This story is based on characters and situations created by JK Rowling. No money is being mad and no copyright or trademark infringement is intended. I own nothing except the idea for the story.

Chapter one

After the battle of Hogwarts Harry Potter decided to stay at Aberforth Dumbledore's pub, the Hogs head. He wanted to help repair Hogwarts so staying close to the castle made the most sense. But another reason Harry stayed there was he didn't want to be treated as a kid anymore. He knew going to the Burrow with Ron and Hermione that Mrs Weasley would do just that, treat him as a kid. He had another reason for staying at the Hogs head, he had been approached by Ginny about dating again, he turned her down which didn't make her happy but he also knew she wouldn't give up. It wasn't just Ginny, Harry just didn't want to get serious with anyone. The trouble with Ginny and her mother, they wanted a full on serious relationship which would lead to marriage.

But now Harry was free of the Dursley's and Voldemort he was determined to experience all things, everything and anything life had to offer, including going on dates with different girls and maybe even sex. He never got a chance to really be a normal teenager, now he has that chance even if he was technically an adult. But Harry did not want to get serious, at least not for a long time and he knew Ginny would stop at nothing to get him into a proper relationship. He thought that maybe if he wanted a serious relationship than he could see himself with Ginny, but not right now. He'd had serious for so long he just wanted time to experience life but also have some freedom, something he never had before.

He knew if he did date Ginny they would need to sort things out first, one would be her temper. Harry would make sure she could not do to him what her mother did with her father. Another thing Harry would need to explain, if he wanted some time to himself then he would, she could do the same. But Harry knew none of this would happen for a long time, if he did decide to date Ginny again, right now he didn't want to. He had accepted the fact that she might not want to hang around, Harry wanted her to have a life, even if that meant with someone else. He just couldn't give her what she wanted, at least for a long time.

One thing Harry did a couple of weeks after the battle, he went into muggle London, shopped for more clothes than he ever owned before in his life. He also decided to get rid of his glasses and get contact lenses. He admitted only to himself that it took a while to get used to wearing them, but he also wondered why the magical world didn't have a way to heal bad eyesight or even have their own version of contact lenses. He thought maybe he would talk to a healer one day, or someone like a potions master. That was one thing Harry liked about the muggle world, there was some great stuff there, things the magical world didn't offer.

Harry spent his time helping around Hogwarts but he got to know the staff a little more and on personal terms not how he used to know them, as teachers. He would usually stand beside one of them, talking about how their world will be now, if things would improve in the ministry, and would they ever believe another dark wizard would arise. They spoke about so many subjects but sometimes those conversations drifted to their personal lives.

Harry was talking to Neville while they repaired the wall of the great hall, 'Potter, Longbottom,' Minerva walked over to them.

'Yes Professor,' Neville said lowering his wand.

'I've just come from a meeting with the governors, the minister and the staff. We all agreed that after Professor Snape's contribution to the war effort he will retain the post of headmaster. We have one problem, there is no one to take the post of defence against the arts teacher, so Professor Snape is going to oversee those classes in the hope some will apply before next year. Now we all agreed that your age group will be allow back to finish your education, but there will be some changes. You will be known as year eight, not year seven, you will not need to wear uniforms as they believe it would be a waste of money for all of you who are returning to buy those when they would only be used for one year. The last change is you will have your own separate dormitory and common rooms.'

Harry and Neville glanced at each other as they groaned, 'I suppose after what he did he should be given the chance,' Neville said but Harry and Minerva heard how he didn't really believe his own words.

'I had thought about coming back so we could sit for my N.E.W.T.s, I hadn't made up my mind just yet. But with…Professor Snape, he might have helped but he'll still be a tyrant in the classroom. I'm not sure I can put up with all that again, maybe I might find something else to do.'

'That was spoken about that as well Potter, there will be no more tormenting or criticizing comments and he will need to be fair in markings and in regards to points. There were a few that wished to keep this from you, I refused as I believe you should know the truth.'

'Oh great,' Harry groaned, 'what do they want now?'

'One thing, for you to return and do your last year as they believe your presence along with your friends will give parents a sense of security for their children. You have to admit Potter that having the heroes of the war at Hogwarts would make the parents believe their children will be safe. So there will be new rules for the year eight students, later curfews, and you can visit Hogsmeade every weekend. You can even visit home if you have your apparition license, as long as you are back by dinner on those nights and you don't let your schoolwork suffer.'

'So since I have my license now I can go home instead of Hogsmeade,' Harry smiled, 'I like that, it will give me some privacy and I will probably get more work done there than trying to study with everyone watching me, or like some, stuttering hello as they walk past.'

'I get that, it's quite unnerving seeing people unable to talk properly, we're not that different from them,' Neville shrugged.

'They see what all of you were willing to do to guarantee that we all live in a free world.'

'I do get that Professor, but we're nothing special, not really. But what you were saying before, about our own dorm rooms, so me, Neville, Seamus, Dean and Ron will share like before?'

'No, you have separate rooms, small, but with everything you need. You will have a larger bed, desk, chair and wardrobe.'

'That will help with sleeping, Ron's snores used to wake all of us,' Neville said.

'Not to mention my screaming nightmares. They might have eased but I still have them. I put a silencing charm around my room at the Hogs Head so I don't wake Aberforth. It's lucky I'm not up in the rooms anymore, so many stay there just hoping they will see me. That's why Aberforth offered me his spare room.'

'You said it was only going to be for a few weeks until you buy a place,' Neville said.

'I couldn't find anything I liked, so I bought some land and having a house built. It's on the outskirts of Godric's Hollow. The house will be surrounded in trees, there's also a small lake because I did originally want to have a pool built, now I don't have to. They said another few weeks and it should be finished.'

'One more thing before I get back to work, quidditch?'

'I decided I don't want to play professor, I will have enough to do with my schoolwork, being away for a year will mean I have to get myself back into a routine. Then I realise that the work will be a lot harder than it was, so more time studying. The other reason is that I don't intend to play professionally so it would make more sense to give it to someone who does want to play after they leave Hogwarts.'

'Then I will work on who might be good enough to take the captains job. Even though we will be sending out notices, if you see your friends let them know what I said.'

'We will Professor,' Neville waited until she left, 'Snape, teaching again,' he groaned.

'Yeah, but if he does give in and can't help being a bastard then I'm not just going to sit there and take it. If he snipes at me for no reason I am going to say something, maybe even call him Sev, like my mother did. I don't think he would like that very much.'

Neville's eyes widened before he laughed, 'Oh Harry, you are asking for trouble.'

'Trouble finds me anyway, I'm used to it.'

'I better go, I told gran I want to see my parents today.'

'Tell them I said hi and your gran as well, I like her.'

'She likes you, but I'll tell them,' Neville slapped Harry on the shoulder before walking off.

Harry turned back to the wall then started working his wand, replacing large bricks then casting charms to make them settle properly and to make sure they were permanently stuck. Professor Flitwick had shown Harry, Neville and a few others the right spells to use since they were determined to help fix the castle. The younger students that would turn up with their parents would help clean away rubble but being at Hogwarts they were allowed to use magic. Harry would smile at the young kids, some that were only eleven who hadn't even started at Hogwarts yet and they only just received their wands. Harry always smiled at the kids, they would work for a few hours instead of spending time with friends.

Harry liked how many people turned up to help get Hogwarts back the way it was. Young and old would turn up as all of them had spent time at the old castle, or some just about to start. They wanted it back and were determined to help fix Hogwarts so it was just as it used to be, or better.

Note: I know Snape died in the last book/movie, but I decided that he will live, along with another character.