Part II

Waking up the next morning was in a word, disorienting. For a moment she could only blink and stare around her. Shelves with bins of carefully protected comics, professionally framed and matted artwork on the walls and more shelves of collectibles. In her caffeine deprived state she almost panicked until the arm around her middle tightened and she remembered. Sheldon.

Sheldon had not, contrary to her expectations, driven the locksmith crazy. Apparently the man had seen much worse than Sheldon at his most finicky. Sheldon had used most of the time to compose an email to his boss but he hadn't sent it until Penny had time to look it over. In the interests of facilitating communication he'd said. She'd had to suggest a few changes, pointing out that Dr. Gablehauser didn't need a blow by blow of their day, just a general synopsis of their decision and the conversation with Leonard.

"If Leonard goes to CalTech and raises a big stink Dr. Gablehauser will want to be forewarned," She'd explained. "And if he wants to know details you can give him a transcript of the conversation. The biggest question is whether or not he wants you at work tomorrow. If he does I can stay with the movers because I don't work until the dinner shift."

Sheldon had nodded, making the changes and sending the email off. He'd fidgeted for a few minutes before suggesting that Penny should spend the night with him in the newly rekeyed apartment since Leonard did have an emergency key to her place. Pointing out that Leonard hadn't been angry with her had only resulted in Sheldon trying to overwhelm her with facts and statistics about the dangers of a single woman living alone.

She smiled to herself, he was about as subtle as a rock to the head. But he didn't want to ask her to stay with him so he wouldn't be alone, that wouldn't be manly. Allowing herself to be persuaded led to him escorting her with a carefully packed overnight bag to his room. "Penny, if you're going to be my girlfriend we should begin to accustom ourselves to sharing a bed." He'd pointed out when she'd gone for the couch.

"Seriously Sheldon? I thought people couldn't be in your room." Penny had just looked at him.

"You're not people. You're Penny. You're different." Sheldon had looked almost confused for a moment.

That had been enough to convince her. She'd always had a soft spot for Sheldon. Strikes and prank wars aside, she understood him a lot better than the guys thought and he, regardless of his ticks and phobias, got her. The kiss he'd given her, a sweet little caress of his lips, no tongue or grabbing, had set her heart sputtering and jolting in her ribs. And when she compared that feeling to the making out she'd done with Leonard before Sheldon had interrupted them, it was no contest. It might be surprising to everyone else, but not to her, that Sheldon won hands down.

Trying to pinpoint why went right back to Sheldon's words last night. She was Penny to him. That was enough. Leonard had tried to date her, dated a girl who was technically Howard's and tried to pursue the whore upstairs. As if she was replaceable as long as the next girl was at least as pretty as she was. She wondered if he'd ever thought of her as a friend. Sheldon didn't think of her like that.

Sheldon was also willing to make compromises for her. Sleeping in the same bed with her was just the tip of the iceberg. The biggest one was her refusal to sign a roommate agreement.

"Penny, how will we know who's responsible for what if we don't have an agreement?" Sheldon had been absolutely appalled and she'd just grinned at him.

"Honey, having ground rules is one thing, like splitting the cost of utilities and groceries. That's what couples do. But if you trust me then you don't need a huge long contract. I trust you to not leave me out if you become a superhero. Can't you trust me to help you if you become a robot or we need to fight zombies?"

"But how can we know?" Sheldon sat down, hands twitching helplessly and she'd taken them in her own, big bony hands that never tried to grab at her or yank her around.

"We're best friends and we trust each other. To have each other's backs no matter what," Penny smiled at him. "We'll never be able to think of everything that can happen. But we can write down that we will always try to help each other. No matter what. Which means if you need me to order food or drive you to work I will. And if I need you to help me with my computer or organize my finances you will. Its what friends do honey. And especially what boyfriends and girlfriends do."

Sheldon had taken a deep breath and begun to type up a very, for him, simple agreement. It had outlined their responsibilities in rent, utilities and groceries. He'd put in that since she would be doing the driving that he would pay for all internet and cable. "Penny, I don't wish to seem rude, but... it seems that often you don't have food in your refrigerator."

"Because I don't have the money for groceries all the time sweetie. Sometimes I eat at work, and other times you guys have treated me," Penny shrugged. "I wouldn't be able to afford take out all the time otherwise."

"I think I see." Sheldon nodded and began to type again. "Since we both like to cook, I will devise a menu for the week, with your input of course, and we can eat at home more often, as it will be less expensive. On the nights that we do takeout, I will pay for your portion since most likely you will be picking it up." He looked at her with a half smile, "Of course, since you are my girlfriend I will be happy to treat you if we decide to deviate from our menu of the week."

She'd had to give him a little kiss on the cheek at that, and he'd taken it pretty well, smiling as spots of red appeared on his cheeks. "I was thinking honey, we could also help each other stay in shape. I do yoga and weight training, but you've got the game system and we could do aerobic exercise with the fitness programs that come with it. Healthy body healthy mind right?"

He'd nodded cautiously and made a little note in their contract about mutual encouragement towards a healthy lifestyle. The rest of the discussion had revolved around cleaning responsibilities and time in the bathroom, with Penny reminding him of her varying schedule and how it could affect his precise lifestyle. His sigh had been exaggerated just enough to make her laugh but he'd agreed that trying to regiment her wouldn't work.

His arm tightened around her middle again, drawing Penny out of her thoughts. "Penny?"

As it was before eleven his caution was warranted but she chuckled sleepily. "It's okay honey. The eleven o'clock rule only applies if you're not in bed with me." She turned in his embrace and smiled up at him. "I was just thinking about us."

