Reviews for Through the Doors
Biichi-gi chapter 1 . 5/4/2015
I really liked this. You got my two favorite characters with one story and did a very good job with it. I don't know about it, either, but the scenario is not without the realm of possibility. And, yeah, that one and, as you say the one before, broke my heart. But it was great, later one, when Wordy came back to help from Guns and Gangs, for the weddings and the odd moment. My only regret is in Keep the Peace when you didn't see him after the wedding whe he would surely have been involved in the disaster and one year later, I'd have liked to see him included in Greg's farewell to Team One final sit down. And that, in mentioning lost team members Lou and Donna, Ed did not keep going and include Wordy, at least in comment if not in person. THAT would have been the best inclusion in icing that cake.
Keep the Peace and long live Team One. They're still riding, on Netflix.
Lerrinus chapter 1 . 3/17/2013
I like this, I can see this happening in an episode, I think I'd start crying if I saw this, good work! (are commas more fun than ellipses? I dunno, I think I need to finish my laundry and go to bed!)
Anon chapter 1 . 6/24/2012
Wahhhhhhh! This was SO good! God bless your heart and soul. You're a terrific writer! I'm going to try and read all of your one-shots now!
Hilary Parker chapter 1 . 3/29/2012
Beautiful and heartbreaking and hopeful all at once! Again, amazing work!
How Clever of You chapter 1 . 9/22/2011
Why isn't there a love button for this fanfiction? Oh my God. I want to rec this everywhere and anywhere and to anyone who will listen. There is so much perfection in this story, I can't even begin to tell you how I feel. I cried and smiled and laughed and was sad and oh my team one. The voices were right on, the emotions were raw and real. There is nothing about this fanfiction that I don't love.

Ed and Wordy are my favorite best friends ever. (They give Joey and Chandler a run for their money.) I've been dying for a good bff fic between the two of them and this is so, dare I say it again? Perfect. Just Ed and his complete love and support for his best friend, and wanting to tell Shelly but leaving it up to Wordy, and even just the small snippets that just wrapped up the whole picture. You can tell that Shelly and Wordy just love each other, even with the limited about of scenes together.

Did I mention this is perfect?
Andorian Ice Princess-AIP chapter 1 . 8/15/2011
Okay but you can't leave it there! lol You have to finish b/c there is so much in here you can explore. You touched on them calling Ed - Greg and I think even that small betrayal would weigh heavily on Ed, esp since they'd been freinds for 20 years. But I totally agreed with Wordy's thinking in here, wanting to keep it to himself b/c he's so used to being strong and in control and of cousre this he has no control over (well minimal). Thanks for the great read, you write these two masterfully!

KiwiHunch chapter 1 . 8/15/2011
I really don't know what to say to this one, it was so much...just, emotion and almost made -me- want to cry. I guess I'm the same as Ed and Shelly in this one, I'm always used to Wordy being the "Make it through" kind of guy, and this was just really sad to read. It was beautiful, don't get me wrong, but just melancholy. I didn't expect Wordy to leave like that, I never saw it coming. Maybe from "Through a Glass Darkly" is when it hit that he might not be there anymore, but I was hoping they'd pull one like they did with Ed, and that some miracle would happen and they'd still be the awesome Team One that we know and love. I know, I rant so much, but this story of yours almost hits it deep for me. No one ever expected that Wordy would fall apart, and I really felt bad for Ed in this one (besides the fact that I almost cried over Wordy). You just gave him a totally different appearance, he was afraid for his best friend, and didn't know what to do, because, there wasn't anything that he could.

Once again, you throw out an epic piece of work :D and sorry if my review was long and depressing, but thank you for this story. It was awesome.

Tinkerpanda chapter 1 . 8/15/2011
Big ol' D: face.

That was incredibly sad. I do see this as being a real possibility - Wordy keeping it from Shel because he wants to face it on his own - not drag others into his 'mess', not bother the people he loves. He's just that kind of guy.

That phone call was, seriously, possibly the saddest thing I've read in a long time. I can't even imagine what you've got in store for their actual meeting. Jeebus.
fanfictionfan63 chapter 1 . 8/15/2011
I'm just so glad that there's fanfiction to keep Wordy around :) Even if the latest stories understandably aren't exactly fun reads... Missing him lots and hoping that you'll totally give in to your nut Wordy muse and share some more of your awesome stories :D

I don't know which direction you had planned this story to go but anyway, in my humble opinion you picked a perfect setting for a wonderful tale of friendship in the hardest of times... made me swallow real hard and more than once ;)

Knowing a thing or two about sick men and how they tend to handle things, I find you get Wordy's reaction just about right. My take is that he did tell Shelley that night about Todd calling him on his shaking hand and wanting him to have a full medical. And when he had it, he would just down-play the results as something that would fix itself as soon as Ally let them sleep through the night again and maybe even leave a bottle of B-vitamins (exchanged for some little blue pills...) in the medicine cabinet. Problem solved...

Love your stories, keep'em coming - please :)))
Mitaya chapter 1 . 8/14/2011
well, you already know I love your stories :)

it flows well, the internal logic ties together neatly, and I love the insights into Ed and Wordy. I'm still giggling at the nurse's assumption that Ed is family -well he is isn't he? ... well, in the Flashpoint Team One family sense :p

I understand your logic about Shelly possibly not knowing what's going on, with the caveat that at the end of either Fault Lines or Personal Effects doesn't it imply that he tells her something at least? (he goes home and shows her his hand shaking) buuuut, it still works, even if it's AU vs canon.

Of course I say all that because I love the way you write emotion and so I'll accept a lot of non-canon lol