Bear with me people…I am attempting a Badboy!Blaine fic. My friend MissMarauder93 is writing a Cheerio!Kurt, Nerd!Blaine story called "Beauty and the Geek" that you should go read after this.

So…this story is rated T for now…but if any of you feel like the rating should be changed just let me know. I know I've said I'll never write smut…but it may come into play, so…

Disclaimer: I may own this story…doesn't mean I own Glee.

Kurt Hummel didn't know whether or not to feel happy or upset. On one hand, his father, Burt, had remarried two weeks ago to a lovely woman named Carole. She had a son, Finn Hudson, so Kurt was no longer an only child. On the other hand, Burt had uprooted the now family of four from their home in New York and had bought a house in Lima, Ohio. They had only been out of the city for an hour, and already Kurt missed the lights and noise. Finn, though, was practically bouncing in his seat in excitement. Easy for him to do-he actually had family in Ohio.

"Finn, would you calm down!" Kurt snapped from beside him.

"Aren't you excited, Kurt?" Finn asked. "Ohio's, like, awesome!"

"Oh really," Kurt said sarcastically.

"Kurt," Burt said from the front seat. "Give Ohio a chance, okay?"

"Yeah, honey," Carole added. "It's really not so bad. Lima may be a small town, but there's still fun stuff to do."

"Sure," Kurt mumbled, pulling out his cell phone to text one of his friends.

Ohio was going to suck. Kurt had done his research the minute Burt had told him where they were moving. New York may be an accepting state…but Ohio sure wasn't. Kurt was going to learn how to deal with homophobes for the first time in his life…and he was not looking forward to that. But did his family seem to care about that? Nope. Even if Burt didn't know that Ohio was unaccepting, Finn and Carole could have told him.

The rest of the ride to their new house in Lima was spent with Kurt on his phone, Finn jamming to the radio, and Burt and Carole talking excitedly about their new jobs. Burt would be working in Carole's dad's tire shop, while Carole would work as a nurse at Lima General. They had left New York that morning at around four, so Kurt slept for the rest of the eleven-hour drive. He didn't wake up until three in the afternoon, and Burt pulled into their new driveway ten minutes later.

Kurt stretched after he got out of the car, making noises of contentment as his bones popped. He wrinkled his nose when Burt told him to start bringing boxes into the house, but did as his father asked. The house was already furnished with furniture thanks to Carole's dad, so it didn't take too long for the four of them to carry in all the boxes and sort them by room. Kurt was surprised when he found that he was okay with his bedroom. It wasn't too big, but it wasn't too small either. It had a desk where he could do his homework, and the closet was actually big enough to fit all of his clothes in. Kurt had just finished making his bed when he heard a knock at his door.

"Kurt?" his father asked he opened the door and stepped into the room.

Kurt sighed, wanting nothing more than to be left alone. "Yes?"

Burt sat on the end of Kurt's bed, who stiffened at the small wrinkles that formed. "Kurt, I know this move was hard on you. I know how much you loved the hustle and bustle of the city, but I'm sure with time you'll get used to life in Lima. You'll make new friends and won't miss your old ones as much."

"Yeah, I know, Dad," Kurt said. "I just…I've never been the new kid. And being the gay new kid-in Ohio at that-is kind of terrifying."

"Kurt," Burt said, standing and placing his hands on Kurt's shoulders, "you know you can come to me with anything. And if anyone gives you a hard time, I will march down to that school and do whatever I can to make sure you'll be okay."

Kurt smiled. "Thanks, Dad."

"No problem, bud."

Kurt finished his unpacking after dinner was over. He could still hear Finn moving around in his room across the hall as he grabbed a pair of pajamas and walked into his en suite bathroom-another thing he loved about his room. He quickly changed before going through his nightly skin care routine and brushing his teeth. Kurt would be starting school the very next day, so he crawled under the covers after setting the alarm on his phone. It didn't take as long as he thought it would for him to fall asleep.

Blaine rolled over onto his back, panting from what had just happened.

"Wow, Blaine," Sebastian said breathlessly. "You just get better and better every time."

Blaine smirked. "It just takes practice, babe." He tilted his head back to look at the clock on his nightstand. "You'd better go home before my parents get back from their movie."

Some of the light faded from Sebastian's eyes, but Blaine couldn't bring himself to care.

"Can't…can't we take a shower first and clean up?" Sebastian asked softly, rolling against Blaine's side.

Blaine rolled his eyes and got out of his bed. "How about I take a shower while you use those tissues to clean yourself up and get out of my house."

"Okay," Sebastian whispered, reaching over for the box of tissues as Blaine walked into his bathroom.

When Blaine left the bathroom fifteen minutes later, Sebastian was gone. Blaine finished drying off before dropping his towel and pulling on a pair of sweatpants. He had just crawled into bed when he heard his front door open, and the sounds of his adoptive parents' laughter float up the stairs. Groaning, Blaine buried his head under his pillow. He had school in the morning, and if he was late again, his dad, Roger, would take away his motorcycle…and Blaine Anderson did not ride the school bus.


Blaine groaned again at the sound of Arlene's voice. Why did his mother feel the need to continue telling Blaine good night every night? He wasn't six years old anymore.

"Are you awake, sweetheart?"

"I am now," Blaine grumbled, sitting up.

"I just wanted to let you know that we're home," Arlene said softly, coming into his room.

"Yeah, Arlene, I heard," Blaine said. "Can I go back to sleep now?"

"O-of course, Blaine…Good night, honey."

After Arlene shut his bedroom door, Blaine sunk back into his mattress. He knew it hurt Arlene that he didn't call her Mom, but that was something Blaine would never do. He'd had a mother… and Arlene wasn't her. He still had a dad, but it wasn't Roger.

Blaine rolled onto his side and pulled a pillow against him. He used to do this with Robbie…but that was back when he thought he'd give love a try. For a few months Blaine had tried his hardest to love Robbie…but in the end he had been proven right-love didn't exist. His father had taught him that…and Blaine would never forget that.

You have been introduced to the characters! Tell me what you think!
