Okay. Okay! Think I am okay to go through with this now… Maybe!

Disclaimer: Don't own Mulan… stop harassing me!

Here the Chapter Starts

The ground was scarred. Embers still smoldering. Trees bare and burnt black. Bodies of man and beast scattered on the ground.

They have to leave. Despite their injuries, mourning, and thirst for vengeance, he knew he had to get his tribe moving. Somewhere they can rest and heal. Have a chance to gather what they lost, though some things will never be replaced.

Shan-Yu was against the idea. "We're just going to leave her in their hands?!" he snarled, pacing the ground like a wounded, yet highly defensive, animal. "We have to get her back!"

"This is what it means to be the chieftain, my son," Nakhu stated firmly, keeping his calm as he watched over the survivors while they tried to find what was left of their fallen loved ones. "The needs of the few and the needs of the many."

"Then take care of the many," his son growled. "I will go out and find Mulan!"

"No, we need you here," he refused.

"Mulan needs me more!"

"Damn it, Shan-Yu, look around you!" Nakhu snapped, facing his son. "Look at how many we lost! Look at the state we are in! Mulan will be fine! We need you here!"

"You're abandoning her, but I won't!" the young man sneered.

"I am not abandoning her!" the chieftain corrected harshly. "The Han that took her was her father. He won't harm her. But I need every able-bodied warrior with me now. We lost too much last night, not just Mulan!" He took a deep breath to calm himself before shaking his head. "She will have to wait. For now, my duty – our duty! - is to our people."

Shan-Yu snorted, glancing up when the shadow of his falcon flew across his face. He raised an arm for Hayabusa to land, the bird's talons grasping his limb to stay balanced. "Very well," he conceded. "But the first chance I get, as soon as everyone is settled once more, I will find her. And any Hans that get in my way will pay for taking her with their lives."

Nakhu sighed as Shan-Yu stormed over to his group of close friends. They all managed to survive, but there was a new darkness settling over them with the absence of the spirited girl.

Esenaysh walked by the group of young adults and approached the chieftain. His eyes were downcast as he bowed respectfully. "I have news," he said. "Yesuntei will live, but she will bare the scars for the rest of her life."

"So long as she is alive, she will make it through," Nakhu told him firmly.

The shaman nodded in agreement, glancing back to the group as they mounted their horses and took off. "I have not seen them in such dark spirits. It was not just his mother being burned that caused it in your child. Shan-Yu is heartbroken."

"I know," the chieftain said lowly, nodding his head.

"They will unite once more," Esenaysh announced, bringing Nakhu's attention to him fully. "Time will pass. But it depends on how well young Mulan can handle herself, free for so long only to be back under the oppression of the Han. If she breaks, she will not be the same."

"If she holds?"

"Then Shan-Yu will have found the perfect bride for himself."

Nakhu smirked sadly. "Then may she stay strong." For now, he has to see to his people. They have to move before more Imperials come to finish what was started last night. Many were injured and the dead still needs to be tended to.

The needs of the few versus the needs of the many. Much as Mulan needs them, she is in no danger. His people need them more. One day, his son will understand that.

Here is a line!

She hates it here. The only comfort she has is Khan standing guard over her, but the man claiming to be her father kept her close. With the rush of battle and the fear of her abduction gone, she does find him familiar. It had been years since she saw either of her parents, coming to find Nakhu and Yesuntei to be her new ones, even though she never called them such.

Making herself as small as possible, Mulan wrapped herself in the blanket like a cocoon, hiding from the strange men around her. No women in sight. And more than a few were giving her an odd stare, but did not approach once the general harshly cleared his throat. Even injured as badly as he is, no one dared to argue. The medic said the injury was too deep to fully recover from. If anything, he will have a permanent limp for the rest of his life.

The second general came to them, sitting beside the injured man and placing his helmet beside him. He regarded Mulan cautiously, but she did not meet his gaze. Instead, she rubbed Khan's head as the horse nuzzled her. As far as they are aware, her mental state is in shock, thus unable to fully comprehend whom they are, what is happening, and has no idea what they say.

