Okay, this is the best way I know of besides reviews to interactively communicate with everyone without going through everything and PMing you all individually...300+ people is a little much...lol. I created a forum specifically for talking to you guys about my stories. I have a category for each of my stories. The only one up right now is Paradise Found, and that's because I have it finished and want your input on the sequel. Here's the forum link as far as I know...


If you're having trouble, I'm pretty sure you can just go to my profile and find my forums from there. If not, Search forums for Habit...that's all it is...unoriginal, but easy to remember.

well, I've saved this 4 times and the first part of this is just not wanting to show up...you have to put the http:// in front of fanfiction and then cut and paste the above remainder, since they can't make it simple for me...*sigh* or i can just do what i did and bold a part so you can just delete it...hopefully it works...lets try it...-.-" they hate me...so, yeah, you're just gonna have to do it the other way since they won't let me put the whole front of it on there...how troublesome...