Disclaimer: I don't own Digimon.
Digimon Trinity
Chapter: 157/ Episode 23: A World Apart
Etemon let out a shout as his chariot rocked violently. His shout was quickly joined by Gazimon's, Tai's, Rei's and Agumon's as something struck the outer shell of their compartment.
"Gazimon!" Etemon called out. "Tell those Monochromon to watch where they're going! Our show almost got ruined in here!"
"It's not their fault, boss!" Gazimon replied frantically. "There's something seriously wrong going on at their end!"
"Confirmed!" Rei said, calling up an image of the outdoors on their monitor. All eyes turned up and there came a series of gasps as the screen showed dark, cloudy skies and violent lightning ripping across it. Great, tumultuous winds whipped about, and then in the next second, a tree limb was smashed against the screen, causing it to dissolve into electric snow. The chariot rocked again, this time almost toppling over. The Monochromon, whatever they were experiencing outside, managed to keep it from doing so and were soon off at a run again, in search of shelter. The compartment echoed with the sound of bits of debris pelting them like machinegun fire.
"Roadie," Etemon said, turning to Rei. "What do you got for me?"
"Working," she replied, her voice shaken, but still cool. "Getting a massive amount of dimensional distortions, but I can't tell from where or from what. It's scrambling the Network's readings!"
"Tai," Agumon began, tugging on Tai's pantleg with a claw. "Do you think I should warp digivolve? If Rei can connect to me, I might be able to help you find someplace safe. Maybe even find out what's causing this."
"That's quite a risk to take, Agumon." Tai narrowed his eyes before glancing at Etemon and Rei. "But I'm not sure there's much choice. Not where we currently are. What do you guys think?"
"I can link up to him," said Rei. Getting out of her chair, she hurried over to the back closet and produced a line of cable. She inspected it briefly before heading back to Agumon. "This won't hurt a bit," she said, pressing the cable into the Rookie's back. "There. Just plug yourself in once you're outside and you'll be set." She looked at him pensively before continuing. "Are you sure that you want to do this though? It sounds pretty bad out there."
"It's like Tai said, there's not much choice," the dinosaur said, looking back at his partner, who nodded at him reluctantly.
"WarGreymon can take it," he said. "But we won't if we stay out here for too much longer. Especially the Monochromon. They're tough, but even they can't take much of a pounding like what's out there."
Hefting his digivice, the screen began to glow. "Suit up, Agumon. You're on."
"I'll get the door," Etemon said as light flashed around Agumon's body. Taking hold of a handle, he began to hoist open their compartment. A sharp gust of wind tore into his chariot at the slightest crack, tearing his sunglasses off his head.
"Oh, no you don't, baby!" he shouted, snatching hold of his shades before they could get too far. Slamming the door closed, he looked over at WarGreymon. "Are you still sure this is a good idea, son? I just took a peek and it looks as bad as it sounds. Lots of wind and lightning and rocks."
"I can manage it," WarGreymon said in a gravelly voice. Rotating his shoulders, he nodded to the Ultimate and looked over at the two humans. "Get ready."
Tai moved in front of Rei wrapped his arms about her. Swallowing, she returned his hug.
"I'll only have it open for a second," Etemon said, taking hold of the door handle and then placing a tight grip on his shades. "On the count of three. One… Two… Three!"
Etemon's last count was drowned by wind as he threw the door open. WarGreymon sprinted out into the opening and the door slammed shut. Taking hold of the cable, the Mega plugged it in to an outside outlet and then hurried over to the front. The Monochromon were crouched down and no longer moving. Their armor was a mess of scratches and cracks. Lightning flashed along the sky and the air slammed into them like a wall. Looking down at himself, WarGreymon gasped to find them pixilate briefly, revealing a wire mesh underneath before settling back to normal.
"Rei!" he shouted. "Did you see that?"
"I did," spoke up Rei's voice from within his mind, the cable transmitting to him flawlessly. "Have you ever seen anything like this?"
"Something similar, but not quite like this," WarGreymon replied, remembering the first time a Destiny Stone had been destroyed. "One second."
Swatting aside a boulder with a gauntlet, he knelt down in front of the Monochromon. "Hang in there. I've got a plan. But you're going to need to be able to move as soon as I'm set. Can you do it?"
The Monochromon exchanged looks and nodded as one before climbing to their feet.
