Disclaimer: I claim no ownership over the characters, just the demons inside my head that made me post this.

A Part of Me


"Surely as a medical professional you can impart upon this stubborn woman that her decision-making skills have been impaired due to an overwhelming amount of hormones."

Jason didn't bother to respond other than to chuckle. He'd been hearing comments like this for the past two weeks after Duo called to confirm the exact date and time of the baptism. He's just nervous and doesn't want to admit it. It's so adorable. Jason would freely admit he was nervous. Not because he was being named a godfather of a baby girl, which seemed to be Wufei's issue, but because being named a godfather along with Wufei was like being baptized into Wufei's family.

Jason got along very well with Duo and Trowa and Quatre but that didn't mean he was a part of their family. They'd been through a lot together and he'd witnessed their intense bond firsthand.

"Are you all right?"

A hand on Jason's leg brought him out of his thoughts and he turned to see concerned black eyes aimed at him.


"You were unresponsive to my questions. What's wrong?"

"Nothing." Jason placed a reassuring hand on Wufei's and squeezed. "I was just thinking what an honor it is to be named a godfather."

Wufei was about to expound once again on Hilde's inability to make levelheaded decisions when he caught the shimmer in Jason's eyes. He looks happy but…is he going to cry?

Before Wufei could inquire further the doors opened and Duo and Hilde walked in, followed by Quatre and Trowa. Each man carried a baby.

"You guys ready?"

Wufei and Jason stood and Duo stopped right in front of Wufei.

"Here you go."

Duo carefully handed Wufei his daughter and everyone, except Hilde, was tactful enough to hold their laughter and teasing in place.

"Don't be scared, she won't break." Hilde giggled with delight as Wufei managed to hold the child properly while only looking slightly uncomfortable. "Aaawww…I can't believe how cute you two look together!"

Jason closed in on Wufei to coo over the tiny baby and place a reassuring hand on Wufei's back.

"I think the three of them make a lovely sight."

Wufei looked to Trowa who offered a knowing smile and Wufei couldn't help but smirk in return. The quiet and observant brunette was the only person to acknowledge the matching rings Wufei and Jason were wearing. He didn't say anything to the group. He merely found Wufei alone and congratulated him. He understood neither Wufei nor Jason would say anything to the group because the day was about Duo, Hilde, and the children. But Trowa did warn him not to wait too long, "You risk Duo noticing at an inopportune moment and causing a scene." Wufei had cringed as all manner of embarrassing scenes played in his head thanks to his overactive imagination. That hyperactive idiot. You can only guess what he'll- Suddenly a thought occurred to Wufei and he turned his attention to Duo.

"By the way, Maxwell, are you going to tell me this child's name or should I just make one up when the pastor asks me?"

They'd withheld the babies' names for two reasons: first and foremost was due to their inability to agree on the names before they were born. Many an argument raged in the Maxwell household the last three months of Hilde's term as the loving couple debated names. And secondly, once they did agree upon names it was so close to the baptism they just figured people would find out when they showed up.

Duo smiled as he slung an arm around Hilde's shoulder and squeezed. Their daughter's name had been the only easy one. It had been the first and only choice.


Wufei could feel Jason's hand slip around him and come to rest on his hip but all he could do was look at the baby in his arms who seemed to be looking right into his soul with her big blue eyes. He reached up and caressed Yui's cheek with his fingertip. When a small fist wrapped around his finger Wufei's throat constricted painfully, but he still mumbled quietly,



Wufei lay against Jason, using the doctor's torso as a pillow while he stretched the rest of his body along the sofa and nestled his face at Jason's neck, happy to be home. They'd spent the past five days with Duo, Hilde, the triplets, Quatre, and Trowa and neither could recall ever being so exhausted during a vacation. Despite staying at a nearby hotel they weren't spared the impact of the triplets' demanding schedule. With the exception of one day when Quatre dragged Wufei and Trowa all over the city shopping for supplies for Duo's newly extended family, all were at the mercy of the triplets: feeding, burping, playing, changing, bathing, and laundry. All in triplicate. The only thing Wufei refused to help with was diapers.

Even the plane ride home did not spare Wufei and Jason. At least three families were on their flight with children aged one to fourteen. And with the exception of the teenager and the unsteady toddler, all the children stopped by to say hello and try to insinuate themselves into Jason's and Wufei's seats at some point during the three-hour flight. I don't know how Jason managed to keep so calm and friendly. If I'd had my way I'd have- Suddenly Wufei's pillow shook as Jason lightly chuckled.

"What has you so amused?"

"I thought you were going to lock that little boy in the bathroom when he grabbed your book and tore the page."

"Hmph. Shows what you know. I envisioned throwing him out the emergency exit."

This garnered louder laughter from Jason and Wufei grumbled, waiting for Jason to stop moving so he could settle back into his comfortable pillow. Their plane landed an hour late thanks to "technical delays" before takeoff which Wufei translated as "our pilot is late." When they got home both collapsed on the sofa wanting a quiet moment in the early evening hours. The suitcases were still next to the front door closet.

