The Chronicles of Aishiteru Academy

-Book 1, Chapter 1-

Pairings: GaaraXNeji, HakuXZabuza, NarutoXSasuke

Note: The only time in this story I'll admit I have no ownership of these characters…

Gaara sighed as he and his friends stepped out of the moving van and onto the grey stones that paved the entire courtyard and most of the entryway of the dorm building. Today was the beginning of a new year for the students of Aishiteru Academy.

Today Gaara, Haku, and Naruto were moving into their new dorm room on the second floor of the tall castle like building. Naruto hadn't seemed worried about this at all, but then again, the redhead just assumed that was because Naruto had been in the academy for over six years and already knew everything there was to know about the school. Gaara had only been there for three, and he'd never had to change rooms until today.

He couldn't imagine how Haku must have felt. The poor boy was so gentle hearted almost anything scared him. And he'd only been there for the past year.

They were a year older now however, and age was taken very seriously in the academy. Especially the year you turned 18. Because that year, not only did you switch buildings and rooms to be with the older teenagers, but you were also admitted into the older kids' campus. Where only the people from 18 to 22 were allowed to go. Every kid that went to the academy dreamed of this.

You were given a decent uniform at 18.

You were considered adults and given special privileges.

You were treated like kings, given an education that far outstripped any other school

But most importantly, you were now allowed to graduate.

The last one was the key to being in Aishiteru Academy. The school itself was not your normal education system. These people were filthy rich and unless you were really gifted, you couldn't get in without the sums to pay for your million dollar house and yacht. The academy itself had been founded, maybe fifty years previous, by four rich snobs. Two men and two women, who were each very much irritated with society.

They wanted to be in control of where their money went, and who their children married. But as over powering as they were, even their children had consented to joining the academy. Because in this school you were given the best of everything. Food, clothes, education, and society.

Gaara hadn't listened to the rest of the history after that, it was too much praise and hardly any fact. He liked his version best because it was simple.

These four snobs had invented a dating service for other snobs with important names and shit loads of money. Because to Gaara, that's what the school was.

The main goal was to fall for someone who could benefit you and your family. Love didn't seem to matter much to these people. Even graduation was strange. Either you waited until you turned 22 and were kicked out of the school for being uninteresting and single, or you got married.

This was why Gaara was so nervous to be here. He was now available by school law. So were his friends.

The redhead liked that even less.

Naruto had been his first friend at school and as much as Gaara hated to admit it, the boy was rather hopeless. He was loud, his grades were less than adequate, and he was an airhead. Gaara couldn't stand to think that someone might want to take advantage of the boy and hurt him. But Naruto could at least stand up for himself, seeing as he was much stronger than either of his friends.

Haku however, was another matter entirely. Gaara felt like the boy's mother. Little Haku was one of the sweetest boys he'd ever met. But he was also shy, easily frightened, and trusted too easily. Not to mention the boy was little taller or stronger than a 12 year old girl. The boy was beautiful too to be sure. Long black hair and big brown eyes to go with his heart shaped face and cream colored skin. He was perfect for being used and most likely abused by undeserving men.

Gaara was a possessive bastard, meaning he'd kill anyone who tried to hurt his friends. So when he thought of poor little Haku, and slightly dense Naruto being left alone in a classroom with a bunch of dominant men, he shuddered. Promising blood shed.

What Gaara didn't realize though, was that his friends were just as worried for him as he was for them.

Gaara was a redhead, which Naruto knew was far more appealing to others than Haku's black hair, and Haku was convinced that Gaara's pouty lips, smug expression, and bright green eyes would attract far more attention than Naruto's loud mouth ever had.

They saw Gaara as beautiful and in trouble. The red head had no clue.

Bringing the last box up from the van, the three of them collapsed tiredly onto the couch in the small apartment like space they'd be sharing for the next few years, if they were lucky.


When morning came again, Gaara turned off the alarm blaring in their joint bedroom. Today they were supposed to be starting school. Which meant that they were supposed to have new uniforms.

