Reviews for Father's Day
freyja0taku chapter 1 . 8/19/2016
Hahah.. This is great! Well, now I'm also wondering what Squall would give... Probably nothing xD jk
Roschelle Templar chapter 1 . 8/2/2013
Ha ha, this really feels like a prequel to the fic I just read (For Daddy). Even though it's a little out of order, I think it's fun to consider how much Laguna improved in his ability to gracefully accept presents from his children by the time Squall came along. :)

That said, I do love this fic too. I could see Laguna finding such an extreme amount of joy out of Ellone's gift and the meaning behind. I think if anything is made perfectly clear about Laguna in the game, it's that he longs to have a family and to be a good husband and father.

And I laughed at the way Laguna pondered Ellone's drawing and the way he managed to dig a deeper and deeper hole as he let himself think out loud. :D

Also, I could totally see Raine giving him plenty of grief over what he said. I do like that you kept her anger somewhat uncertain though because I often have wondered if Raine was always completely annoyed with him or if sometimes it was a bit of a game to scare him like that, not unlike how Kiros and Ward would often pick on him.

Oh and I really loved the line where Laguna referred to the person who built the table and chair as a hero. :D

Another great family fluffy one-shot. I do love these and you do them so well. :)
Laguna's twin sister chapter 1 . 3/11/2012
Bwahahahahaa this is epic! I think you pretty much nailed down the characters quite well. Laguna's dense innocence and Raine's wrath as well as Ellone's cuteness just makes this a waffy (albeit hilarious) story.
pinkperson chapter 1 . 2/5/2012
aw, that was so cute and funny. i had to laugh at Raine getting angry at him for 'ruining her dreams'. any chance of you writing one with squall instead of ellone? :P
Niqsta chapter 1 . 6/21/2011
Aww. That was funny, poor Ellone. Laguna was a bit mean here, the beginning quote was very relevant. :P

Just going through a LagunaxRaine phase now and Duodecim has me drooling over Laguna. This oneshot for Father's Day was very cute between Elle and him, even if he was a jerk at the end, haha ;)

Keep up the good work.

MonMonCandie chapter 1 . 6/19/2011
This was highly amusing. XD You got Laguna spot on too so I laughed a lot! Haha!

Great job with this! :D As for Squall, I doubt Laguna would ever get a hug on Father's Day. LOL