Reviews for Biker Half: The Rewrite
Contramancer chapter 3 . 4/22/2015
I have a theeory about the Trebuchet Incident involving lemon meringue pie, sub-orbital ballistic physics, a homophobic samurai wannabe, uncountable minion-level goons, two passing nuns, and the incomprehensible presence of a certain walker between realities(me, I think)... and I'm still sayin' it was just a very bad hallucination brought on by something I really should have known better than to eat.
ryuma chapter 15 . 1/29/2015
plse tell me ur going to finish this
SharpPointyThings chapter 4 . 8/3/2014
Is being shot in the meat of the bicep a "flesh wound"?
Shaman Psyker chapter 15 . 1/11/2014
Yo dog head it took me awhile to read through the whole thing so far but fucking impress mate. I can't wait for the next chapter I know chances are you won't be updating this for while but now you've got one more devoted fan to motivate you.
Guest chapter 4 . 5/2/2013
Where is a flesh wound, then?
Contramancer chapter 4 . 1/5/2013
Lung. Give 'em the oh so joyous experience of a suckin' chest wound with GBH. One of the good loads, too: 'entry wound the size of a penny, exit wound the size of a chicken pot pie...'
LordsFire chapter 3 . 1/1/2013
NOODLE incident. NOOOOODLE. Not spaghetti. Sorry if it's a little irritating, but I've been reading Calvin since I was about as old as he is, and I see no need to let such heresy go un-noted.

Not sure why it took the third time reading this story to make note of this...
Shadowalker666 chapter 15 . 3/4/2012
Intriguing and unusual AU, but nonetheless very fun to read.

I Know it has been years since the last update but as you are still writing I have hope that we will see some more chapters at some stage in the future (soon maybe. Just a little prayer :) )
Midoriryu chapter 5 . 2/19/2012
This this is so utterly fucking bizarre, and I'm having a blast reading it.
graypheonix chapter 15 . 11/28/2011
Hmmm, a damn interesting story so far, same for A Kitsune in Tokyo. Again, not the best written, but for taking a literal fuckton of concepts, mixing em together and creating something new? More than adequate to take laughably bad series and turn em into something a bit more hardcore, and fun to boot. Plus, I love your idea of Werewolves (weres period, but FUCK Anita Blake, I like em to just be called wereWOLVES because its easier!) with a ton of fun to boot. In any case, I'd love to read more of your stories, too bad you haven't updated on in years.

As such, I encourage ya to update again soon, ja ne.
alethiophile chapter 11 . 4/13/2011
Very nice! Just one nitpick: a tokamak reactor, if it failed catastrophically, would not lead to a major radioactive incident like Chernobyl; it would cause an explosion, of size varying depending on the parameters of the reactor, and then the area would be entirely cool, radioactively. The major source of radioactivity after a fission reactor melts down is pulverized and scattered highly-enriched uranium, which a tokamak (fusion) reactor does not contain.
nth-x chapter 11 . 12/3/2010
Hey there. I know that it's been a while since you updated this, and that you're apparently waiting for top dog to catch up so you can mesh them, but I wanted to reassure you on the "american-friendliness" of your football field/Cadillac pun. (I may also not be the first person to do this either, since it's been out here for two years, but on the off chance...)

Since an American football field has goalposts at either end, even though you're not talking about soccer goals the "horrible pun" still totally works. On my first read, that's what I assumed the joke referenced until I read your AN.

Anyway, I've been avoiding this one since I'm not really into the Ranma fandom, or that of any amine really, but it seemed to be calling to me. Reading through the story has reinforced my feelings that I like just about anything you write, regardless of whether I know the background material or not. I look forward to pretty much any update you come up with next (most especially enter the dragon), and thanks for writing!
Rorschach's Blot chapter 6 . 11/13/2010
You get .44 automag when you chop 7.62 NATO, so you know.
ClassicDrogn chapter 2 . 8/23/2010
D'oh! I put that review on the wrong version! It was supposed to be in the original... Sorry, I got confused, as I download using the DeFFNetizer and read offline due to limited internet access.
ClassicDrogn chapter 1 . 8/23/2010
You are awesome, and let none tell you otherwise - reading this puppy back when it was new and I was fresh out of highschool myself, it compelled me to troll the bike dealerships and a big rally held nearby in search of similar rough-but-right folks, but all I found at one was salescritters and at the other I expect I came off as a frsh-out-of-HS-fanboy, and my Mum pitched a fit any time I mentioned the idea of a motorcycle (she rode when she was young, and had roadrash scars thirty years later to prove it - no kid of hers was going to do any sch foolish thing!) - but the point is, even in the unpolished form, your writing was compelling and "real" even in a blatantly implausible setting like R 1/2 so anyone who gives you shit about your stories, well, use it to grow cacti and hand them right back with a manual on how to sit'n'spin.

Oh, and my handle has nothing to do with the (gaelic? I think it was...) word for "clan" if you're curious, it was originally a bad typo for "dragon" that passed through a few injokes.

I still long for a ratted up Suzuki at times. And the kind of friends who'd sneer at the salescritters and their shiny factory-option "customs" with me.

This fic (overall): technical quality 3.75/10, canon compatibility 2/10, amusement value 6/10, reread value 5/10. 1/10 is the likes of Judge Brainitite; 10/10 does not so far exist; 5/10 is the average pro novel. I'm looking forward to reading the rewrite.
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