Chapter twenty four

'Don't go scaring her boss, she's still learning about all this stuff. I haven't even told her everything about Voldemort yet.'

'Blimey Harry, get with the information.'

'I will, it's only been a week since I explained about our world.'

'Harry Potter,' Luna's serene voice came from behind.

Harry turned and hugged Luna, 'Luna Lovegood, how's my friend?'

'I'm good Harry, you're lady is very pretty, you two will make beautiful magical babies.'

'Thanks Luna and it's good to know. Cathy, meet Luna another really good friend of mine.'

'It's nice to meet you Luna and thank you for the compliment.'

Harry noticed Cathy looked a little puzzled, 'Luna has this rare ability to see things we can't, she's so special and just unusual, but we all love her.'

'Thank you Harry and at least I don't get called looney anymore. You're threat did the trick.'

'If the saviour threatens anyone, they better listen,' Kingsley grinned, 'Don't go hexing me Harry.'

'Blimey, will you cut the saviour crap Kingsley, you bloody well helped win our war remember, well, everyone here did, not just me.'

'He hasn't learned has he Kingsley, it's the only way we can upset Harry and he knows it but he just can't help himself,' Neville hugged Harry.

'I know, I even promised Susie I'd stop hexing my friends for calling me that, she thought it was funny.'

'It was funny Harry, but at least you stopped. So this is the lady that's won your heart.'

'Cathy, Neville one of my best friends and Susie, a pain in the arse colleague, don't say anything Susie.'

Susie laughed, 'It's nice to meet you Cathy and I wasn't going to Harry.

Cathy laughed, 'It's nice to meet you as well.'

'So Ron said she's a muggle Harry, Cathy, how are you handling all this magic?'

'Shocking, surprising, but slowly coping and it's nice to meet you as well.'

'Harry, a favour please,' Hermione called.

'What, I was just best man, isn't that enough for tonight?'

Hermione punched Harry, 'I'm the bride and your best friend Harry Potter, don't get me upset tonight.'

Harry held up his hands, 'I know not to take you on Hermione, so what's the favour as if I don't know already.'

'I did mention it to you, so will you please do it, for me and Ron. You're best friends in the whole world and have stuck by you through everything.'

'Oh blimey, she still pulling that on your Harry?' Charlie said as he walked over.

'Yes, she knows I can't refuse her because it's true. Alright Hermione, but it's going to shock a lot of people, including the people I work with.'

'You should have told them then and they know which one, so go get ready.'

'Yes boss,' Harry scowled as Hermione hurried away.

'I'm your boss, remember that Harry.'

'Oh don't you start Michael. But all of you, keep Cathy company for a few minutes, I need to do something for my friends,' Harry kissed Cathy then hurried away.

'What is he doing, what favour has Hermione have him doing now?' Susie asked.

'You lot are about to be surprised, so just watch and listen,' Charlie said.

'Can I have everyone's attention please,' Harry called from the stage, 'It's time for the bride and groom to dance, so Ron, Hermione, onto the dance floor with you both and no trying to get out of it Ron. If I can do this, you can.'

'Hermione would hex me if I didn't Harry, just like she'd hex you, something neither of us want.'

'Two of my best aurors and their afraid of Hermione,' Michael called out to loud laugher.

'Don't get on her bad side boss,' Ron took Hermione's hand and led her onto the dance floor, then they looked at Harry, 'Okay Harry, you're up.'

Harry nodded, then sat at the piano and started to sing for his best friends. His work colleagues and some of the invited guests all looked shocked, everyone else laughed, then smiled as they watched Ron and Hermione dance to the beautiful love song that Harry was singing for his friends. After that and to loud applause, he did another one, before stepping off the stage and down to Cathy who looked surprised.

'So on slow days at work we can get Harry to sing,' Susie laughed.

'No you bloody won't Susie, not one of you go asking either.'

'I'm your boss Harry, you have to do what I tell you.'

'Oh shit, come on Michael, you said nothing personal in the work place, we work there, nothing else, remember.'

'Throwing my own words back at me, smart.'

'I'm taking my lady to dance,' Harry took Cathy's hand and led her onto the dance floor and they wrapped their arms around each other and dance, not realising everyone was watching them. But all Harry could think about was the woman in his arms and how much he loved her. As he stared into her eyes he realised that over the last few years he really was clueless in regards to his feelings, but now he wasn't, he knew exactly what he wanted, the woman in his arms as his wife and the mother of his children. He hoped in the very near future he will get the family he always wanted.

'Harry has always surprised people, but this is one surprise I never thought Harry would ever do, date a muggle,' Kingsley said.

'They look happy though Kingsley, I haven't seen Harry look that happy before,' Susie said.

'What, even when you shagged him Susie,' Charlie grinned.

'Different type of happiness Charlie, as if you don't know, now how about taking your lady to dance?'

'Yes ma'am,' Charlie saluted, then took Susie's hand and they were dancing.

Ron and Hermione stayed dancing together, but occasionally watched Harry and Cathy and they both couldn't stop smiling.

'He's happy Ron, you can see it on his face.'

'Yeah, he is Mione and they make a nice looking couple. Being a muggle though, do you think it will work, especially with who Harry is?'

'Yes because she's a muggle. Harry knows she loves him for him, not who he is. That has always been one of Harry's problems and why he stayed with Ginny for so long. He was too wary of meeting anyone new because everyone just wants him because he's Harry Potter, not who he is deep down. Cathy does because she doesn't know all of that and even though she's learning, she had feelings for him before she knew.'

'You're still the smartest witch around Mrs. Weasley. Let's hope the next wedding we go to is Harry's.'

'Looking at them now, I think it will and not too long away either. But now Mr. Weasley, let's concentrate on us.'

'Yes, let's do that Mrs. Weasley.'

Minerva stood with Aberforth watching Harry and Cathy, 'They are perfect for each other Aberforth, just like Albus said.'

'Well my brother always had good insight when it came to Harry and I think he's right. I overheard Luna telling Harry they will make beautiful magical babies.'

'Luna is another one that has good insight and she's always been that way with Harry. I just hope he can finally have a normal life and the children he always wanted.'

'I'm confident in saying that I think you can expect the first of the Potter children in about twelve years judging by the look of those two.'

'I think you're right Aberforth, I think you're right,' Minerva smiled then walked away with thoughts of Harry, finally having everything he wanted and everything he deserved which made her smile, that is all she ever wanted for Harry and he is finally getting that and every one of the invited guests were seeing exactly what Minerva was, Harry Potter was finally happy.

The end: