Reviews for We're Not Getting Any Younger
Utuu chapter 7 . 8/16/2012
I just rediscovered this story, and realized that I never left a review. So I'm doing so now; I really enjoy this story, and I hope you write more some day.
BlackLioness chapter 7 . 6/10/2010
Well, this fic is certainly something else - but in a good way. The story's dark atmosphere is not something you encounter often in this fandom and that makes it original. I liked the way you wrote Lina and Zel and how being immortal slowly but surely affects their sanity. Their relationship is complex and very well written. The main antagonist is also very interesting, despite being a midless monster, its connection to Lina makes it more than just another target for our heroes to destroy. To make a long story short(er), I really enjoyed reading this tale and hope you'll find the time to finish it someday - thanks for sharing!
Purin-chan chapter 7 . 5/19/2010
Argh. Against my better judgment, I went and read it all anyway.

It's still really good :D. I really like the way you portray their insanity, and how imperfect and selfish they are as humans. I would say that the (awesomely sarcastic) voice of your writing gets a little weak towards the end of this chapter, where it gets dramatic and romantic, so I did slip out of it a little there. But it's such a small thing anyway that it doesn't really matter.

YES! OT3 SUPPORT! YOU'RE AWESOME! HELL YEAH. I haven't seen this sort of awesome OT3-ness since the heyday of Slayers fandom. It's been too long.

I like you. Write soon.
Purin-chan chapter 1 . 5/19/2010
Um. What do I say? This is absolutely amazing. At first I was a little skeptical of all the angst and cynicism (it's very not Slayers), but the premise makes it convincing, and it all works really well. I'm glad to have found this fic, and have given it a chance. You don't have nearly enough reviews/reviewers for it.

Unfortunately, it seems you haven't updated in quite some time. I'm kind of scared to read onward to find a dead end waiting for me. But for now, this is great, and I'll keep it in mind.
Alis Volat Propris chapter 1 . 2/20/2009
Im going back and re reading through this. It's such a shame to leave such a good fic like this unfinished. I hope you get inspired to update sometime soon because finding good stories like this is rare. D thanks for the read
Alis Volat Propris chapter 6 . 2/16/2009
I wish you would finish this. It's a lovely piece. I absolutely love the way you've portrayed lina and zel two hopeless romantic idiots questing off with adventures and denying each other. It's dark, but oh so lovely and I think it's true to character. I also like the premise of the fic that they're both unable to age. Makes it interesting. thanks for the read
BeccaPatty chapter 7 . 12/11/2008
wow.. I absolutely ADORE this story! u are an amazing writer.. i love the Lina/Zelgadis pairing.. have since i first saw zelgadis hehe! u just bring this story so much life.. its amazing! definetly adding it to my favorites! keep up the awesome work.. i am eagerly awaiting the next chapter!
Razel Trushan chapter 7 . 6/8/2008
good job, i do enjoy the closing line :D i can't wait for the next one. keep up the good work.
Airheaded Kitty Luver chapter 7 . 6/7/2008
That was a sad and kinda creepy way in some parts, but in a romantic way in other parts. I love Zel/lina fics, sadly there aren't many as well written ones as this. I'm hoping that everything works out for them though eventually. Update soon please. *begging pout*
MoonPrincess623 chapter 7 . 6/6/2008
LMAO at the last thing Zel said..

XELLOS, MY LOVE! You did really good, waht were you so worried about eh? This was the best chapter yet! I can't wait for more! MORE MROE MORE!
Nosferatum chapter 7 . 6/6/2008
It's great but entirely too slow update. Well, I'd have to be satisfied that you haven't dropped this fic :)
Zuzanny chapter 6 . 3/15/2008
Poor Lina. I hope this situation can be resolved.
Airheaded Kitty Luver chapter 6 . 3/8/2008
*sniffles sadly* wow. That's so sad. I actually started reading this fic a while ago, but back then there had only been 3 or 4 chappies. When I decided to look it up again I was so happy that there were now 6! So I re-read the whole thing, cried when Lina broke down because of Gourry's death, which is saying something 'cause only special fics make me cry. And now I must wait impatiently for the next chapter. *sigh* anyways, hope you write more soon!
Razel Trushan chapter 6 . 2/10/2008
Very well written, I look forward to the pleasure of reading more.
MoonPrincess623 chapter 6 . 2/9/2008
I liked this chapter, but alas the only thing I can do is wait for the next chapter, however long that may be...

Thanks again I really loved it,

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