Izakaya to Unmei

Chapter VI.

An Old Wound





Rin giggled as she twirled around the garden, the bright colors of her yukata gleaming in the mid-morning sun. A breeze ruffled her hair; long, chocolate locks shone with red and gold highlights whenever the light caught the wispy strands. It had been three weeks since he'd brought her to the mansion. There was still no word from Inuyasha, the number of voicemails he'd left the half-breed attested to his dissatisfaction with just how little progress had been made in finding Rin's – Saki's – mother. Inuyasha had called him back only once, just to tell him not to blow up his phone, that these things take time.

He did not have time.

Suddenly, he heard a scream.


Re-materializing in the garden, he looked around for Rin but she was gone. Frantically, he reached out with his superhuman senses to locate the child.

Another scream.

He jumped over the high walls and over the rooftop to see two male servants dragging Rin to the mansion's entrance, a black SUV waiting for them just outside the gate.

Those fools!

He cursed his failure to keep a close enough watch on the child, but there wasn't a second to waste – he had to catch up with them! His human form blurred as he shot across the front lawn, speeding towards the men who he realized must have been implants. Dammit! Why hadn't he been able to smell them coming?!

'He's coming! Go, go, go!'

Another second later, he had the first one dangling by his neck from one clawed hand, his eyes flashing a dangerous red. Shrieking in pain and terror, the man's neck was crushed in an instant. The other held Rin in the back seat of the SUV, a knife to her throat. The man's eyes were wide as he saw the horrifying vision in front of him. He had to reign in his yoki, otherwise he'd transform. Reeling in his power, his arm shot out and grabbed the man by his neck, Rin falling to the asphalt.

'Get back,' he growled.

Rin nodded, then ran back inside the mansion, not looking back once. When he sensed she was safe, he allowed his energy to flair outwards, making the man he had by the neck soil his pants. Squeezing just enough to be threatening, he demanded in a low voice who he was working for. When the man didn't give in, he crushed his throat without an ounce of hesitation. Throwing the body back into the SUV, he went around to the front of the car to see if he could get anything out of the driver. He found the man cowering in his seat, a pool of urine dripping from his seat, the stench making his nose curl.

'D-don't come any closer! You monster!'

He didn't waste any time, slashing through the man's face and throat with his poisonous claws. Blood splattered all over the front of the car, drenching his senses in the scent of iron. Licking his claws, his mind was overwhelmed by visions of the last few hours of the man's pitiful life, showing him only a vacant warehouse along the industrial wharf. A few faces, none standing out to him, until he heard a very distinct, male voice.

'Hn,' he smirked.


Suddenly, he awoke with a start.

'A dream..?'

Sesshomaru's dark eyelashes fluttered and his eyes opened. The last remnants of his dream began to fade away as he sat up and looked around his room. His thoughts drifted back to last night's events; meeting Rin at the izakaya, then his fling with Kagura and what happened afterwards. He'd driven back to the mansion after his shower, grateful he'd been able to wash off that insufferable female's scent. Otherwise his father would never let him hear the end of it. Letting out a disparaging sigh at the thought of his father catching a whiff of any female on him reminded him to cease his intimate relations with Kagura immediately. It wasn't good to keep giving her hope, anyway.

Rising from the bed, letting the satin sheets fall away from his chiseled body, he went over to his wardrobe to slip a simple, cotton yukata over his broad shoulders, tying it in place around his well-defined, narrow hips, he went into the bathroom to wash up. Afterwards, he emerged with his hair combed back into a sleek, low top-knot and made his way downstairs to the family dining room. As usual, his father and half-brother were already sitting at the table. His father glanced up from his newspaper, a black, cane cigarette hanging from one corner of his mouth, grunting what was his customary morning greeting. Giving the older demon a curt nod in acknowledgment, he ignored Inuyasha as he sat down at the opposite head of the table. As per the mutt's usual, his disgraceful table manners set his teeth on edge.

"Inuyasha," he said coldly.

