(Kaichou- Wa Maid Sama)

Author's Note: So since this manga/anime is becoming popular, I said "Why not give it a shot?" Please notice that it is 'Rated - M'. I don't wanna hear about 'This isn't appropriate…blah blah blah'. You've been warned. I put it on M just in case, cause my mind tends to wonder beyond and then I wouldn't be able to take it back. Note that this is all made up, has NOTHING to do with the real one and that sadly, these characters do NOT belong to me. Just read and enjoy :D

Misaki sighed as she passed by the tables. She was working hard at Café Maid Latte; the place was packed today because the kitty cosplay. People either came to see if they could win a game to take a picture with her, or just passed by to eat delectable sweets with tea. Her usual customers had brought friends over or family to see the café for the first time. She was grateful to make others happy; it made her feel accomplished and ecstatic. However, as usual, Usui would make her day a little more complicated.

"Oh come on now, you have cat ears. I can't hold back from biting them.", Usui said calmly.

"Those weren't my cat ears, you pervert! That was my REAL left ear that you…nibbled!", Masaki said in a riled up tone.

"Then how come you didn't slap me away like you always do, Hmmm…?"

"Stupid Usui!" Baka, I hate you! You love to treat me like this? Does it amuse you? I "You should be working your…imaginary part time job! Manager will get upset if she sees that our customers complain due to sluggish service!"

"Pres, you're really cute when you're agitated . Hmm…I think it's a turn on" Sigh. Here comes the killing part. Well afterward anyways. "Just kidding. I'll return to my 'imaginary' duties as chef here." Usui patted her head as if she was a little kid, and gave her that smiled that she hated but yet adored secretly. Her face flushed red a bit as he walked back to the kitchen.

Well MAYBE I wouldn't be cute if I were punch you to a pulp. Look at him with that inane, crooked smile. Misaki, control yourself. Breathe in. Breath out. Cool off, just count to ten…1...2...3 so on.

"Much better…"

"Misa-chan! Table five upstairs is awaiting their three cups of green tea and a slice of cheesecake", Honoka said.

"On it."

"Remember, do your best at this job. Don't make us look bad. Otherwise I'll be forced to hate you even more than I hate you already. Hehehe.", she said evilly yet so innocent like.


Misaki's shift was over for the night. The others had left and she had taken the favor of closing the shop herself. She was tired and wanted to get home as quickly as possible; she wanted to make sure that her family was okay. She strode herself to the changing room when she heard something; she quickly glimpsed to see that it was nothing. Or so she thought.

"Pres, I locked up everything for you. Everything except the main exit. Aren't you ready to-"

He was a goner. He had thought that she was already changed; however, she was only in her pants and her upper body was completely exposed. He had seen the color of her creamy skin with black bra she had on. In shock he had dropped the keys and , he started to back away. Misaki had covered her chest to cover up her shame (even if it wasn't that great big a deal of revelation.) He didn't know whether to just turn around and expect to get hit hard or just to cover his face and apologize. All he did was cover his curious eyes and tilted his head down without any hesitation.

"TUMAKI USUI YOU'RE A DEAD MAN!" Misaki quickly placed her shirt on and buttoned up her shirt quickly. She charged towards him and grabbed him by the collar of his shirt to look him straight in the eye. She had felt violated. She was enraged. She didn't even know how to react to what just had happened.

"There's no reason to lie to you. I did see…"

"See what! How much did you see! Tell me NOW DAMNIT!"

" I saw your black bra, and… some of your skin. Nothing else. I swear."

"UGH! Do you know HOW MUCH I want to kill you! Do you think that this is truly funny! It's not! I don't know whether I should break all your bones or just walk away!" I feel like I can't get married now.

"You wouldn't. You know that. Well…breaking my bones can happen."

Misaki went up to him and hit him on the head. But she didn't do it in a violent manner. It was more in a childish way; not too hard and not too soft Just enough to make a nut shell sound. She took her things and looked down while she tried to hide her face. She was flustered. She was dying of embarrassment. She knew that he hadn't done it on purpose; she could tell by the seriousness in his voice and the looked on his blameworthy face. Truly it was her fault for leaving the changing room door unlocked while she was changing.