He looked slightly uncomfortable but didn't jolt or pull away from her so she considered that a fair amount of progress. "Have you changed your mind about being my girlfriend? We haven't had a date yet and it occurs to me that you might find that somewhat irritating."

"We went to lunch yesterday and you kissed me afterwards," Penny propped her head up with one hand. "You said you felt you'd be lucky if I agreed to be your girlfriend. Paraphrasing what you said of course. And we haven't had sex so I don't feel like you're taking advantage of me."

"That's true..." Sheldon thought a moment. "We wrote our agreement as if you were already my girlfriend. While not a binding contract we are behaving as if it was. If you are agreeable I would like to continue as we are."

Penny nodded, "I like that idea but I want to make sure we understand each other honey. I don't mind us moving slowly but I want you. I want us to have sex and work towards being a couple in every sense."

She watched as Sheldon took that in and appeared to come to a decision, waiting nervously for him to speak. Instead he dipped his head down to hers and kissed her, his mouth hot and sweet against hers. "I cannot guarantee that we will move quickly, but I do not think we will have too much difficulty in achieving coitus."

Restraining her sigh Penny shook her head. "Honey, we can call it sex, intercourse, making love...even fucking but not coitus. Please. It's too clinical and to me it should be the least clinical act in the world."

If Sheldon thought she was crazy, at least he didn't say so, he just nodded and she could almost see him filing that away in his brain. "All right. I'll endeavor to change my vocabulary." His hand, gentle and careful as he always was with her, tuck a lock of her hair behind her ear. "I regret that we cannot spend more time like this but I did not hear Leonard attempting to access the apartment last night so he will likely show his face this morning. I think we will wish to be dressed when he does arrive."

Penny groaned but nodded, "I'll get dressed and head over to my apartment to shower and change. That way we don't have clashing bathroom schedules this morning."

"A good idea. As I will likely be finished before you I will begin breakfast. I took the liberty of moving the eggs, bacon and milk to my refrigerator. Do pancakes sound good to you?" Sheldon began to get up.

"Sounds awesome sweetie. I'll be back in half an hour...ish?" She grinned at him.

"I believe your 'ish' means it will be more likely forty five to fifty minutes but it is an acceptable adjustment," He smiled back at her and Penny grabbed her bag, checking the hall before hurrying into her own apartment, locking the door behind her.

They were fortunate in that Leonard didn't show up until after they were done with breakfast. Sheldon was measuring out Leonard's bedroom and devising a closet system for Penny's shoes and clothing so her 'colorful fashion chaos' would remain 'contained' while she dealt with the breakfast dishes and heard the sound of a key not working in the lock. Luckily Sheldon heard it as well and hurried to the door, jerking it open before Leonard could clue to the fact that his key wasn't working.

"Honestly Leonard, your comings and goings have no rhyme or reason to them whatsoever." Sheldon told him in a cross tone.

"Well I don't have to account for myself to you. And we all have to go into work today, Gablehauser wants to hear about the trip." Leonard stalked off to his bedroom and Penny rolled her eyes.

"Check your email and see if Dr. Gablehauser wants you to go into work too," Penny suggested.

Sheldon nodded, "A sound suggestion Penny." Logging onto his desktop revealed that Dr. Gablehauser did not expect him to come to the meeting and wished him luck with the move.

"You'd better stay here so that Leonard doesn't try to lock up by himself. You can follow him out and go to my apartment afterwards. Let him think you're getting a ride from me." Penny put the last of the dishes away. "I'll keep packing my things up. When are the movers coming?"

"They should be here at nine thirty." Sheldon pocketed his keys and proceeded to lock down his desktop computer, putting his laptop in his bag. "In order to arrive at work on time Leonard will need to leave the apartment by eight thirty."

Penny nodded and kissed his cheek. "Okay, see you in a bit then sweetie." Worried as she was about how Leonard would treat him it was harder than she thought to leave the apartment.

Sheldon, as usual when it came to schedules, was absolutely right. At just about eight thirty she heard the apartment door across the landing close firmly and the sound of someone stomping down the stairs. Sheldon's triple knock came only moments later.

Waiting for him to finish his knock was harder than usual this morning but she managed to stop herself from jerking the door open ahead of time. "How did it go?"

"Leonard informed me that the roommate agreement would never hold up in court, that he paid his portion of the rent for the month and he refuses to move out." Sheldon, thankfully, gave her the information she was looking for. "Your ruse of following him out the door while he was in a temper kept him from realizing the locks had been changed, so well done."

Penny nodded, "Yeah I noticed that when we were dating. Leonard tends to assume things based on very little information." She indicated her living room. "So I took most of the old magazines down to the recycle bins. I've been boxing up shoes and clothes so far. Did you want to bring my kitchenware or leave it?"

Sheldon looked at her pots and pans critically but nodded, "I think keep them. You're used to cooking with them and we have the room. And more dishes are always welcome in case of accidents."

Penny nodded, "Plus it's not like I have a ton of kitchen stuff." She began to strip the bed, folding away the sheets and comforter, her Care Bear collection in a plastic box of their own.

"I think we should be done packing by the time the movers get Leonard's things out of the way." Sheldon nodded in satisfaction. "Would you like to use Leonard's room as a sort of office? Keep your bed and entertainment unit in there? With a little rearranging it would make a nice dressing room/office for you."

Penny considered that and nodded slowly. "I think the bed, couch and dresser yes, the entertainment center, we could move it to where Leonard's desk is and put your TV and game systems and stuff on it. It would fit pretty well there right?"

Sheldon was obviously thinking that over and nodded slowly. "Assuming you don't mind using your laptop while you're sitting on the couch."

