Reviews for Trigger Happy
csiAngel chapter 1 . 8/30/2019
Such a fun fic!
Agnodice chapter 1 . 4/19/2018
Rarely do stories make me laugh out loud but this one definitely did. Great light hearted read
Sim chapter 1 . 11/10/2017
Oh mei, this is such a great laught :)
annejoy chapter 1 . 1/5/2017
This is one of the most hilarious stories I've ever read. I loved it! Thank you so much!
elenniel chapter 1 . 12/9/2016
I enjoyed this story :)

"This is a sickbay, not a motel!" ... "On the other hand, we *are* back in the Alpha Quadrant now. Who knows what'll happen to Voyager?"
That bit made me laugh! The poor Doctor...
KJC-56 chapter 1 . 11/9/2016
My stomach hurts! I couldn't stop laughing. The comedy element in this story is fantastic and the doctor is really the best character to put his foot into his mouth again and again. Since both tend to be in control almost all of the time, it is refreshing to see (one of) them pissed. "You're in love with me? "– "Not at this very moment, I'm not! "– Wonderful!
OPYKJ chapter 1 . 10/28/2016
Funny; in character because who cares about protocols anymore; particularly liked 'But you tend to be' quip.
conniejaneway chapter 1 . 10/14/2016
Oh my word! I love this! Your writing is brilliant. This is most definitely my favourite j/c story xx
kncrowder88 chapter 1 . 8/23/2014
This was really great. I loved it.
Iowanmom chapter 1 . 6/26/2014
Absolutely delightful! U write these two so well! Even the Dr. So very in character! Great job!
pennyd chapter 1 . 4/25/2014
This isn't the first time I have read this story and it makes me laugh every time! I was picturing Kate and the 2 Roberts while I read this and it was a lovely scene (at least in my imagination). Wouldn't this have been a better end than Endgame? Thanks for sharing.
Guest chapter 1 . 6/1/2013
Sorry to say this one seemed to be written for some teenaged girl who gets a kick out of seeing the word " erection" in print, n thinking infantile behavior in adults is cute. It would have been so much better to leave the excitement to the imagination rather than create a whole scene about it. And they were SO out of character n undignified! Sigh...
DianeB chapter 1 . 4/6/2013
OMG, how did I miss this story? Honest-to-God, I could SEE this really happening. VERY well-written and a joy to read - and to laugh hysterically at! Well done!
hester4418 chapter 1 . 10/28/2012
That was fun! :-)
Laura W chapter 1 . 4/1/2012
HA! I read this ages ago and had forgotten how much I loved it. Belated thanks for sharing!
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