"I'm sorry…I had no intention of that." he replied with a sodden expression. He was upset at himself and was heading for the door.

"I'll leave the keys here" He placed them on the furniture near the rounded mirror.

He was close to stepping out of the doorway, but in the mere moment he felt warm hand holding his. His eyes turned to meet her bashful visage; she was blushing so much it looked like the she had a fever. He smirked and tilted her face towards his gaze to press his chin on her head. She just winced and become more dazed to what just had happened. She had acted impulsively; she didn't know what to feel. She was aware for her feelings for him but she was still in the stage of denial, that and she felt bad for scolding him badly.

"I hate you" she said as she looked away and took a few steps back.

"Heh. I can't say that back. But I know I still like Ayuwaza."

"Pffffff! "

"I better start heading home. It's getting later by the minute."

"I'll walk you home." Just like I always do. I don't want anything bad to happen to you.

"Not like I can stop you. You'll always be my stalker. You creep" I don't mind your company though…

"That's pretty mean, don't ya think? If you want I can leave you all alone, in the dark, with prowling men."

"Neh…It's not like I can't take care of myself! Hmph." But thanks…?

They walked home together holding hands silently. They were an odd couple. They were total opposites; they were like fire and water. One would be the rage and the passion that wouldn't burn out, the other would be soothing and calm. But who said that opposites couldn't attract?

The Next Day…after school in the student council room.

" Usui I- umm…", she said as she did some important paperwork

"You have to tell me something?", answered Usui. I can tell by the look on your face.

"I just want to apologize for overreacting…you know yesterday. There's nothing much I can say to make it up…"

"Your fault for leaving the door unlocked. Maybe I should do it more often."


Soon after Usui had a big red hand mark on the side of his cheek. Not like he cared though; maybe he even found it kinky. As the clocked tick tocked, she slowly realized that he was staring at her as she worked.

"What are you looking at? It's just me doing paperwork, not that interesting. It's just as much fun watching a freshly, painted wall dry. Fun fun.", she remarked sarcastically.


"You're a good listener. Neh…What are you thinking about?"

"About your personality. Must you always be so stingy? Show more of your sweet and gentle nature." I like it when you smile, or when you get all red. How can you be so cute? It really does kill me.

"When I'm with you, all of it dies. That and your distracting me from finishing."

"Oh really now? How so?"

"Just you being there…gets me all jumbled up."

Out of nowhere, Usui decided to go behind her and crouch down towards her neck. He breathed near her ear and exhaled heavily on it; it would only send chills up her spine due to the close proximity and his warm breath. He slowly managed his way to an area where the crook of her neck was visible. She felt him near her neck; however, she didn't react because by the time she apprehended clearly she was stunned. He had given her a present to remind him by. A hickey.


Her ire could have been compared to demon; perhaps even a dragon even spitting out fire and burning a whole village down. Not to mention that she had to hide it. Not only from her family, but from her job at Café Maid Latte! She was marching down towards him, ready to beat the living day lights of him, until he spoke.

"Until that wears off, you have to obey everything I say, unless you want to see me upset"

He made the puppy face. He only needed ears and a tail to make him took so cute and sad. Misaki was fighting it. She wasn't going to give in, nope. Never. Until it was too painful to look at and she had to stop it. He was striding himself towards the exit and walking away from her. He just awaited her reply and was smirking at a farther distance.

That puppy face… the puppy face. It's been scarred into my mind! It's going to make me feel guilty. Guilt. Guilt. Guilt. F E E L I N G - R E A L L Y - B A D - N O W…

" Fine" She sighed, and shrugged as she caught up to him in the hallway. But the more she thought about the answer she said, the more she pondered.

Meh,,,He said "everything I say". . . WHAT HAVE I GOTTEN MYSELF INTO?

- to be continued -

Author's Note : Okay. So unlike my previous story, "The Memory", I've decided to stick with this style of writing. It's more easier for me to be fun and creative, that and less complicated for my brain. I just hope I'll be able to keep up with both of the stories at the same time. Please give me any mature suggestions/comments and reviews. I would like to see what you think of this so far :3