The redhead walked passed a still obliviously snoring Naruto, and stumbled into the kitchen where Haku was already awake and making breakfast for them.

"Good morning!"

The smaller boy called in his soft sweet voice.

"The new uniforms were delivered ten minutes ago. They're on the coffee table."

Gaara nodded and wandered past the kitchen into the living room. It wasn't hard to pick out the neat stack of black bags that had been laid out on the table. The only time Gaara had ever seen personalized bags like that was when he'd had to wash something for rich people and use some nice leather case for the suit so it wouldn't bend or wrinkle. Who knew he'd actually get one of his own.

Looking through the pile, Gaara pulled out the one in the middle that had his name engraved in gold at the top.

These people so went out of their way to spend money on frivolous things.

After grabbing Naruto's as well, he hurried passed Haku again into the bedroom, throwing the black bag on top of the blonde.

Walking over to the bed, he laid the uniform down and slowly unzipped the bag until he could see the entire thing laid out in front of him. It was not what he'd been expecting.

A pair of beige colored khaki's sat there harmlessly smirking up at him from beneath a crisp white button up and stiff white jacket. The jacket was slightly strange. The collar stood up straight and stiff so that everyone could see the bright gold pins you had to wear on them. And the zipper was tucked under a long gold flap. The cuff links were just as bright gold as the pins were. And the logo's on them were a mirror image of the ones embroidered onto the left breast of the each jacket.

The part Gaara didn't like, was the bow. It was big and had green and gold stripes going diagonally across it.

Usually girls had skirts and guys had pants, but in this school there was more too it.

Depending on your school status, you were given a bow to wear or a tie. Gaara had thought the girls had the bows at first and the guys had ties, but then he'd read the school hand book he'd been given.

Dress Code:

All girls must wear skirts, blouses, and jackets while in class. All boys must wear pants, button ups, and jackets as well. All those in the Uke category, regardless of gender, will wear their bows on a daily basis. Those of the Seme category will do the same with their ties. All of these articles must be worn during classes, in the main buildings, and outside of the campus. Regardless, all those with hair that reaches the shoulders, must tie it back with a beige clasp or other school color coded tie.

Gaara knew appearances were everything at this school. You had to be respectful for the teachers and for the people wandering around that you didn't know, but technically in your own rooms you could do whatever you wanted.

He sighed to himself and got dressed in time for Haku to call them for breakfast. At that word, Naruto woke up and headed out of the room, not quite awake enough to notice anything other than food.

Gaara followed him and found Haku setting the table, in much the same outfit he'd been wearing, only, the smaller boy had to wear his hair up because it was past his shoulders in length. He'd been given a white cloth and green tie to do so.

Gaara felt stupid wearing the uniform he'd been given. At least Haku looked cute with the bow resting underneath his chin in the opening of his jacket. Gaara just felt like a dolled up poodle.

Naruto on the other hand, just looked funny all together. His blue eyes clashed with the green on his bow, which looked a little funny paired with his broad shoulders. Gaara knew better than to say anything as they left the room and headed off to the main building with their beige school bags in hand.


Haku was frightened when they walked into the school. He could see seas of people flowing through the hallways as if they were ballerinas and had all the grace in the world. It made him feel overly conscious of Naruto's swagger and heavy steps, like they might draw attention to him.

It was bad enough having to wear the bow on around his neck in plain sight.

It made him twitch with nervousness every time they passed someone wearing a tie, which seemed to be almost everyone. The brightly glittering pins on the collar of his jacket didn't help either.

School Status:

Every student will have a pin marking the year they are in. A I will be given to those in their first year in the upper academy and so on. I,II, III, IV, VI. Each one will also mark how old the student is. VI will be given to the people who will be turning 22 that year and so on.

The second pin given to each student will mark their status or rank, among the other students. A FS will be given to those Females in the Seme category. As a MKe will be given to those Males in the Uke category. FS, MS, FKe, MKe.

These pins must be worn at all times so that you can be identified easily by teachers as well as other students.