"All right," WarGreymon said. "Rei, there's too much lightning in the sky for me to fly and scout out the place. There's no way we're going to make it to a sheltered location."
"Then what are we going to do, baby?" came Etemon's voice now. "My poor Monochromon will be turned into digi-dust if we just sit here and make camp!"
WarGreymon's claws gleamed as he hefted them into the air.
"Not if I have anything to say about it. Stand by."
Unplugging the cable, he took a step back. Raising his claws skyward, he jumped and began to spin rapidly before diving into the ground.
"Terra Tornado!" he shouted, earth spitting from around him as he spun. He went in at an angle, to allow for the chariot to be dragged in. The hole wasn't large enough from just that however, as WarGreymon was thinner than his dinosaur compatriots, but he worked swiftly, drilling deep first and then widening on the return. Arriving topside again, he looked at the Monochromon.
"Get in there!" he shouted. They swiftly obeyed, running deep into the earth. WarGreymon waited until they were out of sight before looking back up at the sky. An eerie green light began to shine forth behind the torrent of clouds. The sky began to pixilate and then…an explosion of emerald energy shattered the storm.
WarGreymon threw himself down into the hole as the air detonated. The digital world thundered and roared. Data twisted, and with a final heave, the tunnel's entrance caved in behind the Mega.
Quiet reigned now, save for a distant, ominous thunder that only grew more and more distant as WarGreymon made his way down the tunnel. Lifting a claw, he formed a small sphere of golden energy, illuminating his path. He found the Monochromon and the chariot within minutes. The Champion level digimon were on their knees, panting in exhaustion. But they were safe for now. WarGreymon had drilled deep and into hard bedrock. The tunnel behind them was gone, but getting out wouldn't be an issue. Approaching the two dinosaur digimon, he patted them companionably.
"Good work out there," he said. "Rest up."
There came a hiss of hydraulics and the chariot door issued up, revealing Etemon, Gazimon, Rei and Tai.
"You the mon, WarGreymon!" Rei cheered, flashing him a V sigh. WarGreymon blushed beneath his mask and smiled happily.
"You all did good work out there," Etemon said, hopping down. "Gazimon. Break out the banana splits! Our Monochromon are in need of a champion's meal!"
"You got it, boss!" the Gazimon saluted.
As the Gazimon scurried off, Etemon sauntered over to Tai and planted his massive fists on his hips.
"So, li'l buddy," he began. "What happens now?"
A thunderous thud woke Gatomon up from an unusual catnap. Unusual in the sense that she felt as though she had been punched about by Zudomon's hammer. While sleep had the tendency to leave her feeling weak at times and even disoriented, she couldn't, for the life of her, remember a time where it left her feeling like a gigantic bruise. With a groan, Gatomon unburied herself from a pile of rubble and shook her head, sending a stream of dust flying off from her. With a grimace, she looked down at herself and memory clicked into place. A fight. That's right. She had come here because of a digimon attack. A SkullGreymon attack for that matter. Her mind was a fog, but she was still able to take stock of her situation.
Looks like I got knocked out of my Armor form, she thought. Well, I guess I shouldn't be surprised. Ultimates pretty much trash Armors most of the time. I forgot how tough SkullGreymon could be. I guess that means Kari… Kari!
Her blue eyes went wide and she whirled about. She quickly found her partner lying on the ground not too far away, with Davis and ExVeemon not too far away. The blue reptile had rolled with the blast far better than she had, but their partners…
Dropping down to all fours, she dashed over to Kari, who was presently tying her shirt around Davis' head where a great, red stain had formed. Sweat stood out prominently on the man's pallid face. His eyes were closed.
"What… What happened to him?" Gatomon asked, looking up at ExVeemon.
"I hit the ground and rolled my stomach over a bolder," the dragon explained, his eyes strained as he stood there, watching his partner. "Problem was, I was holding Davis when I rolled over it and…"
He trailed off and planted a hand over his eyes, unable to say anything more. Gatomon looked over at Kari, eyes worried. She had faired vastly better by comparison. As Nephertimon she had done her best to cushion their crash landing, but her bare skin showcased a number of scratches and gashes that had been impossible to guard against.
"How bad is he?"