Her grin came without a thought, "That's what I usually do honey. And we can put my TV in the bedroom with my dresser and bed so it can be a guestroom in an emergency."

"That would require you to leave space in the closet." He grinned at her. "Are you certain that's what you wish to do?"

Penny groaned, "That's not an easy decision Sheldon."

His amusement was obvious as he continued to pack her things, "I have a good idea of your belongings now. It should be simple enough find a closet system to accommodate them."

"You've got a lot of things too honey," She reminded him as she stacked boxes of shoes by the door and went to pack up her bathroom.

"I do. And I'm confident that we will find a way to live together." Sheldon told her calmly. "Would you like me to label and pack your music and DVD collection?"

"Please," She called from the bathroom. "You don't have to label them though honey. Just be really careful with my records. They're the only reason I bother with a record player at all. Some of them are really good."

"I will be exceedingly cautious with them." Sheldon's voice was approving. Penny grinned, it was nice to impress him sometimes. And if anyone could understand the value of a collection it was Sheldon.

In the end the movers made short work of packing up Leonard's things. Sheldon contacted the landlord and informed him that they were going to assume Leonard would take over Penny's apartment but if he didn't they'd have to break her lease. It was lucky that Penny's lease was nearly up so she wouldn't be out too much money with the loss of her security deposit. Assuming Leonard decided to cut off his nose to spite his face.

Moving simultaneously might have seemed complicated to anyone but Sheldon. He directed the movers, having them pack Leonard's things up and move them to the landing while Penny's were moved in. Then Leonard's things were unceremoniously deposited in Penny's old apartment. Penny left her key in the apartment and realized that Sheldon was correct, the emergency key for her place wasn't in the boy's apartment, so Leonard must have it.

"Penny I believe we have accomplished as much as we can today," Sheldon noted. "While there is still much to be done your furniture is in place and looks, quite nice actually." He was looking around the apartment they were now sharing and nodding in satisfaction.

Penny had to admit, it didn't look bad. Sheldon had rearranged the desk and cabinet in what had originally been the dining room to make room for her table so she could do her Penny blossoms. Or work at her laptop if she didn't want to be at the couch with it. Since the chairs were definitely Leonard's they'd brought hers over and the colors brightened up the apartment. Her entertainment center fit quite nicely with Sheldon's TV and gaming systems along with her record player.

Her music and movies occupied the shelves along side Sheldon's and the records fit in nicely with the boxed game sets. Even her pillows looked good on the couch.

"We did good," She nodded still looking around. "I think, if you don't mind me having a shoe cabinet under that other window in your room that my things will fit pretty well. If you were serious about me using the coat closet for my boots and winter things. And you're sure my exercise bike is okay in front of your DNA model?"

"If I need to look at the model for some reason I can move it." Sheldon smiled at her, his expression more open and affectionate than she was used to seeing. "You're letting me use the bike and that's a good place for it so we can see the TV while we exercise. And we never use the coat closet for guests; it makes sense for your winter things."

Penny grinned resting her head on his shoulder. "I just like the idea of having a room for when Missy or your mom comes to visit."

"Which is why I intend to go through my closet and have a system designed so there is room for the both of our things. We can use the 'guest' room closet for your party clothes and shoes and thus keep room for guests belongings. I can do something similar with my costumes. Perhaps rolling storage cases for under the beds." Sheldon mused, making a list of things for them to do. "Then our closet will have plenty of room for your uniforms, workout clothing and clothing appropriate for everyday wear and your auditions."

Penny was leaning forward to kiss him when they heard a key in the lock and the subsequent cursing that meant Leonard had realized he could no longer enter the apartment. "His timing could be better," She groaned and went to the door.

"Penny, I'd rather you didn't grant him access to the apartment," Sheldon told her in hushed worried tones.

"I'm not sweetie, don't worry." Penny looked out the peephole and sighed. "Go away Leonard. Your things are in my old apartment. If you don't want to live there you're free to move out. But you don't live here anymore."

"It hasn't been twenty four hours yet," Leonard's voice was furious and even through the fishbowl glass of the peephole she could see his face turning red.

"Yes it has. Sheldon printed out the agreement at three in the afternoon yesterday." Penny had seen the copies with the time and date stamp so she wouldn't be fooled. "It's not our fault if you didn't take it seriously. Go away Leonard or I'll call the cops."

"You can't do this to me, I'm calling the police!" Leonard shouted.

"Go ahead." Penny rolled her eyes, turning to see Sheldon already on the phone.

Penny collapsed onto the couch and buried her head in her hands. She was aware of Sheldon setting a mug of hot tea on the coffee table and patting her back, reverting nervously to 'there there, Sheldon's here', as his method of comfort. "I just can't believe he did that. He called me a whore."

"You're not, you could never be," Sheldon's voice was fierce even as he patted her gently. "The officers didn't believe him and the landlord corroborated our side of the story."

"I know, it's just going to be...really uncomfortable." Penny thought she had a true talent for understatement and Sheldon must have thought so too because he gave his little half laugh of amusement.

"Leonard will do his best to make our lives a misery until something is done about him." He confirmed. "I believe he will not be here for long though. He won't be able to keep the apartment for more than a couple months after he loses his job. And I doubt the physics department will keep him."

The knock on the door was quiet, almost too normal sounding after the evening they'd had, and they both startled. "I'll get it." Sheldon cautiously looked through the peephole and sighed. "It's Koothrappali and Wolowitz."

"You may as well let them in, unless they're here for Leonard." Penny told him tiredly.

She watched as Sheldon opened the door, his expression chilly, "I must warn you that if you are here to try and make Penny or I feel bad that you are wasting your breath."

