Please consider this an AU from the end of Season 2. It's based on a prompt from one of the OUAT meme's and will feature adult situations. To touch base; no triggered destruction, no Neverland, no season 3 quest. Also, no season 3 spoilers.


At first, it's nothing.

Regina waves it off as little more than residual magic, effects of saving a life, of the good resonating within her. It's a dull sensation at least, just this aching hum of something. She's not overly sure what it is, a foreign enough thing for her to know without a doubt that it isn't coming from her, that it's from Snow.

It's a bane, really. This uncomfortable settling of something in her gut. Just lying there, it never seems to go away, it just bubbles a little at times, or on one occasion, jolts fantastically like a surge of pure magic. Regina had been thankfully alone when that happened; the gasp of surprise from her lips would've drawn much unwanted attention otherwise.

It was a week later though, when things were starting to settle and Regina was sure that the residual magic would've faded, the link all but gone now, when she was leaving Dr Hopper's office after an appointment. She wasn't entirely thrilled that she was sharing as much as she was with the cricket, but she was doing it for Henry, and Cora's demise had hit her harder than she'd truly prepared herself for. She'd thought losing her father, killing him herself, was the greatest pain she'd ever feel. But those few seconds, seeing that her mother did love her, before she was gone, again at Regina's hand, it had awoken all sorts of emotions that Regina wasn't sure she could cope with, not while trying to be better, to do better, for Henry.

She'd stepped out of the office, wrapping her scarf around her neck tighter, when she'd looked up and glanced at Snow. The jolt was back, and this time it was fairly clear that it was Snow's emotions resonating within her, some empathic bond left behind from Snow's selfless act. Regina wasn't comfortable with that pride that seemed to hum inside her right then, when Snow had looked at her, seen where she was coming from, it surged after that.

Pulling her coat tighter, blaming the weather, Regina simply gave a nod at the princess before climbing into her car and leaving. Let Snow White feel her pride, the great Snow White, saving her mortal enemy. Whoop for her.


Storybrooke was, to a point, boring as hell. Regina couldn't rightly fathom how she thought ithis/i was her happy ending. Yes, everyone had feared and obeyed her. She was the Mayor, ruler of the town for all purposes. But was she happy? Even Henry, her precious little prince, he hadn't filled all the holes in her life. She had no one now, now that Henry was so besotted with her, the woman who abandoned him, who waltzed back in and ruined everything, who brought Cora back and ruined it all again.

Sighing, Regina reclined back in her warm, soapy bubble bath, trying desperately to enjoy the quiet of her house, that she could just lie there and not worry that anyone would need her, would even want to ask her anything. It was hollow; she ached to hear something break or Henry to yell for her, she just knew it wouldn't come.

There was a restlessness inside her, some building coil of anxiousness and nervous energy. It was why she'd opted to take the bath herself in the first place, imagining that it would help ease out the tension. All it did was build further. Resting back further, Regina let her eyes shut, letting everything switch off as she relaxed and urged the world around her to just fade away.

So intent on switching off, Regina didn't notice the tension turning to something else entirely. It's subconscious at first, her hands drifting over her stomach, fingers inching up towards her breasts. She's not one for casual indulgences, least of all since she lost Graham to Emma; she didn't seek her own pleasure, purely because other matters took precedence. But this, this is like an itch she can't ignore, the warmth seeping into her slowly but surely, arousal stirring from nothing but an absent notion.

It's that notion that sways things, a 'why not?' sort of thing really. Keeping her eyes closed, Regina lets her hands wander, one slipping up to cup her breast, toying with her nipple, while the other slips down, stroking between her legs. She's moderately surprised to find herself already wet, more so that simply because she's bathing. She's never been one easily pushed to the brink, needing attention much more thorough than simple foreplay and then penetration. But her fingers slip easily inside of her, curling knowingly and stroking, encouraging that build of arousal and passion, the tight clench of need in her stomach aching stronger and stronger with each pass of her thumb over her clit.

