Reviews for Summer Languor
Universiot chapter 1 . 4/3
Really, really brilliant read! I love everything from the plot, to the language usage, to the writing style. One of my new favorite reunion fics!

Great stuff, thanks for sharing!
pdianelourdes chapter 1 . 2/26/2017
QAQ its too beautiful. Thanks for writing this.
Dr4gonIc3F34th3r chapter 1 . 1/16/2017
peachgloss chapter 1 . 3/3/2016
uuuuwwwwwaaaaaahhhhh! so cute omg I'm happy you didn't end tragically. nezumi and shion are too good for this world tbh
AnotherObsessedTeen chapter 1 . 1/21/2016
I know this fic was posted a long time ago, but I'd really love it if you'd continue it! I'd love to read the struggles they go through trying to rebuild No.6, and Nezumi meeting Shinon's mother! :D
Meme-chan chapter 1 . 8/3/2014
Very well written and the characters are so in characters, even with their dialogues and exchanges especially Nezumi. I've read fics with Nezumi being so OOC i could not stomach reading it further. I love this reunion plot, not so overly dramatic and just... Well, i could just imagine it being as such. Not too much of a words spoken, because their heart understand each other.

Thank you for this beautiful read.
Random Writer's Account chapter 1 . 7/11/2014
I'm pretty much speechless. This was completely stunning and very in character, all things considered. I adored this Nezumi to bits, and Shion was excellent.

This is a 'reunion fic' I could picture as something plausible -your writing skills are wonderful.

As I said before, words are being jerks right about now; sorry about this review's shortness.

Thank you very much for posting, it was beautiful and real and warm andand.


-Ana V.
Pyrane chapter 1 . 10/25/2013
Thanks for the story !

kirr1001 chapter 1 . 9/28/2013
Loved it!
DotsnDashes chapter 1 . 4/5/2013
Beautiful. I absolutely love the character portrayal and how you managed to really make us feel Shion's emotions, his pain and his doubt especially.
Thanks for the wonderful story.
Tsuki the Avenger chapter 1 . 2/19/2013
Fantastic/lovely story! Thanks for the great read!
logicizedtravesties chapter 1 . 7/10/2012
Ah, this might take awhile...

Alright, first things first. Any grammatical or spelling errors will be pointed out at the bottom of this review, so please take a look and keep an open mind. I plan to take quite a bit of time on this, because you are an author I can respect and are therefore worth the effort. There will most likely be a second half to this review, under the same name but in the Anonymous section.

The beginning of your story is a little stiff, although the idea you have running through it is full of promise for the story. This promise is what keeps me reading, and also your fairly captivating prose that jumps about from subject to subject in an easily followed direction.

The second part, oh, how can I explain it. Let's go with some quotes. 'Tomorrow came today': My eloquence goes out the window for this one. Especially with the beginning of the story telling me that Shion found time to be noticeably sluggish and from what I gather, weary. It almost seems directly against Shion's character, him being so energetic, eager, happy to help. Is he exhausted of serving what used to be his necessary prison? Is there something he wants to slow down? These are questions that stream through my mind for a moment before I read this little gem. 'He made it a necessity to win a little victory every day' What is this, I can't even- That is purely Shion. Even more so as I remember how determined Shion is about working towards a goal or uncovering something new. It also shows a bit of character development, that Shion doesn't seem to have his head in the clouds or high hopes for gold in the ground. 'little victory' God. It's perfect. So before my brain implodes, on to the next bit.

The third section is where you fully introduce the presence of Nezumi in Shion's mind, and to be honest, I find that to be a bit too soon. I wish the reminder of his character had been held back for a minute longer, to really set in Shion's existence. That is, an existence without Nezumi. This is most likely my attraction to denial/repression philosophy talking, but it could be something to think about. My opinion on the timing aside, the way that you added in Nezumi was beautifully done. Like stirring a soup and shaking in a pinch of bitter salt. '...exact shade of indigo Shion had learned to love and his eyes evoked images of cloudy days and oh mercy, oh happy day-' Oh, I don't know what my feelings are doing because of this sentence. Once again, so completely Shion. He would definitely have that romanticized view of Nezumi, and you portrayed that (brand new) childish eye for detail of his just wonderfully. The last sentence is what I'm conflicted about. Knowing that Shion is never content with a mystery or with waiting, but also taking in account his maturing/calmer self is making my head hurt. I would suggest perhaps changing that last bit to a less assured/satisfied state of mind, if only to stay in character.

Ah, the beginning of this next section...It's eh. 'Shion finally began to move on with his life' Once again, Shion's impatient attitude is not prominent enough for me, but a simple word change could fix it, especially with how it would tie in with the end of the first paragraph. Shion -thought- he had finally began... This would hammer in the repeating thoughts of Nezumi in his head. I do love the very brusque manner in which the next sentence applies itself after all of the smooth prose. '...Nezumi saved his life for the second time, the night he was burning, burning, burning.' I wondered if maybe that extended repeat of 'burning' is alluding to, well... But my train of thought was brilliantly cut short after Shion's envisioning of Nezumi by the well-placed shut down of 'Shion still knew nothing of sex'. I applaud you for that. The other paragraphs, I have nothing other than to say but good show of memory-seeking.

The fifth section. I adore how you figured in Shion's genius capabilities into some sort of twisted hope. The math adds up, it would figure...but the answer wasn't what he expected. Gorgeous. 'And that night, Shion almost broke.' Excuse me while I go scream in frustration. ALSDKJFAL;SKDJF. That was amazing, in such a frustrating, painful way. I want to see what happened as he almost broke and what stopped him from breaking, I want to know! But I also know that the story is so much better this way, with a few let-downs.

The next two sections after that, ho boy. That was when I started to get a bit of an ache in my chest. The 'Right, it's only Monday' after "speaking" to the mouse was like a gust of air knocking over a very delicate house of cards, showing off Shion's extremely apparent fragility and holes. He seems so lonely and not lost but he is lingering in a maze of self-deprecation, guilt, and doubt. You put that forth very well throughout this section. The repeats of his words, surrounded by nothing else but the walls to listen (and not respond), it's just so very human. And then there was the kicker, something I almost expected, but not quite. Another shouting episode with Shion, only this time it's that much more desperate because he's trying for something specific... The ending sentence '-seemed to extend beyond his arm span." was perfect use of symbolism.

I could go on for days picking apart this story piece by piece but I figure you have waited far too long for my review, and I had promised it to you, so here it is! Half-finished glory. I hope you don't mind. I have been neglecting too many people and things on this site for the longest time...

Either way I want you to know that this fic is a masterpiece and you should be very proud of it. Thank you for sharing it with this community.
scarylolita chapter 1 . 5/28/2012
beautifully written *_*
Serallena chapter 1 . 4/30/2012


sobs deliriously
Fujoshi-dono chapter 1 . 3/10/2012
Beautifuly written. I'm so glad Nezumi and Shion will be together in this story forever. C:
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