Penny looked at both of the guys tiredly, standing up to remove one of her beers from the fridge and handed it to Raj. "I don't have the energy to go through anymore bullshit tonight guys."

Raj hurriedly took a sip and hastened to speak. "Penny, we are not here to upset you. We just came over because we wanted to tell you both again that we're sorry."

Wolowitz nodded, "I mean, I don't think it's cool that you basically stole Penny from Leonard, but that's not why we're here."

Penny frowned at him, "He didn't steal me. I cared about Leonard. know, maybe I cared about the nice guy he was pretending to be so he could get into my pants." She folded her arms. "Can you really say that love is Leonard's primary motivation here? He stole Stephanie from you Howard. And when Alicia moved in he was panting after her. To me it looks like his only driving force is getting laid with the hottest chick he can find. Not that he's in love with me."

That shut Howard up about them dating at least and she turned to Raj. "Well?"

"I always thought you and Sheldon had chemistry," Raj shrugged. "You two got each other and riff off each other and you just... I think you just fit well." He looked at Sheldon. "You weren't at work today."

"I was told by Dr. Gablehauser that I shouldn't come in." Sheldon took a seat next to Penny and looked at the two of them.

"We were called into Dr. Gablehauser's office," Howard took a seat in one of Penny's chairs while Raj nervously took the other. "He wanted to hear about the Arctic. About what led us to the 'miraculous' discovery."

"And what did you say?" Sheldon sounded interested and Penny watched their faces.

"At first... not much," Howard sighed. "But after a bit of talking, we told him the truth." He looked at Sheldon, "We shouldn't have gone along with it. It was an accident at first. Open a can of tuna and you get positive results?"

Raj nodded, "You know how it was a couple weeks of nothing, then you got that blip, and a few more days of nothing? That was when Leonard figured out that the can-opener had given you a false positive." He sighed, "And he got the 'bright' idea of running the can-opener while you were doing your tests."

Howard nodded, "We explained that to Gablehauser, and at first we didn't realize that Leonard was running it while we were doing the experiments. It was only when he had to go with you and he told one of us to run the damn thing that we were brought in on it. And then..."

"Then you were so happy, getting results, that we just... well Leonard didn't want to stop and we... " Raj frowned, "We didn't know how to tell you."

"How about, 'Sheldon, Leonard is screwing with your experiment and now he's dragged us into it'." Penny rolled her eyes. "Or even, 'Sheldon those results you're getting aren't real'? Those could work right?"

"I would have confronted him and that would have been-" Sheldon didn't get any further when Howard interrupted him.

"Dangerous." He snapped, "It could have been dangerous. Leonard was... he talked about wanting to kill Sheldon. I mean Raj and I, we joked about stabbing you with an icicle or making a harpoon, that sort of thing, but Leonard..."

"He said if we didn't keep you happy you'd be unbearable." Raj muttered miserably. "We told Dr. Gablehauser all this. We shouldn't have done it. We should have stopped Leonard. But we didn't. We're on probation. Everything we've touched is under review. And we'd better not even think about tenure for a good long while."

Howard nodded glumly, "Gablehauser told us the only reason we weren't fired on the spot was our honesty about the whole thing. And our story matched the data results you had. If we'd varied one bit we'd be out on our asses."

Sheldon was simply looking at them and Penny took his hand, "And what do you want? You want Sheldon to trust you? Or speak up for you?"

"What?" Howard looked genuinely startled at the thought and Raj shook his head. "No, we're not here to ask him to do anything. We just... we wanted to tell him what's going on. So he knows that he's not going to be the laughingstock Leonard keeps saying he'll be."

Raj rolled his eyes, "That's all Leonard has been saying since you sent that email. That you'll have to retract it and everyone will laugh at you. That you aren't as smart as you think because you got fooled by a can-opener."

Penny sighed and shook her head, "Leonard is... not a nice guy." She picked up the tea Sheldon had made her and sipped it. "And I feel like an idiot for ever thinking he was."

"You weren't the only one he fooled," Howard shrugged. "We thought he was a nice guy too. That he was our friend."

"I've got fifty bucks that when Gablehauser asks him about the Arctic he lies and then he tries to pin the blame on us." Raj commented glumly. His eyes had been roving over the apartment and he patted the colorful chair he was sitting in. "By the way, I really do like what you've done with the place. It was so dull before except for the memorabilia and collectibles. Now it looks cheerful."

Sheldon patted her hand, "Penny's more cheerful in her decor. More colorful. She has more imagination."

Penny smiled at him, "Sheldon's going to help me stay organized, set up a budget, that sort of thing."

Howard sighed, "Well I'm glad you're all right Sheldon. You and I might not like each other much but I'm glad you're all right."

"I don't dislike you Howard, we just don't get to talk much without Leonard around." Sheldon shrugged uncomfortably.

"Leonard's very good at making himself look good at the expense of others," Raj commented quietly. "He's very manipulative."

"He learned from the best," Penny muttered as she recalled his mother with a shudder of revulsion.

"Indeed," Sheldon agreed. "Much as I admire Dr. Beverly Hofstadter professionally as a parent she leaves much to be desired."

Howard rolled his eyes, "Okay yeah, so his mom's a piece of work. We've all got issues. That doesn't give him the right to screw us over."

"No, it doesn't," Penny sighed. "So when is Dr. Gablehauser going to talk to Leonard?"

"Tomorrow," Howard told her. "I guess you should check your email Sheldon, just in case he wants to see you too."

