Reviews for Impressions
Tranquil Manatee chapter 2 . 10/14/2013
Awesome job with the story! Great game and great pair. They remind me so much of Lyn and Hector, or Bartre and Karla. The burly, axe-wielding brute paired with the headstrong, confident sword mistress! Also, Lex and Ayra produce amazingly powerful children. Btw, I believe Lachesis is in love with Finn. Perhaps you were referring to Beowulf in this chapter when you mentioned Lachesis' lover? I paired Lachesis with Finn.
Cormag Ravenstaff chapter 2 . 8/1/2013
Very very enjoyable. That manga is amazing!
utdfan22 chapter 2 . 8/14/2012
Very well done. Particularly in the characterization which was spot on for both Lex and Aira. I think this is particularly apparent after you switch which character you're focusing on between chapters. Without altering your vocabulary you subtly alter the tone from humorous fancy to irritated rejection.
Also the manga references mixed with game canon were a neat touch, if you only knew one of the two it would probably come off just as strong as if you knew both. A really strong story, in all regards.
Trevor X chapter 2 . 8/30/2010
Fluff! Lovely fluff! Good job. :)
rachelalexandra chapter 2 . 8/29/2010
I liked the way that you included several of the little sub-plots that occur during the series. You allude to them in a way that is understood easily by both people who are familiar with it and probably those who aren't.
rachelalexandra chapter 1 . 8/25/2010
A nice capturing of their personalities. I noticed that you didn't describe the scenery as you normally do. Here, you merely alluded to it when it would help to strengthen your theme of their relationship. Is this a new technique that you are trying out?
Trevor X chapter 1 . 8/25/2010
Hath amused me. From a fire emblem that I'm not familiar with, but that doesn't hinder the tale. Write away!
