It was a plain and ordinary day, that's for sure, when a certain American suddenly had an idea. Now, I know what you're thinking. When Alfred F. Jones has an idea, it must be idiotic. And, usually, that is the case. But, he was certain this was his best idea yet. First, he called everyone - yes, everyone - to inform them that he was holding an "emergency meeting" (Of course it really wasn't that urgent, but he wanted his fellow nations to listen to him). Soon enough, people were arriving at his house, wondering what on earth was going on. He sat them down and gained their attention with a clap of his hands.

"Alright guys," He started, beginning to smile, "I have an idea." The whole room groaned in unison, rolling their eyes or crossing their arms not wanting to listen. Some even stood up to leave. "W-Wait, wait. Please hear me out!" He begged, pouting slightly as he pushed up the rim of his glasses that sat on the bridge of his nose. "I was thinking that-"

"Oh great, when he's thinking we're in trouble."

"Let me finish! I was thinking that we should let people write to us."

He stopped, watching people raise their eyebrows or look at him curiously. "What do you mean?' Asked his brother, Canada, and America only smiled wider.

"Well, people must have questions about us, right? So I think it's about time we answer them! Each of us could have our own personal mailbox so they can write to whoever they would like. I think it would be a cool way to get to know our citizens better, and even each other!"

Silence grew in the large room, and America stopped. All eyes were staring at him, and honestly he was getting nervous. He was about to give up and call the meeting off, but suddenly a voice chimed in; a rather cheerful one.

"I think it sounds fun~!" Everyone turned towards the voice, seeing it belonged to the lovable country of Italy.

"It actually does sound like a good idea." Germany agreed with a nod, and America's hopes were building bit by bit.

"Alright, why not?"

"I guess it sounds cool."

"I do like getting letters..."

"So you guys want to?!" But, America didn't let them answer. He was already pulling out a large piece of paper and a pen, slamming them on the table excitedly. "Germany, you have good handwriting right?"

"Uh, sure."

"Alright, let's do this!"

"What exactly am I doing..?"

"You'll see. We can make copies of this. Just write what I say dude."


America cleared his throat, as if he was giving an important speech. "Dear, uh... Anyone? Thank you for taking the time to read this. We have some awesome news! We-"

"Oh good god let me do this," England interrupted, walking up to the table, "Your wording is way too informal. If you want this to happen, you have to make it sound like it's the most important thing in the world to us. Ready Germany?"

"Ja, go ahead."

To whom it may concern,

We, as nations around the world, have decided that one of the most important factors in life is communication. Communication with whom, exactly? Well, being countries, communicating with our citizens is one of our top priorities. Not only citizens from our respective homes, but from around the globe as well. And that is where you, reader, come in. I'm sure you have had questions or concerns that you would like to ask us, and now is your golden opportunity to do just that. Each and every one of us would love to hear from you - no matter what the question or comment may be. So, in short, we'd love for you to write to us. About anything and everything - and we will respond as quickly as possible. We would love to see what's on your mind, and what you may want to know about us.


England, America, Italy, Germany, France, Japan, Spain, China, Prussia, Austria, Hungary, Norway,

"There are too many fucking names idiota, just put "and the rest of us" or something."

"Calm down Roma..."

And from all of the other nations; there are just far too many of us to fit on this one page!

America took a good look at the letter, his eyes sparkling at the content. He looked at all of his friends, giving them a nod.

"And with that, the meeting is dismissed~!"

c: Ciao~

So I thought it would be cool to do this whole letter writing thing. I love interacting with you guys, if you can't already tell.

Basically the premise is this - write a letter to any nation about anything. You can just leave a review with your letter, or PM me. Whatever is more convenient for you.

Example letter:

" To England: What's your favorite color? "

Or whatever you want X3

The only thing I'm asking you to do is tell me who you want the letter to go to, and then what you want to ask/say. I will update as soon as possible, but I do have other stories to work on as well.

You may send multiple letters, but I want to get to those who haven't been answered first.

I'll post more rules when things need to be addressed or something.

Bottom line: Send away and have fun~!