Raj stood. "Let me know if he does, I'll stop by and give you a ride to work." He paused a moment, "I know I'm not the strongest person in the world. I'm sorry I wasn't more forceful about you waiting to send that email. And that I couldn't stop what happened in the Arctic."

Howard sighed, "Yeah, me too. I've got a bad habit of going along with things that aren't good because I don't want to make waves."

Sheldon nodded, "Offering me a proper apology makes you both stronger and more decent men than many others of my acquaintance. Thank you." Penny watched as he took a deep breath, "I don't know how much I can trust you, personally or professionally. But...after some time I would not be averse to finding out."

Raj nodded, "That's fair. I meant it about the ride though Sheldon. If Penny can't drive you, you can always call me."

"That's very kind of you Raj," Sheldon gave them both a small smile.

The two left with remarkably little fanfare and surprisingly, or maybe not considering the conversation they'd just had, did not go over to see Leonard in Penny's old apartment. Penny looked at Sheldon, "So that was a bit unexpected."

"Again, your talent for understatement overwhelms me," Sheldon sat next to her and smiled. "Raj is right though, I like the color."

"Hmm..." Penny nodded. "Yeah, it looks good. But what do you think of those two? Opportunistic or genuine?"

"It's hard to say," Sheldon had his thinking face on. "They tend towards opportunism as a lifestyle. I'm more interested in your read of the situation."

Penny shrugged as she considered what she'd seen and heard that evening. "I think Raj is genuinely sorry. Howard is sorry but he's also irritated about the whole mess. I think he just wishes he hadn't gone in the first place."

Sheldon patted her back. "I trust your ability to ascertain motivation more than my own at the moment." She smiled as he kissed her forehead. "It's been a long day. Why don't we go to bed."

She nodded in exhaustion, grateful he'd given her chamomile tea. "That's a good idea. But first check your email, maybe Dr. Gablehauser wants you to go into work tomorrow. I'll use the washroom and get changed while you do that."

Sheldon read as fast as he thought so they were both climbing into bed before long. "Dr. Gablehauser is asking me to come by tomorrow afternoon. He asked if you would accompany me. He said something about keeping me calm."

Penny thought a moment, "I'm on an evening shift, so I'd have to be at work by six. Do you think that's doable?"

Her sweet adorkable boyfriend nodded, "I'll bring an extra pair of pants just in case I need to take the bus home."

"That works. Though you could always take Raj up on his offer of a ride," She reminded him quietly.

"I am hesitant to obligate myself to him," Sheldon murmured, turning so he could put his arm around her middle and hold her tight to his body. He was warm and strong against her, his wiry body not all angles the way she'd once thought he'd be. "But I might consider it after some time."

"Maybe you could invite Dr. Gablehauser to dinner at the Cheesecake Factory," Penny murmured back. "He could give you a ride there."

Her boyfriend chuckled softly, "I might." His lips pressed to her cheek, jaw and neck. "Good night Penny."

"G'night Sheldon. Love you," Penny mumbled without another thought, falling asleep far more easily than she might have thought.

She realized what she'd said when she woke up the next morning. Remembered how Sheldon had stiffened and then relaxed against her, whispering in her ear. He was already awake, out of bed and she could hear him moving around in the kitchen, the smell of coffee brewing reaching into the bedroom. It wasn't easy to behave normally, pulling on a robe, pouring coffee and wishing him a good morning.

Sheldon regarded her calmly and handed her the milk, waiting patiently while she sipped and swallowed before speaking, "Penny, I surmise that you are attempting to 'gloss over' any awkwardness that might result from your words last night before you went to sleep."

Penny sighed, there was no getting anything past Sheldon. "Yeah sweetie, I… I don't say that unless I mean it and I just…I didn't want you to think that you were obligated to say it back you know?"

Her beautiful mind genius boyfriend moved towards her and put his hands on her hips, tugging her close and pressing his lips to hers gently. "I have never said it to anyone besides my family. But as you know, I don't lie very well, so I hope you will believe me when I tell you that I love you too."

She looked up sharply and examined him for twitching, seeing none and smiled slowly. "That makes me feel really happy sweetie."

"Hopefully as happy as I felt when you said it to me last night," Sheldon smiled down at her. "Now I believe we must hurry through our morning routines if we are to accomplish all our tasks and still arrive at Dr. Gablehauser's office in a timely fashion."

Penny nodded, "You had a list of the things we wanted to get done. I think we can fit most of the stuff in my car. But I know the container store delivers if we can't make everything fit."

"I don't believe it will be a problem," Sheldon offered her some cereal and she wrinkled her nose.

"Honestly honey, I've never done well with only carbs in the morning. Working on a farm most of my life we needed protein to start the day or we'd be exhausted by ten," Penny explained. "And really, eggs are cheaper than cereal. Turkey bacon is healthier than regular bacon if you're worried about pork."

"I shall adjust our grocery list accordingly," Sheldon nodded. "I believe I will attempt to add eggs to my morning meal since we're going to exercise together."

She grinned at him and clinked her coffee mug against his juice glass, "Healthy body healthy mind."

She couldn't say that was the last good moment of the day. They'd had fun in the container store, gotten the closets organized and made good use of the space under both beds. Lunch had been enjoyable as they'd tried a new Italian place that had opened up since it had an open kitchen that looked spotless. Penny had taught Sheldon one of her tricks for determining a restaurants cleanliness when the kitchen wasn't visible.

"You check the bathrooms honey," She explained as they shared a pizza. "A good restaurant will have a schedule for cleaning on the back of the door. And it'll have checkmarks too for when things are done. If the schedule is checked and the bathrooms are clean you can bet their kitchen and walk in refrigerators are clean too. The health department doesn't fool around with that stuff."