"There's no way we can move him," Kari said softly, stroking the side of his face. "Not like this. If we can find Joe, then maybe…"
The earth shook violently just then. Gatomon and ExVeemon's attention snapped up to find SkullGreymon crashing through a building and hitting the ground, Zudomon piling on top of him. Thanks to his shell, the aquatic Ultimate out-massed his skeletal opponent quite easily, but SkullGreymon wasn't going down without a fight. He heaved and thrashed, clawing at Zudomon's face. As Gatomon watched, Garudamon quickly joined in and delivered a quaking blow to the virus' face, causing his horn to snap off and go flying. With a snarl, SkullGreymon threw all of its strength against Zudomon and managed to lift its back up just enough for its spinal missile to ignite its engine. It flew free and Garudamon flung herself backward, narrowly avoiding getting struck by it.
"NO!" Zudomon shouted as the missile streaked on ahead and then circled back around. Laughing, SkullGreymon slammed a clawed hand into the side of Zudomon's head, dazing him. His grip on the skeletal digimon slackened and SkullGreymon took full advantage of it. Grabbing hold of him by the arm, he threw him to the ground.
Garudamon's eyes darted back and forth between the oncoming missile and SkullGreymon. Seeming to make a decision, she hurled herself at the behemoth. Grabbing hold of him by his ribcage, she wheeled him about just in time to intercept his own attack.
With a cry, Kari threw herself over Davis and ExVeemon did the same for them. SkullGreymon screamed as his Dark Shot exploded against his heart and in a blinding flash, his data shattered. ExVeemon's claws stabbed into the street as the explosive wave smashed into him, nearly blowing him off his charges. He clenched his fangs tightly against one another. Cracks spiderwebbed from around his claws and his muscles strained, but he dug deeper, refusing to leave the two humans and Gatomon exposed. Finally, when he didn't think his strength could last much longer, the fiery blast ended and ExVeemon dared to look up.
Zudomon was still there, struggling to rise to his feet, though he was covered in black ash and his mustache had been burned away.
Of Garudamon and SkullGreymon, there was no sign.
Shakily, ExVeemon released his grip on the street and got to his feet.
"ExVeemon…?" came Gatomon from below.
"Are our partners all right?" he asked, surprised by how calm he felt. It was as if Garudamon's absence hadn't registered yet.
"I'm fine," Kari said, wiping a hand across her forehead. "But Davis… He needs to get to a hospital."
ExVeemon shook his head. How could he be so calm? How… No.
Not calm. I'm in shock. He could feel it. In his body. In his mind. It was like a cold block had fallen over him and divorced him from everything else. He wasn't really here. He might as well be watching everything happen to someone else.
"He's going to have to be moved," he said. There was no getting around it. SkullGreymon was gone, but that didn't mean they had the luxury of sitting around and waiting for an ambulance that might not even be able to come.
Besides… Something was going on with the Hypnos building.
"Got to… Got to see what's going on," he mumbled, the shakes in his arm increasing in intensity just then. His mind was a scrambled mess. Davis… He had to get him out of here. But Hypnos… The Tamers… Garudamon…
Light washed over him once more as the strength went out of him in one mad rush. Before he knew it, he was collapsing on his rear end, no longer in his Champion form. He was plain old Veemon again.
Plain old Veemon when the sky was in the process of setting itself on fire.
Seeing this, Kari's heart fell.
What are we going to do now?
"Kari…" began Gatomon, helping Veemon to his feet. "We've got to find the others. Joe and Sora are probably nearby."
"Davis…" she began, looking at him helplessly. Gatomon shook her head.
"It's like you said. We can't move him. I'm… I'm going to have to chance looking for the others." She clenched her eyes shut at the hopelessness of their situation. "Be all right when I get back."
"W-Wait! Gatomon…" Kari attempted to rise to her feet, only for her left ankle to cringe as she put weight on it. She sagged back down, gripping it tightly.
"Kari!" Gatomon gasped, hurrying over to her.
"I…I think I'm okay," she said, massaging it. "Nothing's broken. I probably sprained it when we landed." Chewing her lower lip, she looked at her digivice. "Can you handle another Armor evolution?"
"Can you?" Gatomon returned, drawing away. She felt pretty banged up, but digivolution wasn't wholly on her shoulders. If neither of them was up for it.
"Let's find out…" Taking a deep breath, Kari held her digivice up. "Digi-Armor energize!"