The half-breed grunted, his mouth full of fried eggs and bacon, a yellow smattering of yolks and grease staining the corners of his lips and chin.


"Wha-," Inuyasha whined.

"Wipe your face, Inuyasha," their father commanded; his deep, feral baritone making his little hairs stand on end.

"Oh," was the runt's rude reply.

'Honestly… What does father see in him?'

Sesshomaru rubbed his already aching temples, raising his right hand to signal one of the butlers to his side.

"Earl Grey. Straight," he ordered.

The butler gave him a short bow and immediately left.

"So? How did it go?"

'Ugh… Why was his father so perceptive?!'

"I have given her leave to confer with her human family before giving me a decision," he answered evenly.

It was no use hiding anything from the old demon.

Toga folded up his newspaper, set it on the table and turned to his eldest with an annoyingly smug grin twisting his thin lips.

"Oh? What's this? Sesshomaru, I did not know you to be so generous," he chuckled with amusement at his son's dis-ease.

Sesshomaru flinched.

"You can't expect me to believe that you would actually give her a choice? After all, she is-"

"None of your concern. Father."

Sesshomaru's words were like ice, making Toga's yoki swell in warning. He was alpha, after all. Collecting himself, he reigned in his yoki. He noted both his sons relax instinctively. It was never wise to challenge the alpha of their pack, especially not one so old and infinitely powerful as the great Toga-sama.

"Your tea, Sesshomaru-sama," said the butler as he gently set down the young lord's teacup and saucer in front of him, then exited as swiftly as he came.

A few moments passed before Inuyasha broke the tension-filled silence.

"Sesshomaru, are you gonna take Rin as your mate?"

He shut up the instant his cold, older half-brother shot him a particularly ominous glare. Putting up both hands in defeat, he rose from the table, letting his napkin flutter to the ground.

"Okay, okay, don't be such an asshole, Jesus," his voice shook nervously as he made a beeline for the door.

"Inuyasha," said Toga.

The runt stopped dead in his tracks.


"Have you thought about what we talked about the other day?"

Inuyasha's eyebrows furrowed, trying to jog his own memory. Sesshomaru could have sworn he could see the rusty gears turning ever so slowly in Inubaka's mind. When he had it, his fist hit his open palm.

"Got it! Yeah, sure, old man," Inubaka replied, evidently proud of himself for something.

"Make sure you do it soon, son," was all Toga said.

'What could father possibly want Inuyasha to do?' Sesshomaru thought as he watched the puzzling exchange.

"I will," Inuyasha assured, "gotta go!"

"Bye, son."

Inuyasha left, and Toga turned his attention back to Sesshomaru. His expression turned serious.

"End it with Kagura."

Sesshomaru flinched, but he made an effort to look unaffected. Taking out his cellphone, he punched in a short text message to the female in question, then hit the send button. Tossing the phone onto the table, he looked up at his father, a gleam of cockiness in his amber eyes.


His father smirked.

"Hn. Just like that?"

Sesshomaru's smooth poker face revealed nothing. It gave him a pin prick of pleasure to spite his father any way he could.

"Just like that."

Father and son stared one another down for a minute before Sesshomaru backed down. Sipping his tea nonchalantly, he stretched out his hand for the newspaper. Toga tossed it to him, and he picked it up, putting down his tea in favor of catching up on all the political and financial news of the day.




"Rin-chan! Breakfast!"

Mama had called everyone downstairs ten minutes ago, but little Rin had yet to materialize. Grandfather Higurashi sat beside Sota, the two sharing a questioning look. Neither knew what on earth could possibly keep that child away from food! Her stomach was practically a black hole, where nearly half of the food in the house would be sucked into like a vacuum. At the other side of the table was Kohaku, who grimaced as Kagome shot him a pointed look when she rose from her seat and headed upstairs.

"I'll go check on her, mama," she said as she passed her mother.

"Thank you, Kagome," the older woman said, concerned for her adopted daughter.

Kagome knocked on Rin's door, but when she didn't get a response, she put her ear to the door to listen for any sounds coming from within. She was worried that maybe Kohaku was the cause of… whatever this was.