"That is very impressive," Sheldon had been extremely pleased to have another method of determining a safe restaurant. "I must pass that on to Howard and Raj, should the subject arise."

Lunch and the little kiss she'd pressed to Sheldon's cheek before they entered his boss's office had been the last good moment. Not that Dr. Gablehauser had been mean to Sheldon or rude. But Leonard had more than made up for it.

As Raj had predicted, Leonard had tried to blame he and Howard. Sheldon and Penny had exchanged looks when Leonard thrown the responsibility onto the guys he said were his friends. Dr. Gablehauser had simply nodded and motioned for Leonard to continue. Sheldon had opened his mouth but Penny had given his hand a squeeze and shook her head, leaning towards him to whisper in his ear, "Your boss isn't an idiot. He's giving Leonard enough rope to hang himself with."

Leonard had not caught her murmur but Sheldon had looked at the two other men and nodded to her, remaining silent. He'd kept hold of her hand though, and she could tell his temper was rising when his cheekbones began to turn red. Leonard was scoffing at the notion that Sheldon would ever prove string theory and calling him a second rate hack.

Dr. Gablehauser had regarded the shorter man with a steady gaze and Leonard trailed off uncomfortably. "I must say Dr. Hofstadter, I'm surprised that you accompanied Dr. Cooper if that is your opinion of his work and abilities."

"When we went I thought there was some merit to his work. But once we were there and running the experiment I realized just how much of a joke he was. I wouldn't be surprised if he put Wolowitz and Koothrappali up to it so he could get the results he wanted. He was certainly quick to proclaim his success." Leonard explained with a superior glance over at Sheldon.

"I see," Dr. Gablehauser sat back in his chair. "Dr. Cooper, what is your reaction to all this?"

"I find I am grateful you suggested Penny accompany me here, as she is the only reason I haven't hogtied Leonard to an anthill and coated him in honey." Sheldon's fury crackled through the air like ice and Penny patted his hand. "His entire story is absurd. Not to mention fictional."

"So you refute his recollection of events," Dr. Gablehauser was a very calm man. But then he'd have to be if he dealt with the likes of Sheldon, Raj, Howard and Leonard, not to mention Kripke and Leslie Winkle. Penny shook her head thoughtfully.

"I most certainly do," Sheldon nodded. "I am deeply disturbed by Leonard's actions and his attempts to conceal them. To sabotage another scientists work is unconscionable."

"I agree," Dark eyes regarded Leonard thoughtfully. "Dr. Hofstadter, it might interest you to know that Dr. Cooper and Miss Olsen came to see me the day after he returned from the arctic. They apprised me of what had occurred and how Dr. Cooper's belief of having proven string theory was sadly mistaken. He has brought me all the data gathered and I have gone over it carefully with two other members of the staff who are above reproach. I also spoke with Dr. Koothrappali and Mr. Wolowitz independently."

"I told you that he probably put them up to it," Leonard interrupted belligerently.

"You did," Dr. Gablehauser nodded. "And as you are insistent upon that version of events, I have no choice but to put this matter under review. Your behavior while employed here will be examined closely as will your actions in the coming weeks. I expect you both," He glanced at Sheldon as if in a polite reminder, "To remain professional. I don't believe the two of you generally work together so it won't be a hardship to avoid each other on campus. Dr. Cooper, if you have difficulties commuting to the campus due to your lack of a drivers' license, please email me. You can telecommute or we can arrange for a carpool."

Penny smiled, "I can give him a ride to work usually. And Raj said he'd give him a ride home if he needed one."

"Very good," The head of the department nodded. "Is there anything else?"

"He's thrown me out of the apartment without any warning," Leonard glared at Sheldon. "And stolen my girlfriend."

"As that is a personal matter it doesn't come under my purview," Dr. Gablehauser reminded him mildly. "I assume you had a lease agreement of some sort? Take it to a lawyer." He glanced at Penny, "Miss Olsen, did Dr. Cooper steal you?"

Penny rolled her eyes, "I don't see how he could. Leonard didn't buy me. He doesn't own me. So Sheldon couldn't steal me." She slanted a cold glance at the experimental physicist. "Leonard doesn't even really know me or like me. He just wants a pretty girl on his arm to show off so he looks cool."

"I've been in love with you since we met," Leonard burst out.

"How could you be?" Penny stared at him, "I'm not smart. I'm not educated." She remembered the girls he'd pursued all the while claiming to be in love with her and how he'd told her he didn't mind if she wasn't smart. "If you were in love with me, why would you date Stephanie? She practically moved in with you. If you were in love with me you wouldn't have paid any attention to Alicia and what she wanted when you'd promised me you'd help with my printer. You just want to get me into bed. I'm interchangeable with any other pretty girl."

"That is patently untrue," Sheldon's outrage was obvious. "You are not interchangeable. You're unique. You're Penny." He patted her hand, "Don't let him upset you."

"Aren't I supposed to be saying that to you?" Penny sighed and kissed his cheek. "Thanks though."

"Your personal life is not my concern Dr. Hofstadter," Dr. Gablehauser shook his head. "Miss Olsen is an adult. She can date who she chooses, and she's obviously chosen Dr. Cooper." He gave Leonard a look that should have made clear to the experimental physicist that he was on thin ice. "I expect you to keep your personal life out of the workplace. We're all professionals. Scientists. Let's act like it."

Leonard appeared about to protest when his boss shot him a look that even Leonard couldn't fail to read as threatening, "Dr. Hofstadter, don't make me regret allowing you to return to work until this situation is resolved. You are dismissed." When Leonard simply stared at him in shock Dr. Gablehauser sighed, "Leave this office Dr. Hofstadter." Fuming Leonard finally did as he was told and the department head sighed, "I'm sorry Dr. Cooper. I didn't expect him to brazen it out."