Haku had been nervous the moment he read that. He, Gaara, and Naruto all had I's and MKe's. They were like beacons screaming "I'm young and stupid, come rape me!"

The smaller boy stuck close to his friends for the beginning part of the day, until classes started and they were placed into homeroom with a bunch of other students with the exact same pins.

He didn't feel so alone after that.


When lunch time rolled around, Gaara felt better about being here. Their homeroom teacher, Iruka-sensei, was really nice. Someone you could easily talk to, which was promoted by the school hand book.

Haku seemed happier too. Even Naruto had found someone in their class who was taller and larger than he was for an Uke. So when the three of them had gotten their food, all of which looked delicious where from where they had been laid out in rows like any fancy banquet, they wandered over to an unoccupied table in the back corner of the room that looked out over the nicely manicured lawns.

A lonely looking second year girl joined their table half way through the meal and instantly began talking to them.

Gaara didn't mind. She was only a year older than they were, but that also meant she knew a lot more, all of which, she was happily telling them.

At some point during the hour break, She'd begun pointing toward people of interest to the school.

"The older girls here can be really nasty so be careful. Especially those four. Ino, Sakura, Tenten, and Hinata."

Ino was the first to be pointed out. She was a tall girl, with long blonde hair and sharp blue eyes much like Naruto's. She didn't look nice at all. Her smug arrogant expression and her harsh voice were easily noticed from the opposite end of the room. Her tie was even proudly displayed on her chest, as if being Seme made her better than everyone else.

Sakura was the second girl. She wasn't tall, but her presence and loud pink hair made up for that. It was obvious she was the queen in this school, with Ino being her right hand, and the other two being her ladies in waiting. Her face was much kinder, but Gaara could easily spot the tick between her eyes, like a crack in her perfectly sculpted mask of kindness. The way she flirted with that one guy made her seem like a whore in his mind, the way she practically sat in his lap to get his attention. The tick between her eyebrows probably came from the lack of attention he was giving her.

The last two were Tenten, a brown headed girl with brown eyes, which made her look ordinary and easy going, if not slightly brain dead. And Hinata, dark haired girl with white eyes that Gaara already knew to be of Hyuuga decent. She seemed the nicest of all of them. Which probably meant she was the smartest and by far the best at making people feel worthless.

The Hyuugas were a very well known family that almost technological company, next to the Uchihas.

"Oh, and those three!"

The girl pointed to three boys in the midst of the crowd of girls lead by the previous four.

"Aren't they dreamy! Everyone dreams of being with them, but you'd have to be inhuman to catch their interest, honestly. They have such pretty girls and boys all over them and yet, they wouldn't give them the time of day. Sasuke, Neji, and Zabuza."

The girl pointed to each one, as if she was trying to stab each of them with her finger.

Sasuke had been the one Gaara noticed earlier. The one that, as stated, had little interest in the pink lollipop sticking to his pants. He had dark hair and eyes, was tall, and menacingly cool, which was probably why the girls loved him. The redhead was more interested in Neji however. The boy seemed like less of a scumbag, and at least had a painted smile on his face, like he could lie easily with it. His hair was long, like every Hyuuga Gaara had ever seen, and his eyes were a milky white with a hint of lavender that made them seem softer.

Hyuugas were dangerous. There was no other explanation. They all looked so nice and inviting.

The last made Gaara move just a little closer to Naruto.

Zabuza was tall broad, and had muscles that looked like they would rip the sleeves of his shirt if he flexed. Gaara was afraid to look at him too long. He looked like he'd been in an accident recently, because his arms and half of his face were wrapped in bandages. His eyes were grey and looked like they'd been taken from a wolf before he'd skinned it.

How girls couldn't see passed the muscle was a mystery to Gaara.

Soon the bell rang and they were sent back to class, the redhead was so relieved, happy not to have to think about the 'creepy' three any longer, that he was one of the first to class.

Here's my new story... The Chronicles of Aishiteru Academy!

Hope you enjoy it... it's just the beginning so there is a lot of information to pack in....

Thanks for reading... let me know what you think...