Disclaimer: It shall be disclaimed.
Warning: More boysecks
Pairing: BalthierxVaan, implied BalthierxFran
Summary: Vaan figures out Balthier's less than pure intentions. He's not shocked.
Shattered Like Sand
Vaan smiles as he fights, trying to be perfect and graceful, everything he's not. He thinks he can be pure seduction if he tries, thinks he feels those sensual eyes watching his thighs clench, his shoulders roll. His eyelashes singe, his lips crack. Vaan is all too aware of his ability to over analyze.
The desert is warm and drafty, with no cool air, and annoying pumpkin shaped fiends. Everyone is at their nerves end, and right now all Vaan wants to do is collapse.
Instead, he finds his simple solace in the promise drifting in Balthier's eyes.
The first chance.
The hopeful darkness is still a few hours away, god, all he wants is something to look forward to. All the fighting, all the fucking sand.
It's too much.
There's bright light, and rain drops all of a sudden, and Vaan is on his back, blinking once twice, then thrice. He coughs, jumps up but a soft hand stops him, and he realizes Balthier is leaning over him, shirtless, and he blushes.
The rain was really only the last bits of a potion.
The light is Balthier's amber eyes, as they hold his gaze.
"You passed out."
The heat on Vaan's face intensifies. He looks around with a sigh. A secluded alcove hidden among the rocks.
"The others, are they - "
Balthier's smug smile snakes across his face, morphing his lips into something terrible. Vaan gulps when his sultry voice gets low. "Told them to go on ahead, we'd catch up. You know?" One long finger lifts Vaan's chin, pushing up until their faces are inches, only centimeters apart. "Is that... all right, Vaan?" he practically purrs.
Breath intermingling, hairs withe.
Vaan shudders, draws up. Balthier doesn't waste the invitation, smothers the boy with his mouth. Hands tweaking, tongues as one. The kiss is what Vaan needs, craves.
He's practically in Balthier's lap while their teeth are clashing, rocking. He wonders if Fran has ever had this opportunity, but shakes it out of his head. Fran doesn't seem to care anymore, at least.
Balthier's intentions were never pure, Vaan knows this. He knew the moment he saw Balthier's grin and determined arching brow that the man was anything but truthful. Deceit had etched itself unknowingly into his tight features.
But Vaan had almost enjoyed that, and now as they battle, lips slipping apart by tongues, dueling, owning, Vaan groans and arches, and remembers the way Balthier's hands had held him so securely. The way that smile contained something beyond simple curiosity.
The way Balthier fucked him when they got back to Rabanastre. How he whispered, "you are simply the best I've ever had," in his ear, weaved golden like a perfect lie.
Balthier remains to be the first man he's ever slept with.
And, with Balthier's charm, grace and bed knowledge, he'll probably be the last.
The gunman strikes his target, and Vaan screams.
He shatters away into the sand.
we'll see if anyone cares first.
but! i will do a chapter after every area of the game i complete after this stupid desert/tomb.
i think it's a cool idea. lots of smut. mwhaha.