Sheldon shook his head, "Leonard will deny he did anything wrong until he is blue in the face." He echoed his boss's sigh. "I fear we are in for a long three months while everything is reviewed."

"I have no doubt of his involvement, and it is three to one, but we do have to follow procedure," Dr. Gablehauser said apologetically.

"Has he done this sort of thing before?" Penny asked Sheldon curiously. "Not to you, but I mean… screwed up other people's stuff?"

Sheldon was thinking, it was one of her favorite things about him, that he gave her questions serious consideration before answering, "I don't recall any instances of him bragging about sabotage. But I don't believe anyone has ever examined his work, or the work of the scientists around him for errors that are unexplainable." He considered a bit more and shook his head, "Leonard has done many stupid things in order to secure…sex from attractive women." He gave a half snort of derision, "He's the reason the elevator doesn't work in our building. He's lucky no one was killed."

"What?" Penny blinked at him. That was a new one, "How'd he do that?"

"In an ill-advised attempt to impress visiting scientist Joyce Kim, he brought home a sample of the rocket fuel he'd been working on. He didn't get to show it to her as I threw her out of the apartment before he could. As he still had it, he was going to use it in a model rocket Howard and Raj brought over. I doubt they knew he'd 'borrowed' it without permission." Sheldon explained patiently, "Unfortunately for our elevator he didn't do the proper math for the ratio of size versus fuel amount and the resulting explosion would have killed everyone in the apartment. I took the rocket, put it in the elevator and sent the elevator to the basement. The elevator shaft contained the explosion very nicely."

Penny stared at him, "Honey, there was an explosion in the elevator and you still let Leonard live there?"

Sheldon sighed, "At the time I didn't think it was anything other than a foolish decision on his part. Leonard was always doing something I considered foolish and after a while it became difficult to judge serious infractions against minor ones because it was all so subjective."

Dr. Gablehauser frowned thoughtfully, "Am I correct in thinking the fuel to which you're referring is the rocket fuel Dr. Hofstadter helped develop on the government's dime? Or billions of dimes in this case," He added sardonically.

"He mentioned it was for the government," Sheldon nodded. "I was surprised he'd risked bringing a sample home, it wasn't exactly per safety protocols. And I certainly didn't want it in the apartment." Looking at Penny he shrugged, "I'm all for scientific inquiry but there's a time and place and rocket fuel shouldn't be around flammable objects. Like the kitchen or me."

Penny nodded, "That's why you only do observation and your whiteboard right?"

"Exactly," Sheldon smiled, apparently pleased with her understanding. "The apartment is hardly the most secure place. I have no wish for someone to appropriate my theories and claim them as their own."

Penny glanced at Dr. Gablehauser, the man was rubbing his chin thoughtfully, "Dr. Cooper, would you recall the exact dates of the events you described?"

"I would," Sheldon took a notepad and began to write down a neat summary of dates and the events which occurred upon them, adding the date Joyce Kim returned to North Korea along with Leonard's disastrous rocket fuel miscalculation. "If you ask Wolowitz and Koothrappali they'll undoubtedly recall other details to which I was not privy."

Dr. Gablehauser took the notepad and perused it thoughtfully, "Dr. Cooper, I think this will prove to be very helpful." He began to type into his computer, "I'm going to continue with the review of the Arctic experiment, but we'll also be looking into Dr. Hofstadter's work and any pattern of malfeasance. Perhaps you'd like to show your girlfriend around the campus before she has to leave for work? If you'd return to your regular schedule tomorrow and avoid Dr. Hofstadter…"

Sheldon nodded, "I have no desire to interact with him. That shouldn't be difficult." He hesitated a moment, "What should I say, should anyone inquire about my email or the experiment?"

"Tell them that as with all experiments its being reviewed independently and that I am personally looking into the results." Dr. Gablehauser smiled, "It has the advantage of being the truth. If not all of the truth."

Penny patted Sheldon's arm, "You can manage that without twitching sweetie. Don't worry."

Sheldon nodded, "I think so." He stood, helping Penny up from her chair, "Dr. Gablehauser, I'll see you tomorrow. If you have anything further I may do to facilitate matters, please don't hesitate to email or call me."

The taller man rose from behind his desk, "I'll see you both out. Try not to worry Dr. Cooper. You're an asset to the university and I believe you're going to prove your theories. It might take some time but you're on your way."

"Thank you," Sheldon nodded, his hand gripping Penny's tightly.

Penny sighed as she climbed the stairs after her shift and fumbled with her key in the lock, only to have the door opened for her. Sheldon smiled down at her and helped her inside, putting her purse on the table next to the door and her keys in the bowl. "I've got some hot tea for you. And a nice bowl of soup. Something light so you won't get indigestion."

"Aw, thank you sweetie," She kissed his cheek. "Let me take a quick shower first okay? I had no less than three people dump food on me. I feel grubby."

"The microwave works just fine," Sheldon replied mildly. "Take your time. I have some news when you're done."

"News?" Penny blinked at him curiously, "Now I'm going to hurry."

His breathy chuckle followed her down the hall as she hurried off to shower. Ten minutes and a quick shampoo later she was back out in the living room with a bowl of soup and a mug of tea, waiting expectantly for Sheldon to tell her his news. "Well? Sweetie you're killing me here."

Sheldon grinned at her, "Today Dr. Gablehauser announced the results of the independent verification of my experiment. He spoke of our hard work and how difficult it can be for someone to remain calm and reasonable when his work has been sabotaged. He explained the circumstances and why I had sent that mistaken email and that he had asked me to not send a retraction until an investigation could be done."

