Reviews for A Royal Wedding
StellarMage99 chapter 4 . 5/22
Merlin the genius mastermind XD
StellarMage99 chapter 1 . 5/22
Aw that was so sweet of Merlin to say! Heck, that got me blushing on Mithian's behalf XD
Great chapter
gaylelbf chapter 21 . 11/13/2018
Beautifully written!
gaylelbf chapter 6 . 11/13/2018
Merlin with a million different smiles- love your description!
gaylelbf chapter 3 . 11/13/2018
Please take me with you- so amusing!
gaylelbf chapter 21 . 2/17/2018
Lovely romance!
MonJoh chapter 21 . 1/7/2017
Good story.
MN chapter 12 . 10/11/2016
Ok so I don't usually review on old fanfics but, this last sentence blew me away.. It was perfect like 'she wasn't even going to bother remembering his face like 'she just couldn't take any notice if she tried 'she was too heartbroken to was a perfect sentence that painted a picture in my mind.. so now a lot of people can see how one small sentence can perfect a character..well done..I hope you are doing well in life and are following your dreams and passions ..God bless - MN
Emeralds and Fire chapter 21 . 6/16/2016
THIS HAS TO BE ONE OF THE BEST STORIES I HAVE EVER READ! I mean, the emotion, the details, the characters, everything is just amazing! I know this isn't a new story, but you deserve a medal all the same, no matter how late it comes. I truly look forward to reading more of your stories.
DJ Dubois chapter 21 . 2/27/2016
Hi! Oh this was JUST WONDERFUL! I could actually see the characters and backdrop in my mind through your prose. I do wish though that you had shown us the battle scene where Merlin/Emyrs was more than likely thinking of Mithian. (Maybe where Morgana foolishly threatened her? Might explain why Merlin went all pyro on her...) Also the scene where Arthur (at Gwen's urging no doubt) relents and gives Merlin and Mithian their place would have been great too.

If you ever do a sequel, I would love to see Arthur grant Merlin his freedom. I know the dynamic would be different than the show's. Perhaps though the theme could focus on Merlin as councilor/physician in addition to royal adviser? That way you could grant Merlin some equality much as he did when he raised Gwen to be Queen and his wife.

Again thank you for the *wonderful* piece! Definitely follows the spirit of the series. Do take care! :)
mizzymel chapter 21 . 11/6/2015
The only flaw with this entire brilliant fic is the keeping Merlin a servant, and Mithian giving up her title. Otherwise this was flawless.
Donna J Noble chapter 21 . 7/1/2015
Any chance of there being a sequel?
Lady of Myth and Legends chapter 17 . 3/8/2015
"Im dreaming."
"But it is a good dream."
- Aargorn and Arwen, Lord of the Rings

I love you for that!
Guest chapter 1 . 1/25/2015
Enjoying this story very much
93 Diagon Alley chapter 21 . 1/13/2015
That was utterly fantastic. I'd never read Merthian before, that I can recall, but yours was great and totally believable :)
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