"Rin-chan? It's me, Kagome."



A moment later, she heard feet shuffling and the door opened. Rin stood, wrapped in her heavy blanket, covered from head to toe. She was looking nervously around Kagome.

"Rin, what's wrong?"

Saying nothing, Rin went to sit on her bed, Kagome closed the door and sat down next to her. Rin wouldn't look at her, which made Kagome increasingly more disturbed.

"Tell me what's wrong."

Hesitantly, Rin began to speak.

"I'm such an awful person."

Taken aback, Kagome's eyes widened.


"Ko-haku… he still..." Rin said, brokenly.

"He still what, Rin? Did he do something to you last night? Is that it?"

Kagome's voice had taken on an accusatory edge.

"N-no!" Rin reached out and grabbed Kagome's arm to keep her from leaving.

Rin started again, more calmly this time. She had to make Kagome understand that this was all her fault, not Kohaku's.

"Last night, I went downstairs to get a drink from the kitchen."

Kagome nodded, urging her to continue.

"Well, I'd forgotten that Mama had put Kohaku up for the night in the room right next to the kitchen, so I must have woken him up by accident when I opened the fridge."

Rin let out a long breath.

"When I saw him right there, I nearly dropped the pitcher. He caught it, for which I was relieved… But then he came in real close… like he was going to kiss me – I could see it in his eyes – and I ran away," she finished, sounding dejected, ashamed of her cowardly actions.

Kagome was furious.

"That little!"

Kagome jumped up from the bed and went to the door, but Rin scrambled to reach the door before her.

"Kagome, stop! It wasn't his fault," she pleaded.

"Rin," Kagome glared down at the smaller girl, making her shiver, "Kohaku is an adult now, he should know better than to try and corner you like that," she spat, obviously incensed.

"Look, Kagome, I know you're in Terminator-older-sister-mode, but can you calm the heck down for just a second?"

Kagome huffed, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Alright. I'll give exactly sixty seconds to explain why I shouldn't go downstairs right now and kick Kohaku out of his ass."

Rin exhaled, relieved.

"Thank you."

Taking Kagome's hand, she led the taller girl back to sit on the bed.

"It wasn't exactly Kohaku's fault, because I was naive to think that he had gotten over his feelings for me a long time ago. I mean, he always seemed like the old Kohaku whenever we talked over the phone. But Kagome, I forgot he was sleeping down there and so he was probably only half awake when he… You know."

Letting out an exasperated sigh, Kagome reached out to flick Rin's forehead.

"Ow! What was that for?!"

Kagome laughed.

"You are a sweet girl, Rin. I just don't want anything to happen to you. You're young, but you're growing up, and no doubt there will be a very long line of boys clamoring to ask you out."

Both girls started giggling, then.

"Honestly, Kagome, Kohaku didn't mean any harm. He just startled me, is all."

Kagome shot her a pointed look that said, 'I wouldn't be so sure if I were you!'

"Well, let's just hope that Kohaku can learn to let you go. He'll have to if he plans on setting foot back in this house again!"

"Oh, Kagome!"

Rin playfully shoved her, the two of them dissolving once more into giggles.

"Alright, well get dressed, silly, and come down for breakfast. If he's smart, Kohaku would have taken a hint and hightailed it outta here by now," she said in mock seriousness.

"Okay, okay, I'll come down in a bit. My hair's a royal mess!"

Rin pointed to her mop of bed head, sticking out every which way like a bird's nest. Laughing, Kagome left Rin to get ready for the day. Once the door was closed, Rin couldn't help but go over and turn the lock once more. Sighing, she went to her closet and pulled out some leggings and an oversized jumper that had, 'Feed Me Ramen,' printed down the front. It had been a gift from Kagome's friend – who she later found out was actually her Sesshomaru's younger half-brother – Inuyasha, for passing her high school entrance exam a few months ago. Taking her hair brush from atop her dresser, she spent the next few minutes carefully detangling the plethora of knots and tangles from last night's restlessness. She felt exhausted, yet fully awake at the same time, which always put her in a volatile mood. Once she'd donned her socks, she made her way down to the kitchen.

