Reviews for A Pocketbook of Insanity
Captain Evermind chapter 7 . 1/23/2016
Fantastic! You have John's voice down pat - wonderfully Victorian, and with the perfect edge of self-deprecation. Thanks for a great read.
Fellfire chapter 7 . 1/27/2013
Excellent. Masterfully written. I absolutely adore this story.
Aeryn Lavanthia chapter 7 . 11/6/2012
I utterly and whole-heartedly adore the way you write! You capture Sherlock's frenetic energy and sharp humour so perfectly. I read your stories in the wrong order, with 'To Perceive is to Suffer' first and remember thinking, 'I hope there's more to the asylum story' - and here it is!

Wonderful stuff, your stories are a delight to read!
ColleenMickeyD chapter 7 . 7/4/2012
This was BRILLIANT. I was laughing so hard at a lot of these scenes.
Marie Nomad chapter 7 . 11/17/2011
I enjoyed this very much. It felt very much like like something in the books. The hinting and the drama was great and the ending was marvelous. Holmes felt some regret about how he treated Watson and I'm sure that he will try to keep it in mind. Hopefully. Good job.
Mirage992 chapter 7 . 8/3/2010
Excellent portrayal of Watson and Holmes! Very believable and interesting to read. Great job!

ScubaKanga chapter 7 . 7/23/2010
Really good story! Watson's diary is very funny. Well done!
KatrinaJG chapter 7 . 3/23/2010
This was fantastic!

Holmes had me fooled, I though he was off his bleeding rocker, what with the mould and the book after him -all very ingenious on your part - but of course it was all a grand act. I'm not sure who was angrier, me or Watson. That devious bastard.

You managed to capture RDJ's Holmes and JL's Watson extremely well, and I had a grand time reading it!
Lillibella chapter 7 . 3/19/2010
Amazingly writen! AND absolutely hilarious!

Well done!
mildetryth chapter 7 . 3/17/2010
No hitting? Not even a little bit? How about one punch? One, good, clean punch to the nose? No? ... And how about a tiny, ickle little punch? Or, or, or just grazing his jaw with the fist? No?...
xxClosed Accountxx chapter 7 . 3/17/2010
“I have endured being used, deceived, taken advantage of and played for a fool but if you mock me and what you've put me through then by god I will thrash you to within an inch of your life!”

Well, I love Holmes, but I think that sentence is something we all wish Watson from the books had told Holmes at some point of their partnership. Or maybe he did but he never wrote about it?

I loved the ending! You did a great job providing us with Watson’s inner thoughts and feelings and how/why he came to like his new friend and the new way of life offered by him. I liked your beautiful prose too. Great job on this story! I hope you are going to write more SH fanfics soon!
StormSeeker42 chapter 7 . 3/16/2010
Aww. Good old Holmes and Watson. *contented sigh from happy reader*

Please tell me there's more that occurred to our intrepid pair, between the end of this tale and the beginning of the movie? XD

I hope so, as I loved this story and can't wait for the next one! (There will be a story following this one, right? :D )

The scenes in the asylum were perfect; my mind began spinning me a movie of RDJ frenziedly running around before me (I suppose my pov was that of Watson's, which makes sense,) and for awhile I forgot I was *reading* rather than watching the scenes unfold. Most peculiar!

And the bookcase scene, with Mrs Hudson smoothing things over -truly wonderful and very much IC. As was Holmes making a beeline for his violin.

Can I take it you invented the "anti-aetherical scales" btw? :)
Isis the Sphinx chapter 7 . 3/16/2010
Brilliant ending! I'd love to see more like this. Yes, there are his adventures that he published, but we don't get inside Watson's head for those.

Wonderfully done. Keep writing!
Kadigan chapter 7 . 3/16/2010
I am *so* not sending laudanum - it'd stifle your creative process, and that would be a grand felony on my part! I have *adored* this. The sheer vividness of Watson's voice here is a jewel in its own right. Your characterization is brilliant, truly brilliant! Please tell me you've got more in the works...? :D

Hm, scenes Watson didn't write? Watson's trip to Parkhurst to pick Holmes up, with him fuming in the train carriage and fantasizing about the effects of properly-wielded Persian slippers and fireplace pokers on certain unmanageable flatmates. Some of Holmes' stories. Small incidents of "madness" that went undescribed, subsumed in the larger insanities.
Socrates399 chapter 7 . 3/16/2010

While I was reading the chase at the beginning, I was imagining Ken Branagh in Hamlet after he says "Hide fox and all after!"
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