Disclaimer: I still do not own naruto; the only thing I own is the plot and nothing else

"Normal speech"

"Toughs and flashbacks"



"Kyuubi's thoughts"

(AN): authors note


"Of all the moments why now" muttered Sarutobi under his breath, the reasons were understandable and valid, but the timing couldn't be worse.

"The whole treaty was nothing but a ruse from the start hokage-sama, and they were trying to kidnap my daughter, they had to be stopped" this was the reply of a scolding Hyuuga Hiashi, the responsible of the supposed ambassador's demise in the attempt of kidnap that happened three days ago.

"I'm not you holding responsible for this incident, but we are still trying to recovery from the attack of the kyuubi"

Hiashi mulled on the elder hokage's words for a moment and nodded in understanding, even if five years have passed the leaf is still not in his strongest that was one of the main reasons for the treaty with kumo.

"And what's their word on this subject hokage-sama, I assume they won't be just accepting to leave things just like this"

"They have been surprisingly quiet in the subject, though they claim that this is a setup made by us"

At this Hiashi exploded, he almost looses his daughter that night and now they try to pin this on konoha "HOW DARE THEY SAY SUCH ACCUSATIONS! IT WAS THEM WHO SHOULD BE PAYING FOR THIS FIASCO AND FOR THEIR DISHONESTY!!!"

"Yes they should, but unfortunately they are aware of our current state and that konoha won't be able to stand another war, the next week the will send and envoy with their demands"

"What could they possibly gain from this?"

"I wish I could tell Hiashi"

"Hopefully it won't be too destructive to the leaf"


"THIS IS AN OUTRAGE!!!!!" shouted offended one of the council members while bringing his fist down to the table.

"It is but you are in no position of refusing" replied the beautiful, feminine, sultry voice of the female next to the raikage, yet it was laced with so much malice and viciousness that Sarutobi couldn't help to tense.

This was the aura of the meeting hold in konoha in order to discuss the conditions that have to be met in order to avoid war, among them were mentioned a ridiculous amount of land an unbelievable amount of money, and the intact, dead body of the executor that killed the kumo jounin, all this was met with outrage and shouts of foul play and indignation, all this while the raikage watched the scene unfold with a contended smile, one way or the other kumo and more importantly, him wins in this negotiation. Not a second after he spoke up.

"The way I see it you took a valuable asset of cloud, it's only fair that you pay for what you took from us, and I'm sorry that I don't really like to be here so I expect an answer in 3 days until then I'll be at the hotel, farewell hokage-sama" saying the last part with obvious disdain before leaving the room.

For moment nobody said anything letting the each one of them realize the situation they were in, Homura broke the silence "now what are we going to do about this"


Hiashi was trying hard to suppress the rage that invaded his person right now after two hours of discussion the meeting was adjourned, and the chosen method was the one that caused the leaf the least harm, but at the same time it was the method that caused the Hyuuga the most.

The solution was simple and the clan council already agreed to make it happen, Hiashi was going to die.

Or at least that's what he thought, what he didn't know it was that the Hyuuga council had other plans regarding him and his brother.

"You can't seriously think of doing that!!!!!!!" shouted the clan head after hearing the plan

"It has been decided Hiashi that your brother will take your place"

(AN: the scene of the Hyuuga twin's interaction is the same as the anime and the manga and since I don't remember it clearly I'll just skip it)

Later that day the raikage was walking in the streets along with the woman when they witnessed something that will change they future in ways that they couldn't suspect, in the middle of the street there was a mob of civilians beating a blonde boy while shouting demeaning and hurtful things to the object of their aggression.

The woman sensing something strange in the boy told the raikage, who watching the scene hearing the shouts of 'demon' and 'revenge' put two and two together and grinned in maniac way if he was right he could obtain an amazing weapon, and unlike what happened with Yugito, his wench of a wife won't be able to stop him from turning him into a weapon.

"Now this is an interesting change of events" he said to no one in particular then he turned to the women "I want you to find all you can of that kid"


"Now raikage-sama we have decided according to your demands what.." the council member didn't get to finish as the said kage interrupted him.

"Even though would most generous of you I found something even better and it won't be as harmful to konoha"

"And what would that be that?"

"The only thing I ask is that you give the boy called Uzumaki Naruto"

"No" was the simple yet definitive answer that came from the aging hokage.

"I do not think you're in position of refusing"

"I don't care what you think the answer is no, you cannot have Naruto"

"Actually hokage-sama, looking into it doesn't seem such a bad idea"

The idea soon got more support and as much as Sarutobi tried to fight it without revealing Naruto's identity in the end proved futile and soon he was overpowered.

"You fools, you have no idea what have you done" thought the old hokage "very well I'll have Naruto ready in two days"

After he retired to his office and after a moment he called Ebisu, eying the jounin he said in a serious voice "go to the onsen and bring Jiraiya here, tell him it's an emergency" the perverted jounin bowed and left. Sarutobi directed his gaze towards the face of the fourth in the monument that lied in the mountain "it seems I have failed to fulfill your last wish, I'm sorry it have come to this Arashi" the old man thought sadly.

Two days later the raikage and the woman were heading to the gate were Sarutobi, Jiraiya and a five-years old Naruto waited for them, both adults carrying a huge scroll on their backs while Naruto looked sad but determined.

"it is time Sarutobi, is the boy ready?" asked the yondaime raikage

"why don't you ask him yourself"

the raikage directed his gaze towards the boy, it was obvious in his eyes that he was afraid but in the middle of that fear a strong determination shined and threatened to pierce the gaze of the man in front of him.

"aright kid take a good look because you won't see this place again in along time" at this point the sandaime spoke up.

"before you go there is something I have to tell you, these scrolls contain the techniques of his parents, Kazama Arashi and Uzumaki Tifa, take them they're of no use to us"

at this the eyes of the raikage widened, he just hit the jackpot, even though it was not a doujutsu the Kazama bloodline was not something to be thrown away and there was also the secrets of konoha's taijutsu mistress, yes a jackpot indeed.

The kage and the woman took a scroll each one before starting to walk out the village, then out of the air Naruto returned and give something to Sarutobi, when the old man looked at it was slightly shocked it was the Kazama swirl that Naruto always used on the shoulder of his clothing "so you can remember me ojii-san, don't worry I'll come back for it later, it's a promise, okay?" the kid said, one way or another he was coming back to the village.

"yes Naruto it's a promise" and he and the white-haired man watched as the boy went to another village.

"A new life for the boy, I hope it will be better than what he had here" the sandaime thought.

AN: yes another one, sorry but this one didn't leave me alone and even as I write this more ideas are popping in my head (an avatar/Naruto crossover, a Bleach/Naruto crossover, or a story in the Narutoverse with a lot of stuff from other just to name some) so sorry anyways after this is the next thing to update is 'the dragon within'. O yeah there is a reason of why this epilogue is so vague.

Now as for the pairings, I'm inclined towards Naru/fem Haku or Naru/Oc but a harem can do it as well now for the options (when it comes to choose pairings I'm kinda indecisive, because I like a lot of them)

From konoha:

Hanna (yes I know I've been avoiding it but it's time to face it)




Hinata (I'm not to keen on this one however, it will seriously require mayor support)

From other places:


Female Haku(kumo, as a refugee)

Oc(from kumo and sand)

Kin( from sound)

Sasame (yes, and please no buts)

As for the why not tayuya, Hanabi or anyone else I didn't mention above it's pretty simple I have plans for them.

Well review please if you don't have anything nice and/or constructive to say don't bother.

JA Ne!!!