Praying that Kohaku had already left, she peeked around the corner into the dining room, noting that Kohaku was no longer at the table. Deeming it safe enough to show herself, she greeted everyone and tucked into her breakfast. Freshly made crepes with fruit and cream smothered in syrup, a side of scrambled eggs, and an assortment of sausage made her mouth water and her stomach growl. Taking bites of everything, she stuffed her mouth and washed it down with some milk.

'Ah! Mama's the best!'

She finished and thanked her surrogate mother, choosing to take a walk around the shrine grounds to work off the heavy meal. Opening the side door, she slipped into her shoes and closed the door behind her. Breathing in the fresh morning air, she closed her eyes, savoring the sounds of distant cars going past, birds singing, a nearby brook trickling, and someone calling her name.


"Rin," said a distinctly familiar voice.

A voice belonging to someone she didn't very much care to speak to right now.


Eyes fluttering open, she started when she saw Kohaku standing just a few feet away.

'Ugh… This is going to be so awkward.'

Kohaku lowered his eyes, looking a bit… shy?

In an instant, she felt sorry for him again.



They both said at once, looking sheepish. Their eyes met and Kohaku spoke softly.

"Rin. I was such an idiot – last night – and you have every reason for wanting nothing to do with me."

Oh gosh, he sounded so… pitiful.

'He's still the same Kohaku. He's still my best friend.'

"I'm sorry I ran away… I just… You startled me, is all."

He nodded.

"I don't hate you, Kohaku. You're still my best friend," she said, looking up at him hopefully.

His heart sank.

'Best friend. That's all I'll ever be...'

"Rin… um… this isn't exactly, well," he was floundering, trying to find the words.

He was silent for a moment. Then, he looked her straight in the eye with a determination and intensity she'd never seen from him before.

"Rin," his voice, deeper now with maturity, made her shudder, "I can't be your best friend anymore."

Shocked, Rin's eyes widened as her mouth fell open a little. She took a step back. Kohaku looked a bit hurt by this, but he continued on.

"I'm sorry for how I behaved last night. That wasn't fair to you at all. But, I can't be sorry for how I feel about you," he finished with steely resolve.

"Kohaku, I-"

He cut her off.

"No, Rin. I can't lie to you, to myself," he said, inching closer, "I love you, Rin. I can't help it. I've tried, but it's no use," he began to sound frustrated and she took another step away from him.

Her back hit the wall. Kohaku drew nearer, coming close enough so that he reached up to put his hand right beside Rin's head. Now they were so close, they were almost touching. Rin could feel his emotions rolling off him. She sucked in a steadying breath to stay calm. His intense gaze roamed over her face, searching for any hint of acceptance or refusal.

"Kohaku..." she breathed.

He closed his eyes and let out a shaky breath, relishing the soft sound of her voice saying his name, then opened his eyes again to look at her. Liquid, doe-brown eyes met his, a touch of fear and that familiar warmth in them.

"Rin, I… Please understand… It's too difficult for me to pretend that everything's still the way they used to be with you, because they're not," he paused briefly, looking down as he ruffled his hair nervously, "and if there's some part of you that likes me, too – even just a little – please… please, tell me now."

He was pleading.

All at once it felt harder to breathe and even harder to think and she started to feel a little light headed. She'd known they would have to have this conversation eventually. Of course he needed to know if there was any chance for him! But why couldn't she bring herself to give him a chance? What could it hurt, anyway? It wasn't as if he was unattractive or immature or lazy, or anything that would make him unfit for being a suitable boyfriend. But the problem was that she cared for him like a brother. She had always cared for him, and he for her, but now things were very different. Like it or not, she had to tell him that she would never be able to return his feelings, that he needed to give up on her and pursue someone who could love him back.

Ugh! All of this mess was making her hungry again!

