinked the sleep from his eyes furiously before digging about his jacket pocket and handing the conductor his ticket. The older gentleman left and Enrico was alone with the girl again. She dazzled him with her newspaper sitting on her knee as she watched the country roll by. She looked at him from the corner of her eye and Enrico looked away. Ridiculous. He should not be falling for any woman. He was after all a man of the cloth, but sitting across from him she looked amazing.

"Here," she said and held a white handkerchief toward him. "For your…" she wiped an invisible spot away at the corner of her mouth, meaning the fact that he had drooled all over himself during the sleeping process. Enrico blushed and used it to clean his face, beginning to hand it back but stopping short.

"Keep it," she smiled and he nodded.

"A kind gift," he smiled and tucked it into his pocket. She sat quiet before him once again. Blond hair and creamy brown skin. Her eyes were blue pools behind thick rimmed glasses. He was so immensely attracted to her. He exhaled a deep breath, trying to gain a hold on himself and the libido he'd managed to control for so many years. He watched her remove her gloves finger by finger and sighed. Her hands looked smooth and he wanted to reach out and touch them.

"Where are you from? Spain?" she inquired of him suddenly. Enrico snapped his gaze from her hands to her eyes. She was looking at him already.

"Italy," he replied and looked proud, his own blue eyes shining.

"Yes. Lovely country," she said to him. Her accent dazzled him. She was proper, like a woman should have been without any sort of accent that he'd heard some women from England use. She was beautiful and spoke like a duchess. Like Pygmalion.

The rest of the train ride was quiet for them, with only the sounds of the train to keep them company. She stared out the window and he stared at her. When they began pulling into the station Enrico watched her pull her gloves back on her hands. He looked down at his own covered hands before he noticed she was leaving the compartment.

"Well, good day, sir," she smiled at him and slid the door open disappearing into the crowd that swarmed to exit the train. Enrico had only the time to nod and even that he was sure she hadn't seen. Finally, Enrico stood and made his way off the train to the car that was waiting to take him to parliament, the Queen and to whatever else God had in store for him that day.