Wufei reached out and brought Jason's hand, which had been resting on Wufei's chest, up for inspection. He smiled at the sight of Jason's elegant finger encircled by gold and onyx. What a lovely sight. Before Wufei could say anything about the rings, Duo caught him in the laundry room.

"Don't think I didn't notice the rings." Wufei merely smirked as he measured the specialty laundry detergent for the triplets' soiled clothes. And then a strong arm draped across his shoulders and squeezed tight. "I'm happy for you, 'Fei. He's a good man."

Duo leaned his head against Wufei's for a brief moment and then let go to head back to the kitchen. Wufei thought for certain Duo would be smug about their reunion, but so far he hadn't said much. I thought for sure he would at least say-

"Told you so!"

Wufei sighed and hung his head at the yelled words from down the hall. Damn him! But Wufei could only smile as he hit the power button on the washing machine. I wouldn't have you any other way, Maxwell.

Wufei smiled at the recalled memory and replaced Jason's hand, the warm spot on his chest growing cool, and closed his eyes, sighing in contentment. We can finally live our life together as we were meant to: meals together, vacations, and quiet weekends. We can be-

Suddenly Wufei's chest hurt as Heero's image invaded his mind's eye, cerulean eyes sparkling with emotion. And then he heard the words, like a ghostly echo, "We could….be normal…..together…." Wufei lost himself to memories, both good and bad, and his contentment fled in the face of bitter sadness. His throat constricted and he clamped his eyes shut against the tears threatening. Jason felt tiny tremors up and down Wufei's body unaware it was a result of the man trying to hold in his emotions.

"Hey, are you cold?"

When Wufei didn't answer Jason frowned and gently maneuvered him forward and around so they could face each other. Wufei tried to hide his face in his loose hair but Jason just brushed it aside and held Wufei's face in his hands, his concern growing by the second as he took in the wet tracks on Wufei's cheeks.

"Hey, hey, what's going on? What's wrong?"

Wufei shook his head a few times, releasing Jason's hold on his face, and bowed his head. He'd never told Duo the extent of his one-night stand with Heero so many years ago. He told him just enough to keep Duo from nagging. But I won't hide from Jason. He asked before and I did the same thing to him as I did to Maxwell. After all I put him through he deserves the truth.

"After the war…..Heero and I made plans. We were going to….."

Wufei took a deep breath and Jason noted the small shudder and reached out, pulling Wufei to him, gently enfolding him within his arms as if to protect him from the emotions within.

"After everything we'd gone through, he just wanted to be normal. So we made plans to be normal together."

It was then the dam broke and Wufei made a strangled noise like a wounded animal. I don't think he's cried since the night Heero died. Jason squeezed tighter and kissed Wufei's forehead. I knew they were involved, but if they were making those kinds of plans….what terrible thing happened to cause such a rift between them? As if reading Jason's thoughts Wufei spoke up again, his voice still quiet, but steady.

"He ran away. He didn't say goodbye, leave a note, or anything. I woke up and he was gone."

They sat there in the quiet of the living room for a few moments and then Wufei pushed away and sat up, swiping at his eyes before facing Jason. Wufei seemed to regard Jason as if making a crucial decision, and then Wufei's lips slowly curved into a soft smile. We were both cowards, Heero. You got scared and ran away from me and I chose the cowardly way and left Jason when it got too tough. But all that is in the past now. I do believe you will always be a part of me, but my future, my life, is with Jason.

"Will you be normal with me?"

"Nothing would make me happier."

Wufei bowed his head again and nodded a few times as he played with the gold and onyx band on his middle finger, turning it back and forth. Yes, I knew that. But I needed to hear it. Just one more time. Wufei raised his head and met Jason's gaze. And the longer the gaze went on, the better Wufei felt and the more his smile shone through. Finally he lightly chuckled and stood up.

"So what would you like for dinner? I'm starving."

Jason opened his mouth to respond but nothing came out. Dinner? He goes from that to dinner?

"If you don't speak up you'll get what I give you."

Jason closed his mouth and smiled as he looked up at his boyfriend who was waiting expectantly, if impatiently, for his answer. I get it now…..

""Steak if we have it."

Wufei nodded and headed for the kitchen leaving Jason on the sofa. The doctor collapsed backward and stretched out on the sofa and sighed as he rubbed his face. He's such a strong and passionate man and for some reason he loves me. I don't know why Heero ran away from him but I will never leave his side again. He'll have to beat me away with a stick. Which, considering his temperament….

Jason's lips curved in a sleepy smile as he relaxed and concentrated on his surroundings: the smell in the air, the sounds of Wufei cooking, and the feel of the sofa under him. He pictured the apartment, their apartment, in his mind's eye, down to the last detail. Someone to love and come home to… Being normal sounds wonderful, Wufei.

Thank you all for hanging in there to read the whole story!