Her digivice's screen lit up briefly before fading away to black. Gatomon remained Gatomon.
"M-Maybe I should go looking," Veemon said. Peeling away from her partner, Gatomon shook her head.
"You can barely stand. I'm the best suited to go looking. But if you can help Kari and Davis find some kind of shelter, do it. You're too out in the open here."
Veemon nodded reluctantly. Gatomon's voice told him that she would brook no argument from him. Not that he could make a fight of it anyway. He was barely holding on to his Rookie form as it was!
"Good luck out there," he said. "We'll be here when you get back."
Gatomon nodded and with nothing more to be said, she dropped back to all fours again and sprinted away.
Please… Be safe, she prayed.
"The giant digimon that appeared in Shinjuku is moving south through Meiji Avenue. An evacuation has been called in the Shinjuku ward and…"
The TV in the kitchen went dead, silencing the broadcaster. Mie bit her lower lip and slammed her phone down on its receiver.
"The stupid phone's not working and I can't find Takato," she said angrily. Planting her hands on her hips, she turned in the direction of the hallway. "I don't care what they say. I'm not leaving without him!"
Takehiro came out of the kitchen.
"With all the police barricades, he may not be able to get back here."
Mie scrunched her face up unhappily, but she couldn't fault his logic. Everything was in chaos. "Have you finished packing our things at least?" she asked, hoping that there would be at least one thing going right in all this mess.
Takehiro nodded. "Yeah. You go on ahead and take shelter. I'll take Takato with me if he manages to come back."
Mie stiffened at that, seeing instantly what he meant.
"What are you saying?!" she exploded. She was to take shelter while he was going to take the risk of sticking around while a digimon rampaged in the city? "I'm not going anywhere!"
"But Mie…"
The door to their bakery slid open, catching their attention. Turning, she saw two police officers at the entrance. Behind them, a crowd of people was marching and whistles from other officers directing them along could be heard.
"Matsuki Bakery?" one of the policemen called. "Please hurry up.
"But…my son never came home," Mie replied as her husband stepped into the bakery section to join her. "We can't just leave without him!"
"In a few minutes your home might not be here," the officer said. "I suggest you cooperate!"
With that said, the two men hurried off and the door closed behind them. Growling in frustration, Mie took her bandana off and crushed it in her hand.
"I can't believe this is happening!" she said, her voice tense. Offering her a soft smile, Takehiro gave a light laugh.
"Well, on the bright side we were thinking about redecorating."
Mie turned a baleful glare at him, clearly notappreciating his attempt at humor in the current situation. He shrugged helplessly.
"Okay. Bad joke. But waiting won't do anything," Takehiro said, trying to sooth her. "Let's go look for him!"
"Fine." Turning away, Mie dumped the bandana on the cashier counter and took off her apron. "I just hope that wherever Takato is, he's at least got enough sense to find some kind of shelter!"
"He's probably in the park," Takehiro offered. "He spends a lot of time there and he's familiar enough with it. If he couldn't get back to us, chances are he'd stay put unless that digimon came crashing in."
"It's as good a place as any to start," Mie said. "Let's go. Ohhh… I knew I should have sprung for some cellphones…"
The emerald light faded around the Shinjuku government building, and above it, the air rippled as waves of force tore into the very fabric of reality. Vikaralamon's crimson eyes glanced at it, watching as green columns tore a tunnel into the air. As if it were a signal, he began to advance all the more rapidly, snarling at the three Ultimates who stood in his way. Opening his mouth, he shot out a glowing ball of energy. Taomon and Rapidmon shot skyward to avoid it while WarGrowlmon dove to the side, crashing into a nearby building as he did so. The glowing ball soared past them, smashing into the pavement and carving a trench along the length of the street before grinding to a halt. There, it sat, sizzling as the Tamers came out from an alleyway, having circled about to get a better view of the battle.
"Rapidmon!" Henry shouted as his partner unleashed a salvo of missiles on the oncoming Vikaralamon in response. The missiles struck the pig Deva's sides and exploded on impact. Pausing, Vikaralamon reared its head up and sighted the cybernetic digimon. With a roar, he belched out a black, sticky goo that swiftly enveloped Rapidmon. He struggled, pushing his engines as hard as he could, but try as he might, he found himself unable to so much as budge. The 'boar bog' that surrounded him, sloshed thickly like tar and he could feel it seeping into the cracks of his armor, gumming up his insides.
