
Disclaimer: I don't only Naruto; some really lucky bastard does

Naruto was having a good day. It had been nearly two years since he came into the village in daylight. 'Look at them. All those shocked expressions. You'd think they just saw a ghost'

Chuckling darkly to himself he continued on his way to the ninja academy. It wouldn't do to be late on his first day back after all.


Sarutobi, the Sandaime Hokage of Konohagaurke no Sato had taken some time from his busy day to do some calligraphy; it always soothed his nerves putting brush to paper. What he expected was to return to his duties in a few minutes right after he was finished with the last character. Ironically enough, as he finished the character for tranquility he heard a muffled explosion. One of his chunin aides rushed in, telling him of an assault on the ninja academy. Wasting no time he rushed to the scene personally. When he had arrived not even a full minute after the initial warning he was greeted by a most peculiar sight.

"Outta my way you assholes! I gotta get to class!"

Uzumaki Naruto. The same boy that had by all accounts disappeared entirely almost two years ago. He was obviously not dead much to the old man's relief but he was no longer the child he had known; no this person was not a boy with chakra control problems, this was a shinobi. Last time the Sandaime had seen that many chunin and genin blown over by a Fuuton Daitoppa was when he taught it to his son Asuma after he became a genin. Deciding now would be a good time to intervene he cleared his throat, catching everyone's attention.

"Naruto-kun. It is good to see you again. You had me worried"

"Hokage-ojisan! When did you get here?"

"Hokage-sama! Help us! It's trying to-"

"Trying to go the class! Since when did that become illegal? I certainly don't remember that law"

The man sputtered; the Hokage was going to let that demon back into the academy? The Hokage motioned for the ANBU behind him to arrest the man who spoke up and detain all who attacked Naruto. He then turned towards the boy and looked him over. The orange jacket had both sleeves ripped off and unzipped, revealing a black sleeveless undershirt. The pants were much the same as the last time the Hokage had seen the boy, but were bandaged at the bottom, much like how many in the standard shinobi uniform did. He still had those ridiculous goggles on his forehead. His hair was longer and wilder than before so they were probably used to keep his hair out of his eyes.

"Well Naruto-kun. I believe you have a class to get to"

"Oh right. Ja ne Hokage-Ojisan!"

As Naruto scampered off to his classroom the old man felt a refreshing wave pass over him. 'Looks like things will be livelier around here'

Oh how right he was.


Hinata was having one strange day. First last nights red beans and rice dinner and receiving the Talk from Kurenai on the walk to school. That would be a lot to handle for any child but also there was the obligation as part of the Hyuga clan, especially her being the heiress, to marry someone strong. Trouble was the only standout boy in her class was Uchiha Sasuke. She didn't like him at all. He rarely spoke, and when he did it was derogatory to the one he was speaking to, he never smiled or showed any other facial expression besides a brooding scowl. The fact that her father outright forbade any remotely romantic thoughts about said Uchiha was only a plus in her mind. If only Naruto was still here. That bright blond hair, those piercing blue eyes, wonderful smile, that never say die attitudeā€¦ well, a girl could dream.

"Uzumaki Naruto, kenzan!"

kenzan is here

Let me know if I don't translate any words for you.