Biting at her lip, Regina is careful of her noise, despite no one being around to hear her, absently aware of the water sloshing around her. She has to draw one leg up, out of the water and pinning it back over the side of the tub, reaching deeper into herself with her fingers, pressing harder over her clit as the warmth spreads. It's almost like she can feel herself being filled, feel the ghost of kisses against her throat, the press of a body against hers. Her climax comes suddenly and unexpectedly hard, the cry pulled from her throat with little control as her body thrums with contentment and drained of energy in a more pleasant way than ever before.

It takes an unusual amount of energy to get herself out of the cooling water, legs like jelly, as she dries herself minimally before falling into bed, relaxed and sated and content to curl around a pillow and fall fast asleep right then.


It's that same foreign arousal that wakes her, only a few hours later, that has Regina reaching into her bedside table for her mostly unused vibrator, desperate for completion like she'd never been before.

She can't understand it, not until she's coming down from another intense orgasm, limbs heavy and sated that she realises just how foreign her own feelings are. There's love blossoming inside her, something she only feels with Henry, content and complete and whole. It's the affection of lovers that has her groaning as she curls into the pillow again, ready to throw something at a wall as she fully realises what it is that's happening.

Snow. She's still feeling what Snow feels. And apparently, Snow and Charming are feeling very loving.

It's agony.

As she moves around the kitchen later, more aware of things than ever before, as those little quirks of lovers work into her consciousness. Exasperation and affection, amusement and annoyance. She can feel things so clearly as if they were her own emotions.

It makes her teeth clench just to think of it. She burns her breakfast, too distracted by Snow White's utter relaxation which hints entirely at either a massage or an entirely welcome shower. Regina decides to brave the hospitality at Granny's rather than put up with this.


The glares no longer bother her, not really. She put these people before herself no less than a week ago and they still treat her like dirt. They don't even realise what it is she gave up, the power she put to the side in favour of them, all for Henry, and he's still hesitant about seeing her. It's bitterly depressing, coiling in her like darkness, urging her to show them just why they should be careful how they look at her.

"Regina, just who I wanted to see."

She tries not to startle, although she's more surprised at who sits across from her rather than the sudden appearance. Belle had many reasons to revile her, to keep her distance, not least because Regina would still love nothing more than to crush Rumplestiltskin in the dust, and Belle would naturally be the easiest way to do it. But she's sitting there, smiling brightly and waiting for Regina to greet her as if she wasn't locked up in Regina's dungeon for years, as if she didn't live the better part of twenty-eight years in a cell here in Storybrooke.

"Miss French," but Regina is still curious, regardless of Belle's apparently uncontainable ability to forgive, just why she'd want to speak to Regina at all.

"I'm sorry to intrude on your breakfast, but I've been trying to get access to the funds for the library," Regina absently remembered the girl opening the place, after her little spat with Gold, her apparent attempt at independence meant encasing herself with literature. "The funds are part of the education curriculum, and I've spoken with the Mayor's office, but they can't do anything until the Mayor's position is filled."

"So why are you speaking to me about it? In case you haven't heard, I'm not Mayor anymore." They'd all but thrown her from the position, and she was waiting for Charming or Snow to swoop in and take it.

"That's just the thing, no one is. There's um, there's a distinct lack of candidates too." Regina raised her eyebrow, she highly doubted that. These do-gooders were all about running people's lives, ruling where they felt they were due to rule. It almost made her sick.

"Then that's something you'll need to take up with the Mayor's office. Since only they can appoint someone, until then, I suggest you ask Mr Gold for some financial assistance." Regina placed the fork down by her eggs, prepared to leave the booth and the conversation behind.

"Actually, they want you to take it back." Until right then.

"What?" She'd been out of the office for a year, no one had really taken over, although with Snow and Emma in the Enchanted Forest and then Cora's attacks, Regina doubted it had really been the focus of much attention. She'd known that, out of the people to step forward to take the role, Sydney being one of them, no one seemed to have much confidence in any of the candidates. Which, apparently, defaulted back to her.

"Well, it's not like anyone else in town really knows how to do it, and there's already been a petition for candidates, and they haven't been too popular." Belle gives a small shrug, smiling at Regina like they're sharing recipes for apple pie rather than discussing Regina reclaiming the Mayor's seat.

