AN: There will be more time skipping.
I am so sorry everyone. My classes are kicking my butt this semester and I've been having some issues in my home life that have driven my muse into hiding. Things are getting more manageable slowly so I hope to get this updated faster. This one is giving me some fits though because I don't have a planned ending in mind.
Alight enough whining onto the writing.
This was made readable by the dear Dianemalfoy
Harry was nervous all Halloween. It was his most unlucky day of the year. Theo did his best to calm Harry, but as the day went on smoothly Harry became more clingy and protective. He even ended up staying awake till midnight just to ensure that the holiday passed without incident.
The next day he was his calm, usual self and the reactions became more of a joke to their friends, but Theo was still concerned.
Other than that one hiccup, things were going smoothly for them. Draco was remaining on his best behavior and some of the other purebloods in Slytherin and Ravenclaw were trying to befriend the pair. Harry was happy to act friendly with them but they never became as close as his actual friends.
Dumbledore's plan to humble Harry by making each team retest every position didn't work. It actually gained him more respect from his house mates since he placed well in every position. During tryouts, some wondered if his new size would affect his speed but it didn't. He was just as fast as he had been last year. Though now he was more reckless because he knew as a drake he was hardier and wouldn't be as easily injured.
The tryouts also didn't humble Draco as others had hoped. He was still the best seeker in Slytherin, but Blaise did take the keeper spot.
Having his cousin, and two friends on the Slytherin team meant there was much less hostility during the Gryffindor game. People were just starting to accept Gryffindor/Slytherin friendships. Harry never said anything to the players, but Theo knew in the guest seats there was at least one talent scout each game.
Time seemed to fly by for everyone and before they knew it, there was snow falling and winter holiday approaching.
The end of term testing soon took up everyone's time. Those taking extra classes were under even more pressure. They were all thrilled when it was done and they were packing for the train.
Theo and Harry relaxed on the couch in their room. Dobby already had all their things put away and had taken the trunk home, so there was nothing for them to do until the train left tomorrow.
"I can't wait to see the family again." Harry said kissing his hair as they snuggled.
"Me too. I've never had anyone to really miss other than mother until now." Theo replied. His confidence was growing but still a little shaky around crowds. "So what are we going to do over the break?" He asked wondering if Harry had any plans yet.
Harry grinned. "That's a secret."
Theo looked up to him. "A surprise?" Harry nodded. Theo just smiled. "Is it part of my Christmas gift?"
"No silly. Your Christmas gift is something else altogether." he replied digging his fingers into Theo's side getting a shocked giggle.
"No fair." He shouted slipping his digits under Harry's arms and tickling him as well. They 'fought' until both were out of breath and slumped on the couch.
Harry kissed Theo softly. "I didn't know it was possible when we first met, but Theodore Nott, I have fallen madly in love with you."
Theo blushed but didn't look away. "And I have fallen madly in love with you Harricius Potter-Perciville." he leaned up and kissed the end of Harry's nose.
Their snogging was only interrupted when Harry accidentally brushed over Theo's ticklish sides again. They calmed and snuggled up once more, Harry running his fingers through Theo's hair and Theo tracing patterns on Harry's chest as they chatted about everything under the sun.
Harry and Theo only stayed at the Perciville home for two nights before Harry presented Theo with a passport and rail passes. Theo looked at them.
"What's this?"
"It's a rail pass. We are going to travel around Europe by train. I've always wanted to have a grand holiday and you seemed to like the train ride we took over the summer so I though the two of us could travel on our own for a while then come home for Christmas and if you want, travel some more until it's time for school again."
Theo smiled. That afternoon the pair shouldered backpacks, which the elves could refill whenever they needed and boarded their first train. They traveled all around Europe visiting many of the countries and trying each of the different train types. Theo and Harry both loved it. They even rode a few trains to the end of the line just to watch how the trains were moved so they could begin their journey again.
During their time on their own, Harry felt the weight of responsibility lift from his shoulders. While they had been in school, during their Business and Lordship classes, Harry had been given different documents and proposals to go over both from the goblins pertaining to the raw materials he had, or trades some wanted to make for the finished items, and from Serpens on various businesses he was now responsible for and had to sign off on all decisions. Serpens was taking care of most of the business for now but he could only advise Harry and couldn't sign anything into being. The only reason he could act as a representative in the Wizengamont was because Harry was still in school.
Once they returned to Greece, Harry and Theo learned some interesting news...
"How was your trip boys?" Sirius asked when they came in.
Both smiled widely. "It was amazing Siri. I loved the high speed trains the most." Theo said excitedly, hugging the older man in his excitement. Theo was about to pull back and apologize when Sirius wrapped him in a warm hug, kissing the crown of his head.
He chuckled happy to dish out all the love he was denied as a child to the two boys. "Well, while you were away it seems that dear cousin Lucius grew a few brain cells." He told them while letting the blushing Theo go.
Harry and Theo blinked.
"Well I'm sure you know about the tension in the Malfoy family since little Draco has been so friendly this year."
