Reviews for Power and Control
Guest chapter 12 . 8/29/2018
Update please!
Fermaldaheidi chapter 12 . 6/4/2018
Oh please continue this! It was amazing!
Guest chapter 12 . 5/13/2018
I love this story so much, it's one of my favorites. I've re-read it a couple of times now, I just wish you'd continue writing it.
Guest chapter 12 . 4/24/2018
Great story. Always appreciate the dynamic between Hook and Regina. Can’t wait for more
Niori chapter 12 . 2/9/2018
This was great. I know it'll take a miracle for an update, but I'm adding to alerts anyway, since they do happen occasionally lol.
MsSilver1 chapter 12 . 9/16/2017
Love the story and wish you'd finish it even though its been a while since the last update.
I implore you to read it again a few times yourself and get re-energized by the alternate universe you've created here.
Your adoring audience is looking forward to:
*How the gang defeats Mizrabel
*how the bond between Regina and Snow resolves
*how hookedqueen survives and grow stronger.

MiDushiNoSushi chapter 12 . 2/10/2017
Dude, really! You stopped there?! This fic is awesome! I have never shipped Killian with anyone until I started reading Hooked Queen tonight and was forced to acknowledge that Regina and Killian do have history and chemistry. This fic has been thrilling because you've 1) made me see how similar Hook and Regina are, and 2) you've provided a bit of mystery and action on top of a budding romance. This fic has angst, drama, smut, and all of the makings of an excellent fic. But it hasn't been updated in over 2 years. Please tell me that you lost your muse and your way for a little while, and you will return to this fandom and finish this fic?! Please? It's so good that I desperately want to read the rest.
MiDushiNoSushi chapter 5 . 2/10/2017
I like how you've slowly built up Hook and Regina's relationship, while also building Regina and Snow's relationship. It just all feels like a natural progression, and I particularly enjoyed this chapter as a turning point where Regina actually starts to acknowledge these relationships, rather than keep deluding herself. It's amazing to feel this build up.
QueenLana15 chapter 5 . 1/16/2017
"Leaning over to place a small kiss on his forehead before quickly leaving the room less she start doing something stupid ..." The word is lest not less. Less means not as much, lower rank, small extent or minus, whereas lest links a cause with the effect. You should watch your wording and your verb tenses, too much back and forth. Love the story, great story idea!
evilregal-lana chapter 12 . 9/14/2016
please write more!
ou49839u3jti4jto chapter 12 . 7/30/2016
So I know its been like 2 years but I really desperately want some hooked queen and this story is one of the most well-written hooked queen stories out there.
Can you please please update this? :)
kurotenshi-08 chapter 12 . 6/27/2016
It was fun reading this again.
Sinister Scribe chapter 12 . 11/19/2015
God damn it, I thought this was complete!

Ah wells, it was still highly enjoyable. I doubt you're still working on it due to your last update but I thought I'd drop you a note to say well done anyway.

Cheers for writing it.
ArTeMuS09 chapter 12 . 11/16/2015
This story is really interesting and amazing. Please UPDATE SOON!
wcying713 chapter 6 . 10/27/2015
hey i just read this story yesterday and got"hooked" haha. i dont have much expectation but omg it's good!it's probably my fav hookqueen story, although i usually don't ship them. hope u still update this if life doesnt throw curve ball at you :)
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