Author's Notes
I wanna clarify a few points because I admit that it can be quite confusing.
(1) An entertainer is different from being a concubine. Here's how:
Entertainer: From the title itself, is a woman (or man) who "entertains" in every sense of the word. They are singers, dancers, artists, musicians, etc. that are trained from being an apprentice until they become masters (full-fledged entertainers). They are usually the lowest class in society, however, they hold a degree of power over certain matters like the arts and social interaction (even with nobles) as they are regarded as experts.
Concubine: By definition is a woman (or man) who lives and sleeps with a person (usually a high-ranking official or a well-off noble), but they have a lower status than that person, and that person's legal or official spouse.
Bottomline: Not all entertainers are concubines, and not all concubines are entertainers.
It just so happened that Lady Suiren (the only concubine in the story so far) was an entertainer first before former Fire Lord Ozai (kinda) fell in love with her (or something idk).
(2) The previous chapter (Chapter 26: Chiyo Alone) was only a flashback. So, this chapter happens directly after Chapter 25: The Invitation.
I'm sorry this is taking WAY too long—
Sokka: Ya think?
Author-nim: Do you want your own love story or NOT?
Sokka: ...
One of the most highly revered occasions in the Fire Nation is the Festival of Szeto, the Avatar before Yangchen. Before he was born into the Avatar Cycle, the Fire Nation suffered several plagues and natural disasters, causing unrest with its citizens, escalating into disputes between the nobles of major clans.
Szeto, despite being hailed as the Avatar, chose to work as a junior minister for Fire Lord Yosor, advancing through the ranks through his achievements in improving the Fire Nation's economy. Finally, after being appointed as grand advisor to Fire Lord Yosor, the citizens of the Fire Nation entered an era of peace among the major clans, and prosperity for all.
This festival in honor of Avatar Szeto is held not only to give thanks for peace, but also to showcase the prosperity the Fire Nation has maintained throughout the years.
Bright lanterns were hung on every street of the Capital, illuminating the rows upon rows of plentiful harvest from every Fire Nation town brought in by barges from the dock. Joyous music can be heard from the plaza where a band of entertainers regaled everyone with folk dances, songs, and tales about Avatar Szeto.
Everyone was in high spirits in the Capital even more so for it was time to witness the famous Chiyo's last performance as an apprentice before the coming-of-age banquet to be held at the troupe quarters.
All people of importance was present in the plaza; rich merchants, low and high-ranking government officials, esteemed nobles, with the exception of one.
Chiyo had no interest in scanning the multitudes of people that had gathered in her honor. Instead, she stared lifelessly into her own reflection that she didn't even recognize.
She could see herself years ago when she was first introduced to the public, Lady Suiren fussing over her make-up and dress, and lovingly placing a single fire lily in her hair.
"I know I made a promise to you, Lady Suiren, a promise to become the greatest entertainer the world shall ever see, and here I am now. But why does my heart ache so much?" She asked in her thoughts, but deep-down, she already knew the answer.
She gingerly reached towards her neck, still hoping to feel the warmth of the necklace Zuko had given her and felt a twinge of pain when she could no longer grasp it.
"I don't deserve your warmth, Zuko. I'm so sorry."
Chiyo recalled the afternoon that she had given the invitation to Zuko, how she had longed to have him hold her in his arms and forget all her troubles. She wanted to be selfish and runaway, forget that they both have their duties and responsibilities.
But when the lives of the others are at stake, for her sake, how could she just turn a blind-eye and leave?
The organizer from before approached her. All through her public performances, he had been there for her, helping and guiding her, even in her brief interlude back in Ember Island.
No matter how much he tried to mask it with his smile, Chiyo saw the pity in his eyes. "Are you ready, my Lady?"
She chuckled dryly. "Even if I shake my head, Sir, I have no choice."
He sighed deeply and placed his hands on Chiyo's shoulders. "You look so beautiful, Lady Chiyo. I'm willing to bet my entire fortune that Lady Suiren is watching over us now, and she is very proud of you."
Chiyo bit her lip to stop the bitter tears from spilling. "She is, isn't she?"
He nodded, "And so is Fire Lord Zuko."
Chiyo stared back at the organizer through the mirror. "He hates me."
"He could never hate you."
After making final arrangements with her hair and kimono, he left and reminded her that she had five minutes until her performance.
Though she had almost mastered several instruments in a limited time, Lady Vira insisted that she danced for her performance. At this point, it was useless to argue.
She stood up from her seat, smoothing out the nonexistent creases on her red robes that resembled Avatar Szeto's. Briefly, she thought of what Aang and the others were up to at the moment. She wondered what adventures they were on, what experiences lie in wait for them.
She was cued to enter the stage and so she did slowly.
The entire crowd fell in silence, once again entranced by the beauty before them. Dressed impeccably in deep red robes made of the finest material, her long dark hair pinned high above and tied with a long, red silk ribbon that swayed with the wind as she sauntered to the center of the stage.
