Reviews for The Apprentice's Choice (Zuko X OC)
Arianna Le Fay chapter 31 . 14h
yes finally some good news i hope nothing will come between them
but please let justice come for that miserable hag
Arianna Le Fay chapter 30 . 8/18
thank you honestly thank you i was so close to give up on that story
but zuko saving her and being the one to take her makes me want to read it
please get her out of this life
and let that selfish bitch die
for gods sake zuko is the fire lord that harpy is no match
Arianna Le Fay chapter 29 . 8/14
Please i beg of you save her
Dont let her be used by those filthy selfish bastards
Please dont let her become suiren
Penny chapter 29 . 8/12
I won’t comment on Chiyo internal monologue because I think she was dumb from the beginning but that’s okay because I’m still rooting for her lol. I just hope the gaang can help her. Hopefully whoever won is someone that’s a good guy but I won’t count on that. I feel like it’ll be long bit before things start to turn around. Thank you for the chapter.
Penny chapter 28 . 8/12
Lady Suiren knew what was going to happen to Chiyo and never warned her. Like what!? How can Chiyo still love her and respect her? Yes I understand she tried to payback her debts but never warning her when she had the chance like wtf. Especially when there was a chance during the short time they were reunited. Chiyo was basically in Stockholm syndrome situation. Like I hope that gets explored later where despite being grateful for lady suiren she feels resentment towards her. I’m sorry Lady Suiren is a terrible person despite what good she did. The same to the all the other entertainers who bring in apprentices to this lifestyle without letting them know. Lady Vira is even worse and honestly I hope she gets every bit of hurt. Especially for manipulation and hurting people. Thanks for the chapter. I read only the authors note at the bottom and I’m extremely thankful for the TW.
Guest chapter 28 . 8/7
I have a question how didn’t she know that she would be used for sex in the future like the literal definition of a concubine is a woman who lives/ sleeps with a man but has a lower position than him and his wife
Fin-Fish Jun-Tenshi chapter 28 . 8/7
Oh god!
Kim B chapter 3 . 8/5
The story is really interesting!
AmericanNidiot chapter 27 . 7/24
I just wanna kill Vira and be done with it, or have June storm the ceremony, knowing that if Chiyo continued, then she might just shatter her soul. Cause protective June gives me life, mainly when she opens a can of whoop ass. (Let June smack the piss outta Vira! Please!)
JustUsingARandomName chapter 27 . 7/24
Honestly, I don't think you have any obligation to do anything different than what you were originally going to do besides add the trigger warnings. If someone sees them and decides they don't want to continue reading due to them, it's their choice, but that doesn't mean you would have to change anything in the story even slightly or anything like that
Fin-Fish Jun-Tenshi chapter 27 . 7/24
Penny chapter 26 . 7/20
Thank you for addressing the TW you’re a wonderful person. I feel so sad for Zuko omg I’m scared for Chiyo. Quick question did Chiyo knew what her job entail before agreeing to continue with it? I couldn’t be sure re reading the part where she shows up and tells them she wants to continue her apprenticeship. Like I hope there’s a point where she addresses why she rather do that instead of being with Zuko if she knew what it entail. I know her ‘mother’ but dang Chiyo never asked for her to be taken by her so I felt that argument as weak. If she didn’t it’ll feel a little too weird. Also I do hope Zuko contacts Jun or Chiyo calls for Jun. I feel like everyone is forgetting Jun can track her. Also Zuko is fire lord he could imprison anyone regarding this situation. I can’t wait for more but please if you need a break from this I’ll patiently wait for a new chapter. Thanks for the chapter.
AmericanNidiot chapter 26 . 7/20
what the fucking hell... JUST WHAT THE FUCKING HELL?!
Fin-Fish Jun-Tenshi chapter 26 . 7/20
PinkOnWensdays chapter 26 . 7/20
I don't know if I'll be able to read more if what I think is happening to Chiyo will happen. Each chapter Chiyo doesn't appear is a nail in the coffin. I really can't read anything with sexual assault because it really triggers me and I feel awful for days and Chiyo is a character I really admire and love, for her to suffer in such a horrible disgusting way is to taint everything I read so far. I'm sorry to be so negative when all a writer needs is positive reviews, I hope you finish this story in a happy note because I really can't with that type of awful heartbreaking tragedies and thank you so much for making Chiyo, she definitely inspired me and so has your way of writing.
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