It's enough to keep Regina in her seat, the thought that they'd really want her to run the town again. She knew they'd implement new rules, less power for her, likely having the Sheriff hold more power than the Mayor, but in the scheme of things, it was still a shock. Really, she knew she'd say yes, even if they were restrictive and controlling in what she could do. Her days were so long, and so void of anything to do that she would take even the smallest of things.

A small smile played at the edge of her lips, it was something, really. That she might get a little trust for what she'd been through, what she'd done for the town. Belle just returned that smile back at her.

"That's a yes, I take it?" It was strange, maybe, seeing this woman so trusting of those that everyone else called 'evil', that she could fall in love with Gold and treat Regina as if she weren't the woman responsible for so much pain in Belle's life.

"Yes," but it wasn't in Regina to spite herself and turn the offer away, even if it was just charity for the wicked woman, even if it was just them throwing a beaten animal a treat, even if they did scrutinise everything she did. She needed something to do with herself after all. "And I'll see about opening up the funding for the library first thing."

It was an olive branch; Regina saw it as that, Belle's wide smile at the offer and her nod before she took her leave. It left Regina feeling much lighter than she had earlier, all but forgetting the problem with Snow.


It takes almost the full day before the issue with Snow White returns to Regina's mind. She's so caught up in catching up with the town issues, sorting budgets, settling disputes and arranging for the library to have a minor boost in funds as a thank you and apology to Belle that she doesn't have the time to think about Snow.

It hits half way to Granny's, where Regina had left her car to walk to the Mayor's office, half to let the surprise wear off and half to talk herself out of the paranoid worry of it being a practical joke. She's beside herself with annoyance at her oversight right then, even as the pulse of desire thrums inside her. It's sudden and strong and Regina curses at just how ridiculous Snow and Charming are.

Leaning against the wall, Regina pressed a hand to her throat, as if it could somehow stop the soft moan that escaped her. Her nerves felt like fire, like everything was coming alive, like she'd spent her life numb.

She had to get home, before she made a complete disgrace of herself on the streets. It was hard enough to focus on walking, getting herself under control, using the buildings to keep herself upright. She made it as far as Granny's before a burst of pure arousal had her tugging open her coat, trying to cool her skin a little. All it does is push that little bit more excitement into her veins. She needs something, and she needs it right then.

It's the ding of the bell over Granny's door that catches her attention, and for a shocking moment she's aghast at her own state, until the pirate turns around the corner, walking towards her before freezing. "Hook," she cannot believe that it's her voice, the husk and groan that's right there. She just presses back against the wall, slumping slightly.

"Regina?" She must be a sight; there can't be any other excuse for the thread of concern in his voice. But there's another coil of pleasure and Regina can't stop the low moan from escaping her, licking her lips to wet them while she pants against the wall like some common whore. It's degrading, even as the pirate approaches with something similar to worry in his gaze, "what's that fella called, Whale? The doctor? Pretty sure Red in there could get him for you, y'need a hand in love?"

It's the second his fingers cup her jaw, trying to gauge what's wrong or just to get her attention, but the reaction is instant either way. There are sparks from that contact, a moan of pure need breaking from her as she leans into his touch, already reaching out to pull him in by his ridiculously soft leather coat. She can feel his gasp of surprise against her skin, his other arm bracing him by her hip while his hand curves under her jaw to hold her face.

"Regina," she'll forever blame Snow White and her damn husband, but the timbre of Hook's voice just does things right then, and it's all Regina can do but press up to capture those taunting lips with her own, moaning low and long in the back of her throat. It takes him a few moments to unfreeze, to melt towards her, pinning her against the wall and pressing back into the kiss. Everywhere he touches her tingles to life, vibrating pleasantly with unrestrained want. She expects his hair to be brittle and rough as she sinks a hand into it at the back of his neck, holding him close, but it's soft and parts under her fingers nicely, a stark contrast to the rough brush of his short beard against her skin. Parting for air is difficult, simply because right there and then, Regina wants nothing more than to never part, the sensation far too appealing to release in any way. She makes do with sealing her lips at his throat, nipping lightly at the skin of his neck, under the dark strands of his beard, biting at the delicate flesh and grinned when she feels the soft growl of a groan from between his lips.