"Kohaku, I-"

Her stomach growled at that moment. Loudly. Cheeks flushing with embarrassment, she felt the tension between them evaporate almost instantly. Then, Kohaku laughed.

"Oh, Rin! That stomach of yours! Oh my god," he clutched his belly, he was laughing so hard.

Rin couldn't help but shove him for laughing, but then she started laughing, too.

"Oh, stop it, Kohaku. Like you're any better," she wheezed between bouts of laughter.

Smiling, he finally stopped and waited for her to stop as well. Then, he reached up and affectionately tucked a loose section of hair behind her ear. Pulling back, he let his arm drop to his side. He gave her another smile.

"Forget what I said earlier. It's not fair to ask you to tell me your feelings right now. Neither is it fair for me to suddenly say that we can't be friends," he looked down, blushing, "I'm really sorry, Rin. I don't know why I'm being such an ass. During your birthday, no less."

Rin gave him a wan smile, feeling her heart ache for her friend. It seemed he'd come to his senses.

"Kohaku… I don't blame you at all. If it were me, I don't know what I would do. Probably make an idiot of myself, no doubt! But… You know... I still feel bad about how I reacted the time you first confessed," she paused.

His eyes flew back up to meet hers.

"Rin, you shouldn't feel bad about that," his voice sounded a bit pained.

"No," she said, adamantly, "I was wrong. You were brave enough to actually tell me your feelings. And I… I laughed."

They were both quiet for a few moments before Kohaku reached out and lifted Rin's chin so she would look at him. Her lips parted in that perfect, "o". He had to resist the urge to lean down and meet those lips with his own.

"It's alright, Rin-chan," he said with so much kindness it made her heart swell, "I should have waited to tell you anyway. I just… I was afraid of you moving on and forgetting me after I graduated."


"Rin-chan," he soothed, releasing her chin, "I was being selfish, not thinking about how you would feel if I suddenly confessed. Up to that point, we had been almost like siblings; best friends. I risked hurting you and our friendship. I hadn't even given you any hints to how I truly felt. I kept it all hidden… But it's okay… I will wait however long it takes for you to give me an answer, no matter what that answer is."

He was so reassuring, so calm, it almost unnerved her. He was trying to hide his pain behind that smile. He was hurting, and there was nothing she could do about it… Not unless she wished to accept him. Otherwise, it would only make things between them even more strained, and their friendship would gradually unravel until there was nothing left. Kohaku bent down and gathered his bag and jacket, giving her one last smile before he turned and left. She felt cold; abandoned. Was this really their fate? Maybe she had been naive all along; they'd never truly been friends, he'd always felt more for her and so there wasn't a friendship left to go back to, should she reject his feelings again.


Turning in the opposite direct from where Kohaku had left, she made her way to the old Goshinboku, the fabled, 'Tree of Ages,'. Setting both palms upon its rough bark, she lent her head against it, feeling a swell of calming energy flow into her from the ancient tree. Somehow she would sort through this mess and come to an answer that she could feel good about. A heavy sigh slipped from her. Allowing her mind to wander, she sat down against the tree, breathing in the fresh air. Little by little she came to relax, the whirl of confusion and heartache slowly ebbing away until she was feeling more herself again. With renewed enthusiasm, she headed back inside the house, intent on enjoying the rest of the morning with her family.




"How dare he! After all I've done for him! That asshole," Kagura fumed, tossing her cellphone away in disgust.

"What did you expect? That you would someday rope him into mating you?"

She glared at Naraku, naked beside her in bed, who merely cocked a fine, dark brow at her.

"Really, Kagura? I thought you were smarter than that," he sneered, rising from the bed.

Crossing the room he grabbed his plush, aubergine robe, tying it loosely around his waist. Kagura couldn't help but smirk at the nice view of his toned chest peeking out from between the robe's lapels. Naraku was filth, but my was he sexy filth. Still, her eye candy wasn't enough to dampen her ire.

"Argh! I bet he did it for that little bitch, too. I know he went to that little girl's birthday party last night. Bastard..."

