Reviews for Clueless
HarryPotterFangirl85 chapter 24 . 2/29
I wasn’t sure if I wanted to finish this story when I go to Harry’s first hookup with Susie, but I did end up enjoying the story, even if there weren’t all that many chapters left when Harry finally met the one.
RancourStripes chapter 1 . 4/25/2019
Okay... So Harry isn't sure his relationship is gonna workout, asks Ginny to wait 2 years to move in with him but still ends up proposing to her. This isn't making any sense to me at all.
EdTheBeast chapter 24 . 12/26/2018
I absolutely Love this story. It makes sense & fits great. It is romantic, dramatic, & realistic. If you only read one story, today, read this one.
garibaldiscat chapter 16 . 9/1/2018
You don't wear medals that you accepted on behalf of someone else! They are not yours.
missgsmith51 chapter 24 . 8/5/2018
What a very sweet story, if a bit angsty at first. Harry was a bit different from canon - or maybe he wasn't; maybe you just looked deeper and forced him to examine his feelings rather than doing what everyone expected of him. I did feel that truly thinking about why he was with Ginny was a great personal exercise that should have happened a few years sooner.

At least, we know Harry can live in both the Magical and non Magical worlds. Perhaps being married to a non Magical will give him a place to escape from the Wizarding world when he needs it. Indeed it does seem that he is happy.
missgsmith51 chapter 21 . 8/5/2018
"I'm more known now then I was" should be "I'm more known now THAN I was." THEN usually refers to time, sequence, or consequences. THAN is used when you make comparisons, like the one above.
missgsmith51 chapter 18 . 8/5/2018
I think your version of Ron is considerably more mature and level-headed than canon Ron. He at least understands how he has betrayed Harry in the past and realizes that there is a line he really doesn't want to cross. I'm not sure canon Ron ever really got it.

Lee is a good match for Ginny.
missgsmith51 chapter 11 . 8/5/2018
Those three are going to beat or hex the cr*p out of Harry eventually. It's going to happen. I just hope they don't do it where he's on a job and get someone killed.

Hermione is extremely loyal to Harry. I don't like her with Ron anyway, but I'm not sure this is the way to go about breaking up. Then again, maybe she is having second thoughts herself, about Ron.

Harry did lay out plenty of logical reasons why he and Ginny wouldn't work. Too bad he didn't do his thinking BEFORE he asked her to marry him instead of afterwards.
missgsmith51 chapter 9 . 8/5/2018
Well, Harry certainly could have handled that with a lot more finesse than he did. He should have just said that while he loved her, he realized he wasn't IN LOVE with her ... and stopped there, until they had addressed that issue. He's lucky all he got was a punch. I'm surprised she didn't shrink his bits ... or remove them! Ron will probably kill him.

I don't blame Ginny for wanting to wait until marriage to sleep with Harry. However, if she did want to wait, she SHOULD have. I don't think Harry forced her, or would have given her an ultimatum. All of the things he said every time they talked were huge clues that he was not ready for marriage, especially not to her. He should never have proposed, and she should have pulled back long before he did. What a mess.
missgsmith51 chapter 8 . 8/5/2018
Well, that surprised me! I figured Hermione would give him a verbal lashing and hex him or punch him. But she really offered sound advice and wisdom. I am pretty sure Ginny will seriously injure Harry, unfortunately. But it has to happen.
missgsmith51 chapter 7 . 8/5/2018
I find it interesting that Harry would seek out Aberforth to have a confidential course, he does tend to cut through the BS and get to the heart of things. He also wasn't blinded by the "aura of infallibility" that most people projected onto Dumbledore. He saw his brother warts and all ... mostly warts, in fact, based on their conversation the night of the battle! I'm not Dumbledore's biggest fan. I find him a manipulative user and rather callous in his dealings with Harry.

It's good that Harry has someone older, who knows pretty much the emotional and physical battering Harry endured through the years, from Riddle as well as Albus. He understands Harry's losses and fears, I think. I believe he is exactly right in his assessment of the situation. I think Harry was clinging to that whole OBHWF idea. What better way to cement himself into the family than to marry Ginny? But it isn't fair to either of them. Alas, he will probably lose them when he lowers the boom. *sigh*
missgsmith51 chapter 5 . 8/5/2018
Harry is getting reckless with Susie. Now that he knows about her little "hidey hole" under the Quidditch stands, will it appear on the map? If it does, and he keeps it at his house, Ginny could find it and use it, as I'm sure she knows the secret to it.

It sounds like there is trouble brewing among the DE survivors.
missgsmith51 chapter 4 . 8/5/2018
"you're hugs are getting tighter" ... should be "YOUR hugs are getting tighter," and "finish you're class" should be "finish YOUR class." YOU'RE is always a contraction meaning YOU ARE.

Is what was found truly a "hand of glory," or was it possibly Peter Pettigrew's rotted hand - the one he cut off and used in Riddle's rebirthing ritual? Since Riddle's body from the ritual was a homunculus (?), would there be a real, fully human body left? It has never seemed likely to me. But what do I know?

If it was that hand, could one of the DE kids have snatched it up after he died, when no one was looking?
missgsmith51 chapter 3 . 8/5/2018
I don't particularly care for Ginny, and I think that if Harry really loved her, they would already be married. HOWEVER, I disagree that the engagement is a time to cheat and have "last flings" before getting tied down. I do think that wanting to be with someone other than Ginny - even as a casual, one-night stand - is a HUGE red flag that needs to be addressed. Harry has made a commitment, and if he has changed his mind, he needs to man up and tell her. Soon. Stuff like this has a way of being discovered, and Ginny is vindictive. If she finds out on her own, she will make his life miserable.
missgsmith51 chapter 2 . 8/5/2018
"I'll do you're room ..." You're is a contraction of "you are." The possessive form of you is "your."
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