"Pew!" Rapidmon exclaimed, taking in a great whiff of air. "Not only am I stuck, but now I stink too!"
Seeing that her ally was in trouble, Taomon took her brush and positioned herself directly in front of Rapidmon. She quickly etched out a Sanskrit character and it glowed brightly before her as it formed.
"Talisman of Light!" she shouted, and the Sanskrit character blazed brightly, shooting a beam at the bog. The black goo disintegrated around Rapidmon, leaving him shining and clean, as if he had never been in it at all.
"Wow! You give art appreciation a whole new meaning!" Rapidmon laughed, rising up and away out of Vikaralamon's range. At least, what he hoped was out of his range.
"It'll take more than my brush to beat this Deva," Taomon said.
"Can you at least paint him a new face?" Rapidmon asked sarcastically. "Ew…"
Taomon ignored his suggested tactic and turned her focus on WarGrowlmon as he pulled away from the ruins of the building. As she watched, he stomped in front of Vikaralamon and raised his arms. His arm-blades gleamed brightly in challenge. Vikaralamon, seeing this, roared back in answer and spewed another Boar Bog at him.
"He's erupting!" Takato shouted in warning. "Get away from him!"
"Uh-oh! He sprung a leak!" Undaunted, WarGrowlmon simply slashed with his blades, carving a path right through them. Vikaralamon snarled angrily at him.
"You shall all pay dearly!"
"Sorry," WarGrowlmon shot back. "But we don't carry cash!"
"WarGrowlmon!" Takato shouted, feeling the heat in his partner building up. The engines on WarGrowlmon's back fired up. Lifting off the ground, he brought his arms forward. They glowed with a bright, white light and with that, he shot forward, aiming them directly at Vikaralamon's snout. Undaunted, the Deva's eyes burned with red fire and he shot another burning sphere from his mouth. This time, it caught WarGrowlmon head on, cutting off his momentum with a massive jolt as he caught it with his claws. Takato jerked, gasping in surprise. Not from pain but from the sudden, crushing weight that now propelled his partner backward, slamming him into the street with a crash.
"Come on…boy…" Takato rasped, pushing his arms out, trying to use his link with WarGrowlmon to overcome the fiery sphere. WarGrowlmon's hide and armor protected him well from its burning heat, but the weight…
It was too much! He felt WarGrowlmon struggle valiantly, but the burning ball didn't so much as budge!
"Hold on, buddy! I'm coming!" Takato called, breaking away from the others and running toward his partner. "Don't quit, WarGrowlmon! Come on! You've got to get up now!"
"I can't!" WarGrowlmon cried out, the weight of the orb crushing down brutally upon his armored chest. Clutching at his shirt, Takato fought through the pressure and tried to control his breathing. If he lost it too, there was no hope for them!
Rika watched the pair with sympathetic eyes. In spite of digivolving to Ultimate, things had taken a turn for the worst within minutes!
"So much for the Trinity Burst," she said, yanking her eyes away from them. "Looks like we need to come up with a plan B."
"You can say that again," Henry said. "But I'm fresh out of ideas. What are we…?"
He got no further as Vikaralamon suddenly put on a burst of speed and stomped up the road, crushing past them and sending street signs falling past them. Rika threw herself backward, narrowly avoiding getting her head struck by one such sign and Henry was quick to join her.
"Are you all right?" he asked, dropping down by her side.
"Forget about me!" Rika snapped, pointing up at their partners. "Look!"
"Boar Bog!" Vikaralamon reared up once again, vomiting another shower of sticky, black tar at Rapidmon and Taomon. The two digimon screamed as they found themselves quickly enveloped in it.
"They're trapped!" Rika gasped, their partners wriggling in an attempt to break free. "This is bad!"
Vikaralamon laughed at their helplessness. "Time to open the gate!" he roared. Rika and Henry looked up at the black portal that he had been dragging behind him on his 'data tether.' Henry's eyes went wide with horror. The portal was now beginning to expand! It tore back the veil of reality at an alarming rate and just like that a rippling ocean of wire mesh and blue revealed itself. And within those depths…were digimon. Many digimon. Many at high level. Henry did a quick count in his mind, recognizing their shrouded silhouettes.
