Reviews for Just So Complicated
Guest chapter 4 . 6/7/2014
Please continue.
neighboorhoodtrash chapter 4 . 2/11/2013
I love this fanfic! I like how usui and misaki weren't out of character ! I hope you update!
801fujotaku chapter 2 . 8/21/2012
Cyndy-kawaii-chan chapter 4 . 10/5/2011
Great! Please do more stories like this 'Kay?

loved every single second! kyaa! Kawaii'

I love fluff and stuff like this!

Awesome! Love it
Cyndy-kawaii-chan chapter 4 . 10/5/2011
Great! Please do more stories like this 'Kay?

loved every single second! kyaa! Kawaii'

I love fluff and stuff like this!

Awesome! Love it
Cyndy-kawaii-chan chapter 1 . 10/5/2011
Great Story! Im Lovin' It. It's so detailed and it drives me ahh! *faints and nosebleeds* fuzzy and fluffy!

I love stories like this! Great job!
PrincessLover26 chapter 4 . 9/15/2011
Shit! PLSPLSPLS update soon! I'll be waiting! BTW, It's really good!

Mata ne~

Karishma Changlani chapter 4 . 7/25/2011
Its an awesome story... I like the kid and the way the story is going... Please write more and fast...
Entirety chapter 2 . 6/7/2011
Great story can't wait to
Sweettweet07 chapter 4 . 4/29/2011
Uhh... why is it rated M? I could be easily K. Maybe you'll have more readers if you switch it, anyways the storyline is good, the chapter 4 was better than the previous, it felt less rushed. Please update :D
DemiWuChang chapter 1 . 4/28/2011
Hello! I like the first chapter and I'm reviewing it on the first chapter just say'in :D :D :D ! bye really a very good story!
Alexis Welch chapter 2 . 7/26/2010
Good story so far but

I just want to correct errors from the translation, if it's okay with you (I'm french)

[Welcome! We are happy that you have returned!]: Bienvenue! Nous sommes heureuses que vous soyez de retour, Monsieur.

[Yes, so then I can talk French while you cannot understand]:

Oui, de cette façon je peux parler français sans que tu ne comprennes.

[Really Misaki? Remember, I am the 'outer space man' that knows everything]: Vraiment Misaki? Souviens toi, Je suis le ''outta space human'' qui sait tout.

[I couldn't not understand you Miss, French please?]

Désolé, mademoiselle, mais je ne vous ai pas comprise. Pouvez vous répéter en Français s'il vous plait?

[What would you like idiot?]

Que veux tu, espèce d'imbécile?

Some words are a little different but the meaning is the same and with a better structure. ;)
IshtarAli chapter 3 . 7/7/2010
Very interesting story, I just finished reading the first three chapters. Hope you update it again soon. and i can't wait to see what usui will make misaki do as his personal maid. keep up the work.
woolSmynx chapter 3 . 6/27/2010
I am enjoying this SO MUCH! I feel so bad for Usui, but Misaki is a GENIUS! I LOVE LOVE LOVE IT!
Coronae chapter 3 . 6/18/2010
Ahh... This one was just... Meh. Although the situation would be greatly amusing as an animation; it was poorly described and lacking in various qualities. It was also badly paced; it went by far too fast.

/"Look, for the time being, I'll be you big brother. But just for now, understand?"/

You used 'you' very frequently instead of 'your' or 'you're'.

/"Usui! What's that!"

It's something don't need.

"Usui! Umm…it broked!"

Great... now I have to pay for that/

"It's something I don't need", I think you mean.

Anyways, this doesn't explain anything. Is Inari actually DOING these things? Is Usui whispering, speaking, or thinking?

/You're freaking high of Life? What MORE can you need to be hyper off of? I'll get him some...Sigh. Something tells me I'm going to regret it though...

"I feel funny…I think I'm sick…My tummy…Us-Ugh…"/

... I... I don't even know what to say to that 'high off Life' thing. (Was this an attempt at Humor?)

/"You know Usui, I was close to dropping everything. I would have killed you, if you really did" Misaki retorted, menacingly./

"If I really did", right? Not "you"?

/Poor boy was like watching a mouse be in a cats mouth; Inari squirmed and twirling a bit as he dangled from Usui's grasp./

...Ah. I don't think I mentioned this before, but... You screw with the tenses faaar too much, man. XD

"Squirmed" is past-tense, while "twirling" is present-tense. I doubt I need to explain why this may be read wrong, and such, right?

/"Eat up kid. Erm, by the way. What's your name?"

"Inari, weirdo man"/

...Ah. Geez. Okay, so, when changing perspective it's necessary for the author to alter their writing style in order to suit the characteristics of the character they wish to portray- that's a given, right? So, why, may I ask, is it that while with Usui and Inari, you refer to him as Inari. (And not "that kid" or SOMETHING other than his name?) This caused me to believe Usui already KNEW the kid's name.

Also, this was quite OOC. Usui is rich- he could have easily bought himself a new pair of shoes. And he IS a

super human/alien, right? He wouldn't look disheveled- UNLESS, of course, you were using such descriptions in order to emphasize his lack of skill and tolerance when concerning children? :)
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