"Yeah? So nobody's gonna make fun of you?" Penny forgot to eat her soup. She'd been so worried that Kripke and Leslie Winkle would give Sheldon a hard time.

"Considering Dr. Gablehauser found evidence to indicate Leonard had 'fooled with' at least one of Dr. Winkle's experiments she doesn't have a leg to stand on. And Kripke is on tenuous standing as it is, fighting robots are not considered an actual science." Sheldon explained, "Dr. Gablehauser ended his talk by telling everyone that Leonard is being dismissed for academic fraud and interference. And the NSA is in the process of arresting him for treason. They frown upon scientists trying to impress spies with rocket fuel and then using the fuel to blow up elevators."

Penny blinked in shock, "He's being arrested? He won't bother us ever again?"

"Not until they let him out of federal prison, which might be a very long while," Sheldon shook his head.

Penny smiled and leaned against him in relief. It had been three months and then some of tension and Leonard trying to get 'even' with Sheldon for 'stealing' her. Howard and Raj had been steadfastly ignoring their former friend and running interference for she and Sheldon. They'd gone to Dr. Gablehauser and told him about Leonard's stalking of Sheldon and Penny, explaining how uncomfortable both of them were. Sheldon hadn't wanted to complain and make things for difficult for himself or Dr. Gablehauser when the man was trying to act fairly and impartially.

Raj and Howard had really been doing their best to make up for the Arctic and be a better friend to Sheldon. As a result he was more considerate of them, and if he wasn't willing to trust them with his work as of yet, he found them to be good social companions. Penny had no doubt that eventually the three of them would be able to work together again. Sure it would take some time, and nobody would want to go back to the Arctic together (and who could blame them) but they were proving themselves to be trustworthy as much as they could.

Sheldon had been telecommuting for the last couple months. Today he'd been requested to appear on campus and Raj had given him a ride. Howard and Raj had proved to be good friends once Leonard had been shoved out of the circle. When Howard wasn't hitting on her he was funny and sweet. Raj could be very supportive and with one beer he made a great pal to watch her reality shows with. They could talk science with Sheldon and TV and movies with her. She was learning more about science fiction.

And she'd managed to show them a recording she'd gotten from her English teacher, of Keanu Reeves playing Hamlet, which had given them all a new appreciation of Shakespeare. And theatre in general.

She'd taken to helping Sheldon pick out his clothing for the days he had to be at the university or meeting with Dr. Gablehauser, pointing out that she'd 'toned down' her exuberant look for something more appropriate for work and that his boss would appreciate him making an attempt to look like the other scientists and professors. He could always wear his teeshirts underneath another shirt. A tweed jacket with suede patches had reminded him of Dr. Who and she'd pointed out some very nice slacks that were just as comfortable as khakis.

Howard and Raj had taken note of Sheldon's professional look and asked if she'd do the same for them. Within reason. She'd wanted to burn all their clothing immediately but restrained herself. Raj had some really nice clothes, but he seemed to wear them all at once. And Howard had never seen a dickie he didn't like. It turned out that was because he was hiding the scars from an emergency tracheotomy. His allergies were no joke and he'd nearly died when he was a little kid. No wonder his mom was so clingy.

It had taken a little time but she'd shown them some updated looks that were still 'them'. Howard still liked his seventies colors but paired with more neutral shirts or trousers he looked much more presentable. And Raj just needed someone to organize his closet and put his clothes into set outfits for him until he got the hang of western dressing. It didn't help that he was always cold after being in the heat and humidity of India. Showing him which shirts and sweaters went together and putting a blazer rather than a windbreaker over them improved his look a lot. He hadn't even needed to buy much. Although he'd wanted the excuse for a new wardrobe. When she'd offered to take him to look for a few things to compliment what he had he'd jumped at the chance. She'd ended up with a pair of Louboutin's as a thank you.

The only fly in the ointment had been Leonard. He showed up at the restaurant, followed her around, waited in the hall, on the stairs and by the mail boxes. She'd been on the verge of filing a restraining order or going junior rodeo on his ass, whichever felt right at the time. He'd been arrested just in time to keep her from castrating him.

"You're so going to win that Nobel," She told her boyfriend. "I can't wait to watch you make a speech."

"Please Penny, don't ruin the moment by mentioning public speaking," Sheldon looked pained for a moment before he kissed her. "Bazinga."

"I'll bazinga you, you whackadoodle," She giggled. "So you need a ride to work tomorrow?"

"Raj said he'd pick me up," Sheldon took her empty bowl and came back to the couch to kiss her. "I'm almost glad Leonard messed up my experiment," He admitted. "I might not have ever gotten the courage to kiss you if he hadn't."

"You would have," Penny told him with a smile. "You just needed some motivation."

"I believe I have all I need," Sheldon pulled her into his lap so she could share his spot. "Ten minutes of mindless entertainment news and then bed," He told her mock sternly. "We have a schedule to adhere to."

Penny giggled. Her boyfriend was a lot more strict about bedtimes now that they'd made it around the bases to home plate. And she didn't mind one little bit.

She rested her cheek against his collarbone as he changed the channel to the news. All was right with the world.

Author's Note: So here we are, at the end. I hope you enjoyed it. I know that it might seem like Penny and Sheldon are moving a little fast but they've been friends for a while and sometimes that's just how it happens. And the lovely people who think I'm an idiot for treating the can-opener in the Arctic as a betrayal... If you think deliberate sabotage of an experiment isn't wrong then I'm glad I don't work with you.