"Fa Zhou," the fatter general called to the injured one.

Fa? That was her name.

"I cannot understand what you are thinking," he continued on. "She has been a Hun slave for nearly six years. Her mind is gone. It would be a mercy to-"

"No," Fa Zhou rejected. "She is my daughter. My only child. I will not put a blade to her throat just because everyone else believes she is gone." He looked down to the young teen that was petting her horse. The stallion refused to leave her side, biting and kicking anyone that tried taking him away until Mulan calmed him. "I know she is still in there. It will take time for her to heal from the tortures she undoubtedly endured."

The other general scoffed. "I still believe it to be mercy to kill her now."

"Would you think the same if it were your son in her place, General Li?" Zhou returned, giving the other general a hard stare.

"That is different," General Li scolded.

"Why? Because he is your son and this is my daughter? If their roles were reverse, and I implied for you to kill your son… you would do the same as I am now."

Khan laid on the ground behind her, pulling the blanket on his back off and throwing it over the young teenager. She gave her steed a gentle smile and pressed against his torso, tucking the blanket tighter around herself. She can endure this. Father or not, this is not where she should be. Eventually, someone will come for her. But after the battle, even she knows it will take time. She just has to wait and endure.

In the distance, she thought she heard a falcon shriek.

Here is a line!

"Shan-Yu," Yesuntei called softly, waving her son to her as Oyuun continued to pull the travois she was laying on.

The young man dismounted his mare, walking beside his mother and grasping the hand she reached out for him. "Are you in pain?" he asked, eyes tracing the bandages wrapped around half her face and arms. There was more under her clothing. But from what he could see, none were bleeding through yet. Still, the medicine the shaman made could have worn off and the burns cause her much pain before it is given again.

"Little," she replied. "But you are in more."

He harrumphed, jerking his gaze away.

"I know why," she continued, using her thumb to rub the back of his larger hand. "But your father is right. We stole her first, my son. And as much as you wish to go after her now, we need you here."

"But she needs me," he returned.

Yesuntei chuckled gently. "Mulan will eventually learn to stand on her own two feet," she reassured. "We taught her all we can. You, more so." She pulled her hand from his, placing it on her chest. "When she makes it back into China, there will be little we can do. No Hun has ever made it alone, and a group only makes a bigger target. And the Imperial army? Hmph! They will broker no excuse for trespass."

Shan-Yu nodded, already knowing that much. But if he left now, he could hopefully catch those soldiers before they make it to the wall. Yet he also knows, just like both his parents have told him, they need him here. Their elderly and children outnumber their warriors. Their numbers depleted with the death of many. Even his friends suffered losses.

Husun lost his father, the man having been caught in the same blaze that his mother is recovering from when he attempted to help his chieftain's wife. Batu and Jaliqai found their mother with a deep cut across her throat. Ulagchi, once the middle child of three, is now the only child left and his mother is near inconsolable. Nogai and Jungsai, old enough to take care of themselves, are now parentless. Considering that, Shan-Yu should call himself lucky.

Such was battle. They all knew it, too. But the losses still hung over them. No blame or misplaced anger, only mournful acceptance.

"Get stronger, Shan-Yu," his mother told him firmly, her eyes brighter than the fires that ate at her skin just days ago. "Get stronger, and one day, you will bring her home."

He gave her a simple nod then mounted Mide once again as Hayabusa glided down to land on his shoulder. The falcon was watching him closely, knowing he would give an order soon. "Find the Han soldiers," he instructed. "If you see any still close to us, come back."

Hayabusa chirped before pushing off his shoulder, climbing the air before his wings leveled out and he glided away. Briefly, his sharp eyes gave a faint glow.

Shan-Yu blinked, then rubbed his eyes for a moment. Odd. He could have sworn he saw the land from above.

Here is a line!

Days turned to weeks, much time still flew too quickly for Mulan's liking. They came upon the construction of a massive wall, allowed to pass through without stopping. In that moment, Mulan knew she was out of Hun lands and in China.

