Reviews for The Chronicles of Aishiteru Academy, Book 1
Guest chapter 4 . 4/3/2013
love it
Chase Buoy chapter 1 . 1/17/2013
I love the fact that they're paired up right off the bat! Lol! This is interesting. I shall continue reading! :D
flower08 chapter 4 . 11/28/2012
your story is really good... I love it...
keep it up...
update always with the next books of the chronicles of aishiteru academy... :D
higurashis chapter 3 . 11/27/2012
Oh college awesome for you :D what will your major be?
OMG Haku is like the most cutest character in this :D
and Garra is the funnest and most vilonent :D

Also if females can be Seme's does that mean every guy and girl in the school is gay? or does it go by there personility?
Is it normal for two guys or two girls to get together in this?
sorry for all the lame questions but i'm curious to know :D
With all the love and magic in the mortol world
Rikuluv :)
higurashis chapter 2 . 11/27/2012
Awww :( I find it quite rude that Sasuke-Kun went and looked up there files...thats not cool man...but at the same time we learned about there pasts :D
Aww I feel the saddest for Haku..he doesnt even have a last name and Garra lost his sister and i'm all depressed now :(
I hope the next chappie will be a happy one :D
higurashis chapter 1 . 11/27/2012
This is soo intersting :) I want to read more and more, so you have gotten a follow :D and a favorite :D
Where did you get the name of the academy, which is very original because everyone I know just uses Konoha lol XD
Sasuke, Zabuza, know it took me like half way through the story to remember Haku, to be honest I thought he was an OC at first but then I read the name Zabuza and I remembered :D
Will the Akaskiti be in this? OMG they have so many good pairings too XD
Well this made me laughing and squelling that my hamster looked at me like I HAD A PROBLEM...then again he's probably right XD

With all the love and magic in the mortol world

Guest chapter 4 . 10/14/2012
*clicks on profile link to see if there's Book 2*

AWWWWW YEAAAAAAAAAA! *looks for Book 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12...etc

Guest chapter 4 . 10/14/2012
I like Sasuke's views on sex... He's kind of an awkward child, thinking about other people having sex... But, He's Sasuke! What can I say?
Guest chapter 3 . 10/14/2012
'A complex tango to ball room music'
Nice... REAL smoothe Gaara and Neji... real smoothe
1sunfun chapter 4 . 10/4/2012
Interesting story.
pikachu2510 chapter 4 . 7/10/2012
wen i 1st read this, i was like OMG THIS STORY IS AWESOME! at 1st i didnt really feel like readin it buh after the 1st chapter i was like omg sucha good fanfic... then i noticed that there was only 4 chapters, so i was like thas kinda short 4 this story considering the plot isnt moving that fast (which is good), i totally 4got bout sequels tho... i cant w8 4 the complete series 2 b finished, i have a feelin that its goin to b amazing and added on2 my fav's XD... the story was great... loved the way u made each character... they may b a lil OOC buh i think its fine... the way u made their personalities isnt totally wrong XD... soo cute how Zabuza blushes ;p... LOVED IT!

SadisticTreasure chapter 2 . 6/7/2012
OHHHHH I really loved this chappie! It was aweeeessssoooommmmeeee! XD You are so talented. XD Great!
SadisticTreasure chapter 1 . 6/7/2012
OMG I cannot see why this doesn't have more reviews it was awesome. Though for just 4 chapters 50 is impressive. XD
AnimeCrazed121 chapter 4 . 1/30/2012
Awww Zabuza and Haku are so adorable together! It's too bad that Neji and Gaara's history together is so bad...I hope things get better between them.

I loved the ending, around the middle towards the end you could tell that the friends were starting to drift away from each other a bit but then, right when they really needed each other, they were right there to support one another. It really made me happy that there was no chance of them loosing each other. Right now is a critical time for them, and more than anything they just need to be together.
Captive Nightingale chapter 4 . 1/10/2012
I got to the end of chapter four and thought I'd have to cry myself to sleep tonight until I realized that there is a Book 2. You have made me a happy person! This is an amazing story and you are an amazing writer!
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