Reviews for A Hard Rain
MrsChipRockefeller chapter 2 . 7/26/2016
Aw so glad Spencer seems to be better but hope he gets physically better
MrsChipRockefeller chapter 1 . 1/7/2016
Aw please let Spencer be alright and not turn out to be schizophrenic
strifylover13 chapter 2 . 6/15/2011
i love it please write more
xkyo-chanx chapter 2 . 6/11/2011
will you keep writing this story?
Luka chapter 2 . 1/2/2011
This is amazing! I started it at home, and when my mom tried to drag me shopping, I insisted on printing out the rest of it to read on the car ride! I hope you update soon~ 33
ShaNini86 chapter 2 . 1/2/2011
Ok this is totally weird, but I was listening to some Bob Dylan and came across your fanfic and decided to read it based on the title and AN. I'm glad I did! I like how Garcia knows more about what's been going with Reid than the rest. It just seems very mom like, which is how Garcia's presented to the team a lot of the time. Additionally, the tension you've created is palpable, as are Reid's worries, particularly the ones about Gideon. It makes sense for him to wonder that, if Gideon couldn't handle everything, how could he? It's very in character. I can't wait for more :) Nice job!
68luvcarter chapter 2 . 1/2/2011
Very timely that your storyline is coming to be in a sense. Reid with the headaches and the voices. Glad you updated, I like this.
Dugleik chapter 1 . 12/11/2010
Oh my pretty. Please let there be more of this.
lastcrazyhorn chapter 1 . 11/19/2010
ACK! - but especially to the last line.
Winter-Hale chapter 1 . 7/13/2010
wow i totally thought that Spencer was going to die ...
ohsillytwigg chapter 1 . 4/12/2010
this is heartbreaking, and i need more.

quick spelling mistake. In the hospital scene, you wrote "later" instead of "latter".
slery chapter 1 . 4/5/2010
You absolutely must continue this, and soon.
68luvcarter chapter 1 . 4/4/2010
Excellent start. Look forward to more.
napkin societies of ireland chapter 1 . 4/4/2010
Aaww, Spencey overdosed and now the team is freaking out and Garcia begins to tell them about the - WHAT? He's schizophrenic? OMG! Update soon!
SeventhTatar chapter 1 . 4/4/2010
OH NO! not "the voices" LOLOLOL. sorry, it totally isn't funny. but after the awesomeness of that who chap, saying the voices sounded kinda funny. XD i look foreward to the next chappie!
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