Harry nodded. "Surprisingly Draco is actually becoming a friend."
Sirius raised an eyebrow, very skeptical of that. "Anyway, Lucius has decided to give the family a common enemy, or more like attack a common enemy." he said handing over a newspaper from a week ago.
The headline said it all, Dumbledore Lost Faith of Phoenix Companion? in large bold letters, with a picture of the side of Dumbledore's face where the new scars were displayed.
Harry's eyes widened. "This tells about his scar and everything. It even has speculation of Dumbledore knowing who my mother was." He said as he read it over.
"Do you think he actually knew and kept that fact secret?" Theo asked.
"I doubt it. If Dumbledore knew of a Perciville heir, then he would have searched the school for a true Slytherin descendant so that he could have control of both families." Serpens said coming over and joining their discussion.
Harry nodded. Dumbledore had been acting off since they had returned to school. They had argued and the man shouldered at least some of the blame for him ending up with the Dursleys, but he had hoped to salvage their relationship. Harry had liked the older man who had been so kind to him in first and second year. Now it seemed like he wanted nothing to do with Harry. Even going so far as making Harry try out for the team on a school broom.
Harry was feeling very charitable toward Lucius by the end of winter holiday. The article became the first shots in a campaign against Dumbledore. Harry was thrilled to have a whole holiday without the paper talking about him. They were happy to fade into the background and just live their lives. Harry felt so generous that he accepted the invitation to the Malfoy New Year ball.
Before that though, Harry and Theo were invited to the Longbottom Yule celebration. It was a small party with a very exclusive guest list since Augusta didn't trust many people in her home. They only stayed the one night wanting to spend most of the holiday with the Perciville family, with the addition of Remus and Sirius.
Sirius joined them at the Malfoy ball since he had been trained in navigating pureblood ideology. Harry had mostly returned to his usual calm nature but he still had flares of temper. Anyone that had talked to Harry more than five minutes could guess that insulting muggleborns would likely cause a blow up.
Harry couldn't help but stare at the massive blonde at Lucius' side when they entered. It took him a long time to recognize that this was Draco. He'd shot up to Harry's new height and was even broader across the shoulders with thick cords of muscle covering his new frame. No one else was making a big deal over the shocking change just like they hadn't noticed Harry's inheritance, but when they shook hands Harry knew. Draco Malfoy was not human. He didn't know what the other teen was but it felt familiar.
It bugged Harry all night until he finally asked Draco to dance so that he could ask without the guests overhearing.
"What are you?" Draco asked before Harry could say anything.
Harry looked him in the eyes. "If you try to out me or use my creature inheritance against me I will tear your family down to its foundations." He said in an even voice. Both knew it was no threat.
Draco nodded. "So long as you know I will do the same."
Harry smirked. "I'm starting to like you Malfoy." Draco smiled back showing off his own elongated eyeteeth. "I am a dominate Drake."
Draco chuckled low in his chest. "Dominate Wyren, even our species are cousins."
"So they are. Maybe when we return to school, people will quit gossiping about you being jealous that I choose Theo."
"I doubt it. Haven't you learned Perciville? People are petty and have nothing better to do than attack the reputation of everyone above them." Draco told him. "That is why allies and alliances are so important. We are the next generation of the most powerful families. If we don't watch each other's backs, those neo-rich wolves will go for our throats at the first sign of trouble."
"And with your Grandfather and great-uncle having a cold war, the Malfoy's already have their jugular bared." Draco just nodded. With that understanding now out in the open, both teens were silent for the rest of the dance before parting.
Harry wasn't sure how far he trusted Draco yet, but he did pity his outlook. Harry now knew there were many people that were going to try and use him but there were others that didn't care about his new status. Hermione came to the forefront of him mind. After their tiff over the summer she was becoming less overbearing. Harry knew she was a great friend and was glad to see her maturing before she burned all her bridges.
While Harry was with Draco, Theo went to find his mother. He held her tight and almost broke composure at feeling the concealment charms over her. He knew that she only wore them when his father had hurt her somewhere people could see. Theo told Harry about the issue when they were out on the dance floor again. Harry's face darkened.
The next song, he asked Angelina for a dace so he could talk to her. Theo quickly asked Draco to dance so that he wouldn't have to talk to his father.
"Why don't you just leave him?" Harry asked about half way through the song. "From your letter you think there is no hope for your eldest son and Theo is safe with me."
She looked down and was silent until the song was almost over. "I have nowhere to go." She said in a weak voice.
"You are Theo's mother." He replied in a whispered shout. "He loves you so much and talks about you often. If your brother, who's party we are at, won't offer you a place to stay you can come home with us. In fact you should, stay here or come home with us." He said the last with a bit of command.
"Thank you for the offer." She told him before walking off the floor.
Harry looked after her sadly before taking Theo back from Draco. He kissed Theo sweetly on the lips before pulling him close. "I offered her a place in our home. It's up to her to take it." He whispered into his ear.
Theo smiled. "Thank you." He replied kissing the junction of Harry's neck before laying his head on Harry's shoulder and hoping his mother took the offer.