Kagura got up from the bed as well, grabbing her clothes from the night before. Her tryst with Sesshomaru had not quite sated her appetite last night, so she had come to Naraku for an all-nighter. Of course, her affair with the dark-haired beauty had begun because she was spying on him for Sesshomaru. But now, with just how easily she'd been tossed aside, she felt like she had been given a harsh reminder that nothing in this world was for free. Whatever you wanted, you had to reach out and take it with your own two hands, and even then it may not be enough. The thought made her even more annoyed.

"Tch, bastard," she ground her teeth.

She heard Naraku chuckle; a dark, sinister sound that left her tingling. Oh, how she hated and loved the sensations he gave her!

"It was only a matter of time, my dear," he said, a half-hearted attempt at trying to soothe her."

"Oh, fuck off," Kagura laughed, jabbing her middle finger up at him before continuing getting dressed.

Naraku grinned maliciously.

"Gladly," he purred in that honeyed tone that made her insides melt.

He came over to her from behind and enfolded her in his arms, reaching around her and squeezing her breasts, causing her to let out a moan.

"You could always," he began as he nipped her ear, "stay for just a while longer."

One of his hands slid down her front to cup her womanhood and she shuddered. She could feel him getting hard behind her, making it very tempting to stay for another round. But no, she was much too aggravated to enjoy Naraku's – sensuous – company. His breath at her ear gave her goosebumps and she felt his lips trail down her neck, sucking and biting.

"Maybe next time," she offered breezily, extracating herself from his hold, "I have to – ah! Stop it, you," she gasped when he'd bit her shoulder.

Naraku chuckled; she was so easy to manipulate.

"So? The usual time next week, then?"

She nodded, heading for the door of the penthouse suite. He nodded as well.

"Don't do anything I wouldn't," he warned, ignoring Kagura's pointed look, "we still need him on our side."

"Yeah, I'll remember that," she intoned flatly before leaving, shutting the door after.

Naraku sighed.


Slinking over to the en suite bathroom he slipped off his robe, letting it pool on the floor as he started the shower. As the hot water ran over his tall, lithe frame, he pondered over his options. At the moment Kagura was still an asset, even though he knew full well that she was Sesshomaru's spy. He'd known that from day one when she approached him. It was no secret in the demon world that she loved her frigid boss, so the very idea that she would knowingly jeopardize her chances with him by becoming involved with another male was preposterous. She was fun, though, fun enough to keep around a while longer. However, this girl Sesshomaru seemed to care for intrigued him. He'd heard from Kagura about Sesshomaru's little human ward, but this…

This was gold!




A/N: So! What did you think?

Rin: When am I going to get to see my beloved Sesshomaru-sama, again?! Like, seriously! Haven't I been patient already?!

Me: Looks like someone had too much sugar…

Kohaku: Rin, could you please, please think about me - at least for more than one second - before going back to daydreaming of Sesshomaru?

Rin: Oh! Sesshomaru-sama! *waves like a crazy person*

Kohaku: Ugh… Why does he have to show up right now?

Sesshomaru *smirks* Hn.

Me & Everyone else besides Rin and Sesshomaru: I'm sorry, Kohaku! *teary eyed*

Rin: Sesshomaru-sama! Sesshomaru-sama! *dancing around him like an idiot*

-Sesshomaru stands there, basking in Rin's silly attentions-

Kohaku: Thanks, guys. At least with you here, I don't feel like a total loser.

Me and Everyone: *hugs Kohaku* It's okay, bro. We know it hurts.

If you're wondering what the chapter title means, it's in reference to Kohaku's "old wound" from being rejected by Rin in quite an humiliating way. Now they've finally managed to clear the air between them and can move on. I really hope Kohaku finds some other girl to love, don't you?

Anyone want to guess what Toga asked Inuyasha to do?

Who thinks they have an idea of what Naraku is planning? Do you think he'll be trying to get close to Rin? If so, why?

Let me know in your review below!


Yours Anonymous

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See you all next time ; P
