Reviews for To Our Dear Nations
Hoo chapter 48 . 4/24/2019
Dearest Lady Belgium,

I just... like you so much! I adore your beauty, your kindness, and your radiant positivity. You're my favorite female nation, and I hope we can be friends~


DanielAnime chapter 1 . 6/6/2018
Dear America (and to any nation that wants to reply as well),
My name is Daniel. I'm 17 and live in the US. I have been in love with history for a long period of my life. History makes me feel happy, and is one of my favorite subjects in school. When I learned about WWI & WWII, I felt sad about the dark parts of it. It made me feel a bit sick to my stomach. My question is (this doesn't just go for you, it goes for all nations): How do you all feel about the history you've all played apart of?


PS: Prussia, what was it like as East Germany? How did you feel when the Berlin Wall fell down?
Lunastar3655 chapter 48 . 5/2/2017
Hello, how are you doing? I've been looking at fanfic a lot recently and have read many. I must say yours is a great idea and I have truly enjoyed reading it. I would mostly skip to my favorite ppl/couples though. I just ordered 5 seasons for DVD today! I hope you can write a little more beacsue I have questions too. If not please write me back ~3 hope to hear from you
Guest chapter 48 . 6/30/2016
Dear Alfred~
Hi there! Gosh I can't believe that I can talk with my home country! Okay so my questions are
1: Do nations feel the emotions of their citizens?
2: How do you feel about USUK shippers?
3: I keep on getting bullied at school, so how can I stay happy during the day?
4: How many pranks have you pulled with the awesome trio?
That's all for now! Keep on rocking!
AFWS chapter 48 . 2/23/2015
To the most beautiful country in the Western Pacific (Taiwan).
First off, I would like to say that you are very beautiful, no matter what the other Asians say. (China, Hong Kong, and Korea) I have a few questions.
#1: How did you feel when you where under Japan's control?
#2: Who are your bestest (made up word) friends?
#3:Can I please have a hug?
That is it. From your loving friend and supporter, AFWS! ;)
Guest chapter 48 . 2/8/2015
Dear Switzerland,

How did you manage to get such good quality guns? They are spectacular! Also, I just wanted to say that you are a lovely brother to Lichtenstein.

Yours truly,
Russia says hello chapter 42 . 2/7/2015
To New Zealand:
Why hello there! Now I know that this is a couple days late but, HAPPY WAITANGI DAY! Now my question has something to do with Waitangi day. Were you with or against the british with the treaty? I mean, they didn't even have the treaty written when they got there! Were you Hone Heke? (Nice flagpole you have there! XD) I'm happy to tell you that my teacher is New Zealand. Though sadly, I'm not.
From, APersonWhoHasDreams (J Russia says hello, mangosmangos)
AmericanCanada chapter 48 . 2/7/2015
To Canada:
First off, I'm sorry that you're now stuck with Justin beiber. As I am American and he can never come back here. Now my question! How much Maple Syrup do you have in your house?

To America:
How are you today my dear country? Anyway, I rejoice the loss of Justin Beiber. And I only have one question of you. What does the F in your name stand for?!
Supergrassaysyaaasss chapter 48 . 2/6/2015
To America
I was wondering what types of things you do on an average day. Like what's your daily routine? I also wanna know what type of presents you get for your birthday. I bet they're pretty awesome
BlackButlerFan13 chapter 48 . 2/6/2015
Hey author-chan do you think you can do my letter next. My name is BlackButlerFan13. Thanks!
Russia says hello chapter 19 . 2/6/2015
To America:
Why hello to you! Now I am an american by heart and living in Beijing. I was wondering if you could somehow bring snow here and get rid of the pollution OH and also bring a Greater's ice cream shop here? Like, I'm from Cincinnati here and I love my Rasberry Chocolate chip ice cream and snow! So if you can do this, you are by far, the most FABULOUS person in the world! Even more fabulous than Pewdiepie!
From, APersonWhoHasDreams (also known as mangosmangos, Russiasayshello)
Melody Beilschmidt-Carriedo chapter 10 . 2/5/2015

I just have to write that in all caps.
Anyway, how would you all react if Finland and Norway got stuck as girls dueto an alien curse?

-The Awesome and Mysterious Dark Island (Dakota Isles)
Melody Beilschmidt-Carriedo chapter 9 . 2/5/2015
Dear Zio Roma,

If mami(Prussia) and papi(Spain) get divorced, are you going to latch onto papi like Zio Italy does to Tio Germany?

-Melody B-C
ps, yeah, I support Sprussia. Spamano is still cute though.
Melody Beilschmidt-Carriedo chapter 8 . 2/5/2015
Dear me fellow pirate France,

Al said to write a letter to you, but I couldn't think of anyting, so I'm just saying hello.
Spain probably wants me to write to all the former pirate nations, but I'd much rather write one to the former French pirate that I had to spend an entire week in the body of thanks to Dakota. DX
By the way, thanks alot. You and England made people think Al and I are together. He's my bro and roommate, but what happened between us in the past is the past.
Although, while you were in my body, alot more lovely women wanted to be with me, so thank you for that as well.
Would you like to babysit Austin this weekend? America and I are going on a cruise and it's adults only. Austin threw a fit when we said he'd have to stay with England, since our first option was Canada and he's coming with us. Maybe you'll get along better with the boy than England, the main difference being your cooking and you're not as creepy to a child as a warlock is.
Also, how's England fairing anyway? I hear you broke up... again.

I wish you the best of luck
Sky Sparrow, aka, the Carriabean
Melody Beilschmidt-Carriedo chapter 6 . 2/5/2015
Dear Austria and Hungary,

Finally! I got my favorite pen back from that American! Stupid Austin! Thinks he's so great because his dad is Alfred, personification of the U.S. of fucking A! He's so full of himself! Him, Yang, and Lucas! The three are like the next BTT in the making!
Oh My God! Did I just write that on my letter?! Ah, well, no matter. Mr. Austria won't tell mami and papi about me cursing, though it would get Zio Lovi a hilarious kick to the ass by papi!
Anyway, my questions for Mr. Austria and Ms. Hungary are as follows
1) Do you guys have a thing going on? My awesome mami said you two were a thing. Is it true? He tends to tell stories when too close to papi, or Tio Francis's wine.
2) Do you think of Italy as your child?
3) Do you two EVER get along with mami and onkle Ludwig(Germany)?
4) Hungary, can you make me a pretty dress for my QuinceaƱera? You have some of the most beautiful dresses!
5) Austria, if mami and papi ever seperate, can I live with you instead? Actually, can I live with you NOW? Mi hermano is being annoying again and smudging my writing with a ball.

I think that's it.
Love Melody B-C
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