AN:It has been brought to my attention that there is not quite enough information for the reader to grasp onto. So, I would like to thank the guest who pointed this out to me. The first three chapters are rewritten/added onto. I hope this makes for a better story.

People have commented about me losing a lot of readers because of my Oc. Believe me, I know Oc's aren't popular. I myself am very peculiar about them. That being said, I feel that, much like Ooc fics of Harry when he's dark/raised differently or when people write up a character like Daphne Greengrass who isn't really mentioned in the books, that Oc's can be used if written well and interesting to read if their involvement in the story is more than just a romance or a couple of lines added to the copy-and-pasted chapter of the book. I'm not changing the story - I already did to add more information about my Oc because readers said they needed more. She is not involved to enact some fantasy I've had of being with Harry or any character. She is a part of the story to influence change in Harry's story. (a.k.a grey!Harry)




Added warnings: This story will start second year and build up into an Au. Will include manipulative (but not Evil!) Dumbledore, Ron Weasley being a prat, and a Female Original Character. Story will be told in third perspective from mostly Harry's perspective (however other characters will have interludes)

Disclaimer: I own nothing of Harry Potter; but it is very dear to my heart as it is to many other's in the world. So, I hope I do right by the story that made all our lives a little more magical.

"The conundrum of free will and destiny has always kept me dangling." - William Shatner


If there was one thing Fate loved, it was fucking with the lives of mortals.

Being an eternal being had been downright boring before the guy upstairs, whatever those amusing creatures called Him these days, had created them.

At first, she loved to play with them like those puppets in puppet-shows young children never seemed to tire of in any age. She would dance them along the stage, pulling all the right strings to make them do anything that would amuse her. Naturally, this got tiring after a few millennia and Fate wallowed in her boredom. Barely bothering to touch the toys laid out for her.

Shockingly, this turned out to be for the best. The mortals were even more entertaining when she had nothing to do with their actions! They loved when they wanted; raged war when they wanted; hell, they did both in the setting of a bedroom when they wanted! Fate was giddy upon discovering this; her boredom becoming something of myth as she simply sat and watched for a few thousand years.

Still, there were some mortals who were too delicious to just watch. These chosen mortals, Fate carefully plucked a few strings like a bard would. Not to control as she had before, but rather to offer new directions and to stir up just a bit of confusion and – therefore- trouble. Trouble – that in the long run could amount to anything depending on the humans. War or peace; love or hate. Perhaps all those together. Fate did not particularly care about the destination, more about the entertainment the journey could bring.

Of those chosen ones she did have a particular favorite; two if one was to count the man who was always entwined with him.

Harry Potter.

Oh. She loved him from the moment of his birth. Bright eyes that shone like freshly polished emeralds gleamed even as he cried in his mother's arms, a tuff of black hair sticking to his forehead. The man upstairs had outdone himself with this one, not only with appearance but with the magic. The magic called to her, welcomed her. How could she have stayed away?

Although it would surprise him if he ever found out, Fate did not interfere much with Harry Potter's original life. She gave a nudge there, advice from a stranger there and sprinkled a bit of irony to keep herself amused. Not that it would have been needed in the end anyway.

However, this time around she found she quite despised the ending of the story. What was this cliché? What was this lie? Harry Potter was more than a golden boy! So, she intervened. Making alternate timelines and universes and pulling just enough strings in all of them with more interesting results. Yet, they were still not satisfying enough for her to call quits.

That led her back to the original timeline where she came up with a plan. Perhaps the problem was not the way the board was set up, but that it had been missing a piece? Once this is done, Fate sits back and regards the board with a skilled eye. A moment later, a smile graces her lips.

Yes. This would do it. This would be Harry Potter's ending.

Just like that, the game begins.


May 21st 2005


This day is just like any other in London, except for the unusually clear skies. The sounds of moving cars, heavy footsteps and laughter fill the air. It is a wonderfully normal day by muggle and magical standards alike.

At least, that's how it seems.

Perhaps, if one, magical or muggle, had stumbled into the little forested park just above the Ministry of Magic they would have seen something peculiar. They would have seen a man in dark robes muttering madly to himself while turning a little hourglass hooked on the chain. (A muggle would have not know what it was. A wizard or witch would be wondering where exactly he had been able to find one as they had all been thought destroyed nearly ten years earlier.)

If they had been brave enough to come closer, the person may have also noticed a circle with strange markings etched into the stone around the man. They also would have seen them begin to glow with a golden light while the man would increase his mutterings at an alarming rate.

Perhaps, if they had looked up, in a moment of indecision about their sanity, they would have seen a pair of storm-eyes gazing at the scene in unclothed wonderment.

But - as it was - there was no-one except the wizard and an eleven year old girl to witness the scene. Therefore, there was not one person who saw the flash of light or, when it dimmed, the disappearance of those two individuals.


May 21st 1991


The Unspeakables have dealt with many things over their long careers that they cannot - well, speak about. However, having a screaming girl fall from the roof of the time-chamber followed by a heap of smoking robes certainly is a thing they definitely need to discuss.

Honestly, the one thing they don't have a protocol for!

Feedback is greatly appreciated.