Reviews for Tsunami
schleifchen chapter 1 . 5/1/2015
What a wonderful story. I love it!
I liked that Audrey was at first the clumsy girl but then also the logical women. Just perfect!
AlwaysPadfoot chapter 1 . 9/1/2013
I must admit I don't get to read a lot of Percy/Audrey, there isn't a lot of it at all, which I find kind of sad :(
I actually quite like the cliche way she falls into his arms and the way Percy responds, its very Percy, if you know what I mean. Also the way he's abrupt when she doesn't tell him about her father is very IC so well done your characterisation is perfect. I love how they dance together and they're both awkward around the other sex, its so cute. I really really enjoyed this. :) x
Montley chapter 1 . 8/28/2013
Aww I really liked this it was completely adorable!
I loved your characterization of Audrey and how protective Percy was over her, even though they weren't together yet, so cute. He was also characterized perfectly, just like Percy!
It was just an incredibly sweet story and i was captured throughout, and your writing is very beautiful!
Wonderful work!
The Crownless Queen chapter 1 . 8/27/2013
Aww... that was just perfect. Sweet and beautiful, and a love story like I love them ;)
You wrote this wonderfully, and I loved discovering the evolution of their relationship, from their amazingly funny first meeting through realistic hardships toward this really great ending (totally expected and yet still somehow surprising).
In other words - this was perfect from the first to the last word ;)
Great work :)
slightlysmall chapter 1 . 8/27/2013
I really enjoyed this. Your Audrey is different than I usually need and I absolutely fell in love with her along with Percy. She was wonderful. Percy is great and IC, too. A few things threw me off - Percy saying he's getting old before he turns 30, some awkward sentence wording here and there, I'd instead of if, which makes me think it was written on a phone (which isn't a problem, just confusing) - but on the whole I loved it so much. Just... yeah. Fantastic work. Great job.
starlight.moon.princess chapter 1 . 8/27/2013
This was adorable :3

You've characterised Percy perfectly here, from his moments of pure idiocy to the way he kisses her during the Ministry Ball.

[Percy, along with being an extreme killjoy and bad with names, is also a very logical man. The thing he probably disbelieves most in the whole world is love at first sight; because how could you fall in love (also a ridiculous concept; how exactly do you "fall" in love?) when you had just met the person?]
This is perfect :D

In a way, this may be rather cliche - Percy falling for his assistant - but you've written this well enough that it seems like a completely new love story altogether!

You've also done a wonderful job in giving a character to Audrey, who we know absolutely nothing about.

This was wonderful.
Well done! :)
Izzyaro chapter 1 . 8/25/2013
I really enjoyed this. Percy's always been one of my favourite Weasleys, and you wrote him brilliantly; he didn't fall in love straight away, and he didn't lose all his reserve and become all smooth all of a sudden. I love your characterisation of Audrey, especially how you noted her intelligence; Percy wouldn't have tolerated someone who couldn't think for themselves, and that came across very well. The relationship developed at a natural, believable pace, and the storm theme tied everything together nicely. It all flowed smoothly, and I didn't notice any major SpaG errors. Great work overall, well done.
dimitrisgirl18 chapter 1 . 8/25/2013
Empress :3 This was cute beyond words. Audrey and Percy are one of my guilty pleasure couples, and I love it when Percy loses a little bit of his stuck-up side to fall in love. Even though it's terribly cliched, your assistant relationship still definitely worked and made it that much more of an adorable love story. Possessive Percy wanting nothing more than to dance with Audrey was one of the best parts.

Quick thing: "He's wondering I'd he should just" should probably be "if he should just" :)

Well done!

autumn midnights chapter 1 . 8/17/2013
This was great. PercyAudrey is one of my favorite canon ships, and I really like how you've written them here. Your characterization of Audrey was lovely - she's no more than a name, but you've given her such a wonderful personality here, managing to fit a lot of details into only two thousand words. I like the separation into sections that show their transition from strictly-professional to friendship to a relationship. I absolutely adore the last section, where you compare Audrey to different storms; that was really lovely symbolism, and a wonderful way to include the title there. You've got Percy's personality down as well - he's definitely in-character, in my opinion. This was a great fic - definitely reminded me of why I adore these two.
eostby chapter 1 . 8/13/2013
This is a very sweet romance story. Despite having never really seen Audrey in a story before, your portrayal of her made me immediately like her, and getting Percy out of his shell made this a terrifically fun story to boot. I really like what you did here, and this story gets an immediate favorite from me.
Sesquipedalia chapter 1 . 8/9/2013
I felt the 'butterfly's kiss' was a little overromantic. It didn't quite fit with everything else. On the other hand, the everything else was wonderful.
Rrit chapter 1 . 8/9/2013
Oh this is great. Tsunami that sweeps him off his feet is perfect for a last line.
I like how he was nervous but driven. It really brings out his Gryffindor. :)
colorful swirls chapter 1 . 7/16/2013
This was so cute! :) And, kudos for writing it all on your phone. :3 I loved the way you used my fleeting line. And how Audrey fell, instead of Percy. You did an awesome job, Empress. :)

Your Score:

/ SPaG - 8/10 Points

/ Characterization - 10/10 Points

/ Prompts - 10/10 Points

/ Enjoyment - 9/10 Points

/ Originality - 8/10 Points

45/50 Points.

Again, loved it!
Fire The Canon chapter 1 . 7/9/2013
This is amazing! I love PercyAudrey. Every fic I read about them is just brilliant, because most people seem to have very similar head canon's to her. She's either Percy's assistant or she's a Muggle (that's mine and quite a few others) so I think it's easy for people to accept her.

This was really sweet too, and adorable and gah! Feels!

*stills needs to write this pairing myself*

Well done :)
Guest chapter 1 . 7/3/2013
Tereina Denny.
Aww! This story was so very sweet! I did not really like Percy much when he worked for the ministry, but I am glad he got his happy ending!
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