How Asami got lost, she'd probably never know. It wasn't like Republic City's grid structure made it an especially challenging layout, but that does generally require remembering where you're supposed to go to. She was reasonably good with locations, but for the life of her, couldn't remember where her hotel was supposed to be located, or the hotel's name. Un-fucking-believable. Top of your class since 8th grade running and you can't remember the name of your hotel.

Now sure, she could call her father, but it took way too much convincing from her end to let her go out on a shopping trip by herself in the first place, if she admitted to him that she got lost, she'd never get to go out on her own again.

So being the bright mind she is, Asami decided to use her phone in an attempt to figure out where she was, and where she had to go. Doing that required a place to think and the best one she could find in a jiffy was a park bench, across from a hotdog vendor.

Even though she was busy working her phone, it wasn't like she had absolutely no idea of her surroundings anymore. She looked up when a girl her age jogged past her, stopping at the hotdog vendor. "Afternoon, Gommu." Wow. How can someone look that good while jogging when it's so warm?

-"Korra," he greeted her back, already putting a bottle of water on the counter while she handed him a yuan. "Don't overdo yourself in this heat," he smiled.

-"What do you think the water is for?" She walked over to the far side of the bench where Asami was sitting and plonked herself down with a loud sigh while she sipped on her water. After a minute or so, she turned around and took notice of Asami. "Hi there."

Asami blushed, realizing she had been staring. "Hey," she said as she returned her attention to her phone. The main reason she may have been staring just a little bit was because Korra was stunning. Not just in the sense that her attire consisted of a crop top that was little more than a training bra, joggers, and a cap, but also that that left her very muscular frame on display, and the single droplet of sweat running down the middle of her abs. Sharp eyes, Sato. Maybe restrain yourself from licking it off.

-"You okay there?"

"Sure," Asami quickly said, even though it wasn't true.

Korra nodded and returned to her water, even though she clearly didn't buy this. "It's just that you look a bit frantic for someone sitting on a park bench."

She sighed. "Fine, I'm a little lost. I can't remember the name of my hotel."

This made the running girl laugh. "Okay, I can see how that makes a person frantic. How far from here is it?"

Asami decided that listening to someone who was familiar here was probably a quicker way than trying to look it up. "Walking distance, I think, I didn't take a cab or subway or anything."

Korra nodded. "Fair enough. That doesn't narrow it down much, but there are a few here. You got the Four Elements, the Republic, the Ba Sing Se Palace, the Silver Crescent..."

"That's it!" Asami cried out. Lucky. "The Silver Crescent, thank you. What do you think, should I take a cab there?"

-"Hell no, not unless you want to get ripped off completely for being a tourist. It's maybe three or four blocks from here, you can easily walk that." Korra thought for a moment and looked at her watch, a fancy running one. "You know what, my five miles are up anyway, and it's time for my cooling down. I'll walk you there."

"Oh, that really isn't necessary, I think I can find my way there with directions." Yeah right.

The runner wasn't the least bit convinced. "You got lost on a grid. I'm guessing your sense of direction isn't the best to begin with."

Asami sighed, because it was true. "It's not my best feature, I admit. But in that case, please." They both stood up and Korra led the way, and something dawned on her. "Wait, how were you so convinced I'm a tourist?" Umm, because she has eyes?

Korra laughed. "Like I said, you're lost on a grid and you're staying in a hotel. You aren't here on business, you look too young for that, ergo, you're a tourist. Plus, I've lived here for a while, I've seen enough tourists to know one when I see one. For the record, you're far from the worst I've ever seen. Those generally have a stupid hat, a tacky souvenir shirt, a camera, and socks in sandals."

Now it was Asami's turn to laugh. "Well, I did try my best not to look too much like one. Though in fairness, you're not entirely wrong, there's a tacky shirt in this bag," she said, holding up the one she got from her little shopping trip. "I survived Republic City, but even better, Republic City survived me!" it said, which did make her laugh, so she bought it for like 10 yuans. She decided not to mention that to Korra for now, since it would be more than a little embarrassing.

But it was true, her own attire of just a pair of modest shorts and a linen shirt meant she didn't stand out too much for now. Republic City was wildly multicultural, after all. No one really stands out.

Korra took off her baseball cap and held it out to Asami. "You mind holding this for a little bit? My hair is letting go." Asami took it, and the running girl quickly redid her ponytail, even though her hair was just a tad bit on the short side for that, meaning several strands immediately fell out again.

"Working on growing it out?" Asami asked, pushing her own behind her shoulder entirely.

-"Heck no, in dire need of chopping it off. I normally have it down to about my ears, but haircuts keep getting cancelled for more important things, like the gym." It was indeed much longer than that, and there was plenty of proof that Korra spent a lot of time in the gym. "Speaking of exercise, I hope I don't smell too bad. It tends to get pretty bad in this heat."

Asami leaned in just a little bit and took a sniff. Well that's not creepy at all. "Nothing to worry about just yet, so long as you take a shower when you're home. Does beg the question, if you're so hot, why wear sweatpants at all?"

At this, Korra started blushing a little bit. "Well... I forgot to wash my shorts a few times, to the point where I wouldn't be surprised for them to be classified as an endangered ecosystem. If they weren't in the wash now, you'd definitely smell me."

"Good call, in that case."

They actually talked quite a bit on their way from the park back to the hotel, during which Asami learned that Korra was actually from the Southern Water Tribe, but moved here when she was a little girl, and that as far as holiday destinations went, this wasn't too bad. There were plenty of things to see that Asami hadn't even heard about before.

-"So yeah, you could just go up the Harmony Tower and enjoy the view, but if you go two block down the road from there, there's a little museum about its construction and history and such. Probably would suit you and your engineering mind."

Asami smiled and was already glad she had told Korra that. "Yes it would be. Anything else I should know about?"

Korra thought for a moment. "Well, there's Narook's, best seaweed noodles outside of the Tribe itself, and a fantastic pizza joint on Omashu Avenue, can't miss that, the open-air theater every Friday on Lord Zuko Square, the Five Nations Tower which has its roof open to the public and gives you a way better view of the city than the Harmony tower, you have to go taste Song's ice cream..."

"Ahem," Asami cleared her throat. "Hate to break you up, but we're here," she said, pointing to the hotel.

-"Right," Korra realized, blushing a little bit. "Guess there's just too much to do for a three-week holiday, right?"

"I'm sure I can figure something out." Suddenly an idea dawned on Asami, and she fished her phone out of her purse. "Tell you what: you give me your number, and if I'm bored, I'll call you."

The running girl smiled. "Deal."

It took until Korra arrived back at the Air Temple before she heard from Asami again, because her phone had one unread message.

Unknown number: Hey, it's Asami, now you have my number too. :-)

Korra smiled. This was going to be fun.