Though she did not want to, her eyes flitted over the crowd, desperately seeking the person whose eyes held the warmth of her world.
But he wasn't there.
After yet another well-delivered performance, Chiyo was sent back to the troupe quarters for the banquet. All the entertainers of the Salinja troupe were in full regalia, welcoming the important guests who were given the special invitation.
She was welcomed into the main receiving room, a couple of rooms with the dividers removed to create a long space enough to seat at least a hundred people.
Everyone broke into applause as she arrived and walked to the far end of the room, sitting beside Lady Vira and bowing deeply to the patrons.
The feast was served, once again extravagantly prepared. The food was excellent, and the free-flowing wine was divine, but everyone was anxiously and impatiently waiting for the main event and their sole purpose for gathering there.
The patrons eyed on another, sizing up the competition and intimidating them with talks of their business and wealth. Lady Vira delighted in their discussions, deliberately prolonging their wait to increase the tension.
"I just closed another deal just this morning with a start-up corporation, worth a lot of gold!"
"Oh, really? Them I'm sure we can discuss a follow-up investment further in my newly-acquired property in Ember Island!"
"We would love to join you both, but unfortunately, the crystal refineries in the Earth Kingdom has recently made a huge breakthrough and we are expecting a rise in demand soon!"
"I wonder why the Fire Lord didn't not attend this year's festival. He must still be sick after the scuffle with that disgraceful Ukano and the Kemurikage."
"That's one less competition to worry about!"
Their boisterous laughter and toxic energy was enough to suffocate her but she was lost in her thoughts. Later, she will share a night with one of these men in the room. She studied them intently, all the while dreading the outcome of this banquet.
There were men a few years older than she was, sons of nobles who came to splurge their parents' wealth. There were also men who were undoubtedly twice, if not thrice, older than her, looking to boost their reputation at acquiring the apprentice everyone sought after ever since her debut to the public.
"If only Zuko—"
She was pulled out of her thoughts when she was escorted out of the room to be prepped for the night, leaving Lady Vira and the men with their negotiations. Chiyo gave a lingering look of hatred towards the woman because that was all she was able to do.
The elder woman smiled sweetly in return before sending them away to begin her work.
Lady Vira returned to her position at the head of the room and took her seat. Her maids brought a table, fresh parchment, and her brush and ink, setting them before her and bowing on their way out. The men settled back into their places. "Gentlemen, shall we begin?"
In turns, the men offered their bids to the elder entertainer. The most common offer was gold, and the amount easily surpassed the highest amount for an entertainer in the records, a hundred thousand gold pieces.
Aside from gold, properties were also put forward. Rights to lavish estates, title deeds to acres of land, stocks in new ventures and companies, Lady Vira was having the night of her life, watching these men sacrifice everything that they have to offer for one night with Chiyo. She eyed them with sadistic malice and greed.
The negotiations went on for an hour. Only four men were left debating and debasing themselves to the point that they became the center of entertainment for the rest.
Just as Lady Vira was reaching for a cup of rice wine, a man approached her. She easily recognized him as the organizer of the festival, a close friend of her entertainers. "Oh, you! What brings you here? Are the festivities over?"
The organizer ignored her and sat next to her, leaning in to whisper a few words into her ear.
Lady Vira listened intently. Seconds later, her dark eyes widened, almost threatening to pop out of their sockets and she broke out into fits of gleeful and unrestrained laughter.
The room was silent except for her breathless laughter, and everyone thought she had gone insane. Their sentiments were furthered when she stood up and said. "We have a winner!"
In a separate room, Chiyo was changed out of her costume and into simpler, thinner robes. Her dark hair was pulled out of the pins and ties, having it cascading over her shoulders and down her back. Her make-up was removed, but even bare-faced, the entertainers agreed that she still held an unexplainable attraction that is irresistible.
An hour into waiting, a maid came in and blindfolded Chiyo. Lady Vira already explained the details of her final duty as an apprentice and she remained calm as the maid gently secured the thick red silk over her eyes.
A cup was brought to her lips and she was urged to drink it. She could smell it, the aphrodisiac. Lady Vira told her that it helps, but she expected nothing of the sort. Still, she drank until the last drop.
She wanted things to happen differently. She wanted to be in the arms of the one she loved the most, warm, safe, and treasured.
But she realized that they lived in two different worlds, in spheres that briefly touched, burned brightly and drifted apart. She could never be a part of his world, as much as he could never be part of hers.
In the darkness of her blindfolded eyes, she saw Zuko's face. She saw his shy smile and his warm and loving eyes. She imagined taking his outstretched hand and running away from this place, to a nameless destination, to anywhere as long as they were together.
"Lady Chiyo, it's time to go." The maid spoke softly and led her out of the room with guiding hands. She walked through the wooden walkways as if she was walking towards an executioner.
Soon, she was lifted onto a carriage. When she was settled, it slowly trudged away from the troupe quarters, the hooves of the ostrich-horses pulling the carriage mirrored the fast-beating of her numbed heart.
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