Reviews for Unbridled
BlossomQ536 chapter 22 . 8/25/2016
you should make another one
jtdarkman chapter 22 . 5/30/2016
I loved every freaking word of this fiction it was absolutely powerful. I could read it again ...but I would probably get fired lol...(I kinda sneak off to read a chapter or 2...ok 3 at work and lose track of time). great job I loved it
TheCookiemonstress chapter 22 . 1/24/2014
I loved this story!
TheCookiemonstress chapter 16 . 1/24/2014
Ain't Bridle Bc's kid. I love her!
ForestGuardian311 chapter 16 . 1/19/2014
The more I'm reading... The more confused I'm getting. This isn't because you wrote it in a confusing way or anything, no. It's just that... I /do/ remember reading this a long time ago (I just forget whether at the time, this was complete), and certain details, such as the events in Wonderland, Brick healing Boomer, the Reds' moment, etc. - I clearly remember reading those, but other events back in the beginning - Buttercup getting captured, the drinking game between the lumpkins and Butch - I don't remember reading those. ._. It's weird, but since I'm several chapters away from finishing this now, I won't worry about it anymore. *chuckles sheepishly* Sorry for the irrelevant detail.

Anyways, I really love your characterization of all of them. :) Can't wait to see how this ends!

(Btw, love the whole "Fire and Ice" breaths thing you had going on with the Reds. XD)
ForestGuardian311 chapter 7 . 1/18/2014

Oh no, Bridie! T.T

Gah, Buttercup and Butch...

Ace, you're probably gonna be dead too, you know that, right?

(I apologize if I end up flooding your email inbox or something. I will try not to review every chapter. XD)
ForestGuardian311 chapter 5 . 1/18/2014
Aww, poor Blossom. :((((

The situation seems pretty cliche (not that it's a bad thing) and I just think it's interesting that it could actually be either of the sisters put into this position (I've never actually read anything on Bubbles, but I may have seen a Buttercup one once or twice).

Uh-oh... People are out to get the Reds... Hope all of the family will be safe.
ForestGuardian311 chapter 2 . 1/18/2014
Had to reread "30 Days" all over again before diving into this, lol. I forgot you had a sequel planned for it. (And I see you've been working on yet another installment as well. :) )

Love the sisterly moment at the end. 3

I keep reading "Bridie" as "Birdie." Her name is definitely quite interesting, for sure.

Lol, blues are next, then? Teehee... XD

Thanks for finally finishing this! I look forward to reading more!
Silent Kill Z chapter 1 . 6/19/2013
Buttercup is soooooo awesome! I love Buttercup! XD Her word of advice is extremely correct too lol!
skilarr chapter 4 . 5/5/2013
ace likes buttercup!
skilarr chapter 1 . 4/29/2013
ROCuevas chapter 22 . 1/24/2013
WEll I enjoyed this.
Pear-Shaped chapter 22 . 7/27/2012
Ha I liked that. Finished reading. This is definitely going to my favourites:)
F Y E.enchanted chapter 22 . 7/12/2012
Awe, I loved it! You really got me feeling exactly what the characters were. I was practically torn when Butch and Buttercup fought-which was awesome, by the way. I really enjoyed it but I felt like Bubbles' and Boomer's relationship was rushed. But that's mainly because I wasn't able to see what they thought, though it was definitely in there. I also really like the while plot and the foreign dudes and chicks. My favorite part was probably when the blackjack surfaced, just because I'm including the same thing in my story.
Hm, I'm not quite sure if that was all I wanted to say. I said done things in my other review but... I don't know. The ideas were very original, like the strip club and the cross-dresser (Lol, btw.) Very wonderful job.
I hope you take into consideration the proposal I offered you in my other review. I would love to work with you-if not on this project but another.

Best if luck! _
Groudon202 chapter 22 . 12/4/2011
It had very good character development, I'll give you that. Much like the best RRB/PPG fics out there (and I can't stomach any other then the best, since I'm not really a fan) it takes clear paths for all three couples: roughness for Greens, sweetness for Blues, and personality clashing for Reds (from what I've seen, these seem to be the best to work with and the most in character).

The writing barely suffered at all in this one. Since I read it a while ago, I can't tell exactly what it is that makes it better, but it is. You probably noticed yourself.

The only thing I didn't like was the plot. It was just... a downward step from the last one. From all three Puffs and Ruffs in fatal danger in 30 Days, to just a Puff/Ruff child being kidnapped? All because of revenge for financial ruin? The stakes in stories need to get bigger, not smaller. And none of the OC's really stuck with me. They did their job, and they were well-written, but they didn't really stick with me.

But I still enjoyed it, even if the plot wasn't as good as 30 Days's plot. And I wouldn't hesitate to recommend this alongside 30 Days to any well-versed PPG/RRB, and even those outside those pairings. 8/10. B
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