Your kismesis is the most pitiful creature you have ever seen in your entire life.

When you managed to sober up, you strolled through the dreambubbles, looking for Kanaya or maybe Dave, but you had no idea that you would run into Eridan, midst a bunch of bottles. He was holding a mostly-empty one to his chest and just looked so miserable, he was sniffling and whimpering as he rubbed at his glasses-less face. His cheeks were streaked in violet and his hands shook as he brought the bottle to his mouth again, unable to stop the liquid from spilling onto him a bit.

You stood there, attempting to mask your shock as he just started to sob brokenly again. The bottle fell and spilled into his lap as his hands shook even more.

"F-Fuck… Wwhy can't an-anyone see I'm sorry? I-I'm so fuckin' sorry… I-I just…" He dissolved into tears, sobbing and holding his head. You can't really catch the words he's saying, most of them being just fragments or slurred too badly to understand.

After a few minutes, you take some pity on him and walk towards him. You clear the bottles out of your way and hug him tightly.

He stiffens at the contact, then starts shaking harder, apologizing and trying to cling to you. His tears soak your shoulder and his nails claw a bit at your back, but you can complain about it some other time, he's already in shambles. You gently rub his back, coaxing him to just let it all out.

It seems like forever before he relaxes.

He's still clinging to you, but he's gotten heavier and kind of gone limp against you.

You keep rubbing his back until you hear gentle snores, then you sigh and struggle a bit to help him up. He's nothing but skin and bones, so it's not as hard as you thought it would be. You half-drag, half-lead him to where you remember his hive being, helping as his feet attempt to find good footing and stumble him along. It's the best he can do while mostly asleep.

You aren't even sure how you did it, but you managed to get him all the way to his respite block before dumping him on his platform. You wouldn't be able to get him into the coon anyways.

He tries to help you get his wet clothes off, but he ends up passing out before you could fully take his sweater off. You grumble at all of the work quietly before you pause and realize that Kanaya does this for you almost every single day, that shuts you up as you got back to work silently. His clothes, the same clothes that you knew to fit him too perfectly, were now baggy on him. Your frown grew as you just stared at how emaciated he was before turning away to get something more comfortable for him.

When you lay down to join him for a bit, his sleeping form instantly clings to you and he blubbers gently. Fingers run over his horns and fins until he's relaxed and cuddly, snoring enough to make his gills flutter each and every time.

He's such a dumb, broken idiot, but you hate him enough that you're willing to put him back together just to see him snarl at you again.