"Okuwamon… Devimon… Whamon… Seadramon… MetalSeadramon…" He felt his stomach drop into his shoes at that last one."Mammothmon… Snimon…"
"I think I see a Tyrannomon in there too," said Rika. "Airdramon too. Maybe an Meramon. Two Ultimates. A Mega and a bunch of Champions." She swallowed. "If they bio-emerge, this is going to get ugly."
You mean it hasn't already?! Henry shook his head in disbelief. This was the worst scenario that could happen. It really was turning into a full-fledged invasion!
"Why…" Henry whispered before exploding with panic. "Why did everything turn out this way?!"
A swarm of helicopters surged toward the gate, laser batteries arming. At their approach, one of the digimon, an insect-digimon with large, curved blades on its arms, leapt forth and broke through the dimensional barriers in an explosion of fog. Laser beams shot forth, but the digimon – the Snimon – swept past them effortlessly.
"Twin Sickle" Snimon shouted, sheering two helicopters into pieces effortlessly. Their remains fell to the streets, their pilots screaming in shock and surprise. The Snimon dove toward them, arm-blades gleaming eagerly.
Stingmon slammed into it just then, sending it careening through the air and skimming off the top of a building and sending a hail of stone falling to the streets below.
That wasn't the end of it however. More digimon began to emerge from the portal. Devimon came first, followed swiftly by Seadramon and then Okuwamon and Mammothmon. They slammed into the city streets and with a roar, began their rampage. Above them, the MetalSeadramon coiled about while Whamon simply floated behind it, neither of them joining the fray.
A reserve force? Rika wondered. Or are they too big to bio-emerge normally like our porker?
There was no time to question further however. The Devimon was fast approaching, and his eyes were set on them.
"Death Hand!" Devimon laughed, launching a blast of dark energy in her direction. With a cry, Rika dove to the side, shoving Henry to the ground along with her. The black fire shot over her and caused the wall behind them to burst apart, showering them with dust and debris. Rika clenched her eyes shut and coughed, bits of powdered brick getting into her eyes and lungs. They were going to…
"Fist of the Beast King!"
Forcing her eyes to open, she witnessed a fiery beast head smash into the Devimon that attacked them. The demonic digimon howled in pain as fire erupted along the length of him spindly body. Leomon leapt at him, sword flashing in the light of the setting sun. A second later, Devimon's decapitated head flew away from the rest of his body and both erupted in a shower of sparkling light.
Leomon landed heavily on the street and rushed over to them.
"Are you all right?" he asked, dropping down to one knee.
"I'm…fine," Rika coughed, rubbing at her eyes. Henry climbed to his feet and gave her an appreciative look.
"Same here. Thanks. Both of you."
Rika simply nodded as she coughed again. She glanced over in Takato's direction to make sure he was all right. Fortunately, he somehow managed to remain that way despite her having lost sight of him briefly.
"What's…What's the plan?" she asked. "Where are the rest of the Digidestined?"
"I don't know all the details." Leomon shook his head. "Zudomon is injured, but not badly enough to keep from fighting. Biyomon is…all right for now." Rika narrowed her eyes, catching the weighted way he said that. "Veemon is exhausted and his partner is hurt. Gatomon is…somewhere right now, but I lost sight of her. And Stingmon you just saw. I do not know where Lillymon is."
"What about Matt and Gabumon?" Rika pressed. "These guys have a Mega waiting in the wings! We need MetalGarurumon to match that!"
She thought about the BlackWarGreymon card in her deck box and wondered if they were going to need it after all. If MetalGarurumon couldn't get here in time…
"I do not know." Getting to his feet, he hefted his sword. "For now, I will do what I can to combat these invaders."
"Our partners are stuck!" Henry pointed in the direction of Vikaralamon's Boar Bog. "Can you cover for us until we figure out a way to free them?"
As if in answer, there followed an explosion, and a Tyrannomon broke free from a toppling building, flames licking at his fangs. His green eyes spied Leomon and he flexed his claws.
"I will do what I can," Leomon said, interposing himself between the two children and the Champion. Tightening his grip on his sword, he dashed toward the Tyrannomon and immediately began to weave a zigzag pattern. Tyrannomon's eyes followed and with a roar, he slashed with his claws. Sparks flew as they met the steel bite of Leomon's blade.
Fire followed with a thunderous roar.