Reviews for Let Me In
Hopelesslydevotedtoglee chapter 12 . 6/5
omg obviously Blaine has some SERIOUS issues but he was just so bipolar in this chapter first it was oh I have feelings for Kurt but oh that right I'm a jerk and I have to stay that way. then its oh Kurt loves me and I admit what he does to me but I secretly love him but wait no love is impossible and I can't let him in but I miss him. and then it oh I want Kurt and I want to fight for him. then its I'm not good enough for him I'll never be enough so let me go be the sleaze that I am and try to sleep off my feeling then its sure Kurt y not be boyfriends!
Hopelesslydevotedtoglee chapter 6 . 6/4
Hopelesslydevotedtoglee chapter 6 . 6/4
OK u never guaranteed klaine but I rlly hope they r end game and soon BC otherwise I'm wasting my time.
Guest chapter 23 . 9/19/2019
I couldn't find you in ao3. If somebody has then please share the link .
Tygee chapter 20 . 10/9/2018
Okay so this is gonna be a little long, but, I just want to say how much I LOVE this story. I've read all the chapters over the last couple of days. It's taken me that long only because I have a million things going on- I'd have read it start to finish if I could've. As it is I've neglected responsibilities to get more reading time :D Firstly, I love the ANs as much as the story. Through the ANs, I feel like I've been able to watch you grow up as a writer (that sounds a little weird, but it isn't meant to be). You went from nervous to write lemons to (I'm paraphrasing here) "this story is rated M people, do I have to keep warning you? If you come across smut and dont like it, just skip, ok?" You've also shown that you've put some of yourself in this story as you've wondered if your parents accept you as a writer, then learning that they do. Secondly, I love that karatekid as stuck with you all these years, adding his/her (dont wanna assume here) own readers note, if you will, to each chapter. Thirdly, the story itself is beautiful. You have a real gift for making the reader feel what your characters feel, not even through dialogue, but through how they move, explaining their facial expressions. There is true and deep character development. And lastly, OMG I agree with karatekid- Victor is SO FREAKING ADORABLE I just can't stand it :D
MixedUpJORDZ chapter 23 . 9/11/2018
loved the story! Would be great if the updated chapter was posted here too.
shedryyy chapter 23 . 9/10/2018
hi this is by far my favourite badboy fic ever. I love seb’s dynamic with blaine tbh and Im so glad you’re continuing this!
StarkidsGleeking97 chapter 23 . 9/10/2018
Can't wait to see what you've got planned for this!
Guest chapter 1 . 9/10/2018
Ah... few chapters till end and you won't update here? :(
sarahlouiseadams23 chapter 23 . 9/9/2018
When you moving across because I can't find you
Guest chapter 23 . 9/8/2018
Sorry to hear things have been rough and you are doing better. And yay, I'm happy and excited you are going to finish this and I'm excited to read it! I'll be watching AO3!
Trowe29 chapter 1 . 9/8/2018
I'm very excited about this! Will you be using the same username so we can find your new version of this story on AO3?
JayhawkWrites chapter 23 . 9/8/2018
I will go over there and put it on my radar. Hope all is well for your now!
Guest chapter 23 . 9/8/2018
Im sorry to hear that you had a rough time this past few years, and I'm extremely happy to know that you are back. I cant wait to read "Let Me In" again!
Are you keeping the name of the story and yours? Let me know so I can find you (or send me a link)
I'm going to do my happy dance now...
Guest chapter 23 . 9/8/2018
Oh yay! I'm definitely looking forward to that! I love this story. :)
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