"At least I have you," she whispered in Hunnic, patting Khan's neck. The horse nickered reassuringly, turning his head back to lightly nip at her leg.

Among the mass of white horses, Khan stood out like a sore thumb. She would have, too, if she kept her old clothing. But General Fa Zhou took it from her when she was asleep and left a simple tunic and pants for her to wear. They are too big on her and not built to handle the cold she was used to. She wanted her leather and pelts back, but they were gone for good. Yet even in the loose clothing, she was still noticeable when they passed through a village.

The doctor of the village was called to look over Fa Zhou and to change his bandages. While there, the general requested for the doctor to look over Mulan for injures. All they found were healing bruises (training and hunting is not easy) and scars, old and new. They assumed she was beaten. When told of where they rescued her from, the doctor tried to look between her legs, but she kicked and screamed at him until the general dismissed him.

Though no evidence was seen or noted, the behavior was enough proof for them to believe that she was raped. Idiots, she thought to herself. None of the men back home ever touched her in such a way. Batu teased, but it was only to get a reaction from Shan. He somewhat stopped once they confirmed that they are in a new relationship. Honestly, she thinks the archer just wants to tease anyone the second he has a chance.

That night, as they rested at an inn, she heard the flaps of powerful wings and Khan's burring. Gasping lightly, she jumped from the bundle of blankets and sheets she had on the floor, something Fa Zhou simply let her do if only so she would settle, and ran to the window. A smile overtook her face when she spotted Hayabusa perched on a nearby tree.

Silently as possible, she slipped from the room and rushed outside, her steps soft to avoid detection. Once at the tree, the falcon hopped down from his low branch and onto her shoulder, holding his leg out for her to take the note tied there. Taking it, she rubbed the falcon's head, earning soft clicks of his beak. As Hayabusa started to preen her hair, she unrolled the small note and read over it.

It was short and to the point, as they usually are. They lost many in the battle and are moving towards an ally tribe in order to fully recover. Shan-Yu swore in the note that he will find her, but it will be some time. She expected that.

"I'll endure," she promised, not seeing Hayabusa's eyes glow briefly. "I'll wait."

Instead of waiting for her to rush back inside to make her own response, Hayabusa took flight and circled in the air before picking a direction and flying off. Khan watched the bird, tilting his head curiously until the falcon was gone from sight.

Here is a line!

She wasn't sure how to react. The house looked familiar, as did the two women crying and holding her. But she had been gone for so long, they were strangers in her eyes, even though she knows that she knows them. She was led to a room to rest, Khan set up in the empty stable surrounded by chickens.

The room was too spacious. Windows open for a fresh breeze and perfect view of the yard. Things scattered around the room that proved no point other than to be gazed upon.

She shook her head and prepared to leave the room with intent of going to the stable with Khan. As much as she tried to pay attention during their journey, she doesn't know which ally Nakhu took everyone to or how to find them at this time of year. By the time she gets back to where they were originally, weather would have worn down any tracks left behind.

However, her intention was interrupted when she heard the general speaking with his wife. He spoke of the finding the man who stole her, the battle, and the 'barbarian' that left the disabling wound on him when he took Mulan away. Fury filled her. Shan is no barbarian, he was trying to help her! The Han are barbarians!

A sneer etched across her face as she retreated back to the room they said is hers. Grabbing anything she could, she started to throw it to the ground, not caring if it broke. Angry tears spilled from her eyes and her hair flew into disarray. She yelled and screamed until arms were around her, trying to keep her from harming herself with the shattered glass and porcelain scattered all over the floor.

Thrashing in the stronger hold, she continued to scream and cry out her outrage. The arms never left her, not even when she finally wore herself down and went lax in the hold, but her cries still shook her body.

She just wants to go back home.

Here the Chapter Ends

I know we focused more on Shan-Yu during this, but I did try to handle Mulan equally.

Anyway, next chapter is when we get to the movie portion of the story! Aren't you guys excited? I'm excited!

Let me know what you think! ^^