Disclaimer: I do not own YGO GX nor any of the characters used. Yay.
Syrus had never asked for this. He had never asked for any of it.
Others would be jealous—the less balanced people. Most would be horrified. However, the vast majority would be totally suspended in a state of disbelief. Perhaps they would call him a liar. Perhaps that was why he simply kept his mouth shut. It wasn't easy when your elder brother took an…interest in you to put it delicately.
No matter how many times Syrus searched for reason in this situation, he always came up short. Had he somehow invited his honored brother's intentions? No. He had just been an innocent twelve-year old boy that had just happened to attract his fifteen-year old sibling's eye. Through no fault of his own.
Four years later, his brother's interest still had not fled. Oh, it wasn't as if there was a shortage of partners. It just appeared that Zane was unwilling or unable to give up his original claim.
Though "it" didn't happen often as it originally had, it wasn't as if this was some sort of consolation prize.
Moodily, Syrus glared out the window. A smattering of students lounged here and there on the grass. He could join them, but he knew he could not for he was a virtual prisoner in this empty dorm room. Waiting.
Syrus knew he should be used to it now. Everybody had a dark secret, right? He should make the best of it, right? In fact, a few would say he was lucky to have been chosen by his own brother of all people when a great many of the population wouldn't give him the time of day. Also, another bonus, it didn't hurt as much anymore physically. Just emotionally. And mentally.
All the same, tears blurred his vision, as he watched his classmates participate in normal, carefree activities while he waited for the unthinkable to walk through the door. Syrus knew he had to stay. He had considered running before, but one sharp glance from those stone-cold eyes as he had contemplated this bold move a year or so ago had stopped him in his tracks.
And, his brother was gentle. Why, he had only been hit less than ten times all through his ordeals. Most of the time, his elder brother was tender with his barely pubescent form. Loving even.
Still, if this was love, why did he always feel so depressed? Who else did he have to confide in except his own broken self? Syrus knew the option to broach the subject with his two best friends in class was always open, but who was he to unload his misery on them? They were out having fun—having experiences every teenager could have. With their newer friends. Or, new friends altogether. The European boy Jesse Andersen occupied every spare minute of his supposed best friend's time and even Tyranno was seen spotted fishing with his unofficial rival, Jim Cook. Jaden and Tyranno had gone their own separate ways, and Syrus was obligated to follow. But, where would he go? To which group could he mosey into? Axel Brody was unfriendly to say the least, and Adrian Gecko mostly kept to himself. Alexis had her own friends and so did Chazz. All Syrus had was Jaden.
Not to mention his brother.
For something to do, Syrus glanced down at his rather expensive wristwatch his brother had gotten especially for him. 5:43. He had said to meet here at 5:45. Not something easy like 5:30 or 5:00 but quarter to six. He guessed that his brother's schedule was different now and that the famed Dark Zane could only squeeze him in for a fifteen-minute liaison. How much like crap that made Syrus feel. How like an object.
For one split second, he actually did consider running for the door. But he had had waited too long. His brother could arrive at any minute. That's what Syrus' life had been reduced to—minutes and seconds. And weeks. The five or six week-long intervals when he was left untouched was heaven and hell began whenever his cell phone rang and he heard his brother's slow, smoky voice on the other end. Syrus couldn't handle it anymore.
"I wish…" he began in a trembling voice before he realized stupidly that no one would hear his cries. Not some supreme deity. No mystical genie. Only he would hear himself wish. What did he even wish for?
A sound in the hall. In desperation, Syrus squeezed the windowsill…debating if he should just jump out of the window itself.
Right on time.
Syrus didn't even turn around as he heard the knob turn and the door slowly swing open. However, he did not wish to appear defiant and make it worse on himself. Fighting the urge to sob, he turned around in a leisurely circle in the effort to calm himself as much as possible. Zane didn't like it when he cried.
"Syrus." Those pale lips pulled into a smirk as his jade-infused eyes flashed. Lazily, he leaned against the doorframe; his intentions very clearly visible under his tight leather clothing.
"Brother." Though Syrus spoke, the voice that left his lips didn't quite sound like his own.
Without further formality, Syrus shut off his brain and forced himself to strip.
Author's Note: I'm going back to what I do best—multichaptered hurt/comfort fics. Sometimes, it's best to stop doing things for the shock value and stick to what you know best—raw emotion. This fic will contain mentions of yaoi and, yes, ultimately the R word. Between brothers. If I get flamed, I get flamed. I'd understand. But, the story interested me. (At least enough to write over six chapters.)