"Regina," this time her name is half spoken and half moaned and that just makes Regina want it more, her hands finding their way under his coat to stroke over the softness of his vest, finding the buckles and fastenings easily. "Woah, hey," his hand comes down to stop her from pulling his shirt from his pants, just as she reaches for the laces, "evidently you don't need a doctor, but this does seem decidedly out of character, darlin'."

God, his voice, that stupid pirate drawl, the accent, she could feel her skin singing for contact; his lips, his fingers, his damn hook, anything. There's a wariness to his gaze though, under the warm heat of desire she can see, there's still that annoyingly sweet concern. How the hell he fashioned himself a ruthless reputation she'll never understand.

"Magic," she can manage to give him an abridged explanation, if it means he'll stay, if it means he'll let her have her way, she'll force herself to talk if it means he helps. "It's Snow and it's, I just—" it's too hard to really explain right then, her body already hammered full of need and arousal and desire, she just has to twist her fingers around his, pulling his hand down to the apex of her thighs and moaning as she presses both their hands to her core through her pants.

"Gods," she doesn't need to hold her fingers to his, her hand dropping away as his takes over, pressing along the seam of her pants, deviously fantastic fingers stroking along and fanning the flames of desire higher again. Her head tips back, the sharp sting of the impact with the wall dulled as Hook finds the clasp and zipper to her suit pants, teasing them open before that clever hand is inside her panties, stroking along her folds and then drawing back to toy with her.

Her entire body is bracketed back by his, her hand resting at his bicep, holding more for balance, as his mouth finds her throat to return the treatment she gave his. Regina doesn't even have the sense of mind to curb her noises, as one long, calloused finger slips inside her before being joined by another. Her hips cant upwards, parting her legs as much as she can as Hook starts a relentless pace, fucking her on his hand with three fingers buried deep within her.

Gasping against his ear, fingers digging into his coat and the back of his neck, Regina feels herself fly apart at his ministrations, talented fingers knowing where to curve, thumb finding the sensitive ball of nerves, teeth scraping just under her jaw and Regina all but yells as she feels her climax burst through her.

It's the most intense thing she's ever felt, nothing has ever measured close save for the steady love she has for Henry, and even that has never hit her as suddenly. Heart hammering in her chest, nails still digging into Hook's neck and coat, Regina can barely bring herself to move as Hook carefully withdraws his fingers, thumb stroking soothingly over her tummy at the soft mewl of disappointment she hears herself make, before he slowly puts her pants back together.

He doesn't step back from her, keeping her steady between the wall and his bulky frame, allowing her to keep herself upright with her grip on him. There's a soft kiss placed to the tender skin just behind her ear, it has Regina sighing gently before Hook draws back, carefully inspecting her under his bright blue eyes.

Likely, it's the ridiculously fuzzy feelings from Snow that make her smile softly, leaning up to nuzzle against his bristly cheek with a dopey smile.

"I dare say you'll need to explain a little better, majesty," he doesn't push her away, doesn't scoff at her like she'd expect, given her decidedly ridiculous teenage girl behaviour, instead drawing her carefully away from the wall, hand brushing her hair down at the back of her head, leading her along the path she had been taking before.

She should be mortified to realise that she leans on him every step they take, her legs unwilling to cooperate and take her weight, even as they make their way through the currently quiet streets of Storybrooke. It's the opposite direction of the docks, and she realises that he's taking her home only when they reach the door of her house.

Snow White's annoying affections bubble up again as Regina leans forward, burrowing against Hook's side and smiling softly at the intoxicating scent of rum, sea and leather that cling to him while he chuckles slightly. She doesn't question the door opening, or how she winds up in her bedroom, up the stairs, only that she falls under the blankets of sleep with that irritatingly handsome pirate's soft voice in her head.