Later that evening saw Harry dancing with Arabell Malfoy and setting up a meeting after the first of the year to present them with his proof about Voldemort being a half-blood. Harry wasn't sure what they would do when they saw his proof, but he made sure the meeting was on goblin ground just in case they became violent.
A few days later Theo received a letter that his mother was living with the Malfoys and divorcing his father. Harry added, in Theo's reply, that the Perciville family would throw all their clout into helping her if necessary.
On the last day of the break, he met with the whole Malfoy clan. Theo, Sirius and Serpens at his side. The meeting took little less than an hour for Harry and Serpens to show them everything they knew about the dark lord. There were many questions about the validity of the tests and what not but in the end there was little they could say when Markus used a 'borderline' dark spell that would cause a reaction between Voldemort's blood and the dark mark. What they were going to do hadn't been decided, but the family now have a great deal to think on.
While they were there, Harry asked to visit Trilu since he hadn't seen her in a while. Sirius soon fell in love with the little goblin lady and how she treated Harry and Theo like they were her own. Her shyness around him and Serpens made Sirius frown though. Someone that Harry cared so much about shouldn't feel unsafe around his family.
Before they left the bank, Harry was called into a meeting with Ragnarok as well. The goblin king wanted to see how their friend was dong and if there was anything else he would ask of them.
"Actually I was wondering if I could have some advice?" Harry asked.
"What kind of advice?" He replied not even guessing what the youth would ask for since every meeting they have had, it hasn't gone the way he'd assumed it would.
"Well as the leader of all the goblins you have to have some advice for how to manage all the... stuff... that's dropped into my lap. I feel like every time I finish one thing there are three more waiting to be done." Harry said with a sigh. "Is there any tricks or tips you can give me for dealing with all my paperwork?"
For the first time the goblin guards heard their king laugh with joy at something a person raised by humans said. "Harry I wish all humans were like you." He told him. "Your worries are so... innocent, for lack of a better word." Harry looked at him curiously for a moment before taking down notes when Ragnarok started telling him a few tips on how to keep the workload manageable.
"You have been such a great help and so kind to me since I walked into the bank this summer. Is there anything I can do for you or for the goblin nation?" Harry asked.
Ragnarok was shocked into silence. He didn't know how to respond to such an offer from this human raised boy. Once he recovered, he gave Harry a small smile. "There are a few businesses that the nation is interested in and would like to acquire but as wizarding law stands that is impossible. If you would like, I can give you a list of these businesses and you can acquire them for us."
Harry smiled. "I really don't want to manage anymore assets, but I will purchase them and have them in my name if one of your people will take care of everything."
"That can be arranged. I will have an agreement written up for you by the end of the week."
"I look forward to doing more business with you in the future your majesty." Harry said standing and offering his hand to the goblin.
"As do I Harry." He said taking the hand. "As do I." He repeated softly to himself as they left his office.
Heading back to Hogwarts was once more bittersweet. Harry and Theo missed their friends while on holiday but would miss their family while in school.
Once on the train, they stopped by Draco's carriage to ask about Theo's mother. She was settling in at the Malfoy home. Lucius and Narcissa had escorted her home to collect her things. From the face Draco made retelling the story, Harry hoped to never cross Narcissa.
The rest of the ride was spent with their Slytherin friends along with Neville and Hermione, making for a full carriage. They chatted about classes and what they got for Christmas, or yule as the case may be. Theo and Hermione talked about the traveling they had done while Blaise had them laughing about his uncle getting drunk and kissing a stuffed moose.
There was a noticeable tension in the staff when they returned to the castle. Everyone was discussing the articles that had attacked their headmaster over the break. A few were whispering about Harry since he and Sirius were both photographed at the Malfoy home. Harry rolled his eyes and kissed Theo's check as he sat Theo between Draco and Blaise at the Slytherin table. Harry joined his own house for the feast wanting to know what Dumbledore would do. There was still a bit of hope in him that all of this was a big misunderstanding. He didn't want to lose that grandfather figure but he wasn't naive enough to trust him too far.
A hush fell over the hall as Dumbledore stood. "What was supposed to be a time of relaxing and merry making has been sullied by harsh words and accusations." He said looking sad and disappointed, eyes moving over the Slytherin table. "But we shouldn't let this heresy and fraudulent accusations weigh on our minds. Now is a time for forgiveness and redemption. We will look forward and not dwell on those harsh and obviously false articles."
Muttering went around the hall. The students didn't know what to believe. Harry was watching the other teachers and McGonagall and Sprout's pinched faces told him everything he needed to know and severed the last ties to the headmaster. If two of the heads of house thought he was feeding them BS then he probably was. Harry looked down thinking about what his next move would be. With a sigh he began serving himself dinner. Right now all he could do is get a handle on his inheritance and wait to see what the Malfoy's would do. Their reaction to his news would change some of the plans floating about in his head.
AN: Again I am so sorry for the radio silence.
In case you hadn